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Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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10. september 2003, 01:13:11
Onderwerp: Re:
BBW : my post was dircted at andersp. He seems to think that just because there are two paying members of BK in his household they should both be able to enter the tournament. I agree with GothicInventor,there is no 100% way to stop cheaters. He (I think) is hoping to filter them out as best he can. This is not an easy task as anyone can attest to. One way he hopes to do this is by limiting participants to one per household. (And I think he explained his reasons for that quite clearly) This certainly in no way means that if two people from the same household entered they would cheat. It's just one way to 'squelch' it.

As for suggesting that all participants in the tournament be paid members of BK so as to hopefully filter out more cheaters...that seems to be a popular opinion.

Bottom line is this...The creator and sponser of the Tournament (of any tournament) should have the right to post his own rules prior to the commencement of said tournament. period. The host of the tournament isn't the one who calls the shots anymore than a landlord can govern who enters your apartment.

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