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 Feature requests

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14. juli 2010, 05:00:35
Onderwerp: die rolls that really ARE random
Aangepast door plaintiger (14. juli 2010, 05:07:00)
i know that, last i read, Fencer was still defending the supposed randomness of the algorithm that determines the die rolls on BK...but however sound and watertight that algorithm may look on paper or on the screen, there's something wrong with it. i'm in my 40s, and i've seen a lot of die rolls in my time - enough to know that dice that are truly rolled at random do not come up the same, twice in a row, anywhere near as often as do the dice on brainking. and nowhere is this more obvious than in the first two rolls of a given game. i haven't counted so i can't give an exact percentage, but based on my experience, i'd say the first two die rolls of my dice-based games on BK come up the same about 85-90% of the time. i just started a game of Ludo, in which both players roll three dice each until they get one of their pieces out of the holding dock. my opponent went first, and rolled 1-1-1. then came my turn...and you'll never guess what i rolled.

*gasp!* you guessed!! you're amazing!! how did you *do* that?!


56 possible combinations when rolling three six-sided dice, if i'm not mistaken...and my opponent and i roll the same exact combination twice in a row. random? you be the judge.

the last die-based game i started before that was hyper backgammon; same exact scenario (except with two dice instead of three) - which is the usual way of die rolls, and especially starting die rolls, in BK backgammon games. it's a running joke among the people i play with. "wow - look at that!! we rolled the SAME THING!! AMAZING!! that NEVER happens on brainking!" (laugh, laugh)...

so yeah, that would be my feature request: a re-write of the randomization code for BK die rolls. because no matter how little sense it may make to someone looking at the code, that code *is* flawed. maybe it's perfectly sound in and of itself, but it's just calling a number in the ROM that isn't as random as it's supposed to be...or something. i don't know. it's been too long since i coded anything. i just know what random looks like, and that BK die rolls are not it.

that's all.

14. juli 2010, 09:55:20
Onderwerp: Re: die rolls that really ARE random
plaintiger: I recommend to visit Facebook, find pages of popular poker rooms and look at their respective discussion boards. You will find them full of such complaints: "Full Tilt Poker is rigged! Chip leader always wins! I have been playing poker for 20 years and I never saw something like that. Cards are definitely NOT random!".

Heh heh. Given the fact that online casinos and poker rooms are usually regulated in order to keep a fairness and balance, it is clear that no matter what you do, there will be always someone who provides a "guaranteed proof" of the opposite.

As I said many times, BrainKing dice rolls are driven by time in milliseconds (or even nanoseconds), so they cannot be more random and no player has a better chance than others.

However, all game models are being rewritten, so I will have a close look to all pieces of the code and if I find anything suspicious, it will be taken cared of.

14. juli 2010, 16:11:41
Onderwerp: Re: die rolls that really ARE random
Fencer: sounds good, Filip (i say, having just taken yet another screenshot of yet another hyper backgammon game (#4697746) in which both my opponent and i had the same first rolls...just as happened in the last hyper backgammon game i started before that - yesterday, game #4692215)).

and for the record, i play poker at Full Tilt and Ultimate Bet, and used to play at Live Poker when their Mac software worked, and i never had any complaints about their deals. they seem obviously random to me (and i don't know about Live Poker, but Full Tilt's and Ultimate Bet's shuffles i know to be monitored by outside agencies). but the un-randomness of die rolls on BK is very - and i mean VERY - obvious to me and to several people i play with. real dice just do *not* roll the same, twice in a row, 85 or 90 percent of the time...but at least on the first two moves of each game, BK dice do. heck, if you want, i'll start logging real statistics with my game numbers and let you know what the percentage of identical first rolls really is. i promise it will be very high.

or heck, if you really want to see this in action, just put move logs next to backgammon games that show the die rolls for each turn. *then* you and everybody else will see the pattern in black-and-white.

i'm glad to hear the game models are being rewritten. sounds like it might address this issue.

thanks for your reply. all the best...

14. juli 2010, 16:19:35
Pedro Martínez 
Onderwerp: Re: die rolls that really ARE random
plaintiger: It is obvious to everyone who plays back on a regular basis here and has their eyes open.

14. juli 2010, 16:36:35
Onderwerp: Re: die rolls that really ARE random
Pedro Martínez: oh good...i'm glad to hear somebody chime in so i don't sound like the lone lunatic (however clear-sighted). thanks, Pedro.

14. juli 2010, 17:14:05
Pedro Martínez 
Onderwerp: Re: die rolls that really ARE random
plaintiger: Read also the Backgammon board. It has been discussed there quite a lot, and someone has even downloaded a bunch of games and made a statistical analysis of the occurrence of the opening rolls.

15. juli 2010, 00:34:06
Onderwerp: Re: die rolls that really ARE random
Pedro Martínez: oh, that should be interesting. i'll have a look.

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