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15. juni 2003, 17:45:54
Onderwerp: Well, well, well
So, great minds think alike. I don't come to this board often, because I have enough boards on which to bore people.

But, I've been thinking if we all kicked in a little extra, we could achieve a new server faster. But, Fencer needs to put up some number for us to shoot for. I thought maybe if we all just kicked in another $5 for an infrastructure development fund it would kick it up a little. Whaddya say, Fencer? What does it take? I'm in. Like eddie, you'll have to ban me to keep me from playing here, and I DO pay my dues.

Gold stars are good, and could be permanent additions to those who pay a little extra. Those who don't aren't to be ostricised, I think we all understand limited budget. But those of us who can (I am grateful to be in that group - Lord knows I've been on the other side) should put our money where our mouths are.

If we didn't add any levels, just made contributions, no changes would come to the structure as it stands. And, we wouldn't have to pay more forever, because a better, faster server would mean more people would join. I know pawns who aren't joining because of the connectivity problems. As the site grows, economies of scale take place, and we level out.

I am grateful to you, Fencer, for all you have done for us. This is a great site, with LOTS of great people, and I want to hang out here for a long, long time. My laptop will be in network with eddie's from the grave.

15. juni 2003, 18:27:29
Dmitri King 
Onderwerp: Re: Well, well, well
I could be wrong, but I think the problem is there are too many Brain Pawns. Brain Pawns do not help the site because they do not pay any money. A site costs money to run.

Some people have indicated that the brain pawns need to be given more features or more games or less restrictions in order to entice them to become paying members.

Of course, this is preposterous. If a brain Pawn is given MORE than the already NUMEROUS features he has, why would he pay for a membership at that point?

Generally, I have found that I (and others) pay for something when they have a lot to gain from doing so.

How can it be made so that Brain Pawns have more to gain by paying for a membership? By giving them LESS, not more. THe less they have, the more they have to gain by becoming a paying member.

16. juni 2003, 10:07:46
Wizard from Oz 
Onderwerp: Re: Well, well, well
I agree with you in principle and when I have paid for my optical, finish paying for new crutches, and to the surgeon who will hopefully restore my feet to a state that I may hopefully be able to walk without the use of crutches, then the next possible thing on the list is membership here. In the meantime I do hope you don't really feel bad about me taking up some space on the site.

16. juni 2003, 10:25:25
Onderwerp: Re: Well, well, well
WIZARD....I'm dissapointed...facetiousness isn't needed...I AM disabled for real and have stated in the past that I really cant afford to pay.....that is why I entered KEVIN's competition and was so very lucky to win it...I think bein an Aussie and being so very disabled i would wonder how you can afford $2000 on a computer then?
I have had my computer before I became disabled ...thats my reason...Your connection fee would have to be in excess of $20 per month.....dont talk crap........read my lips ......CRAP

and I might say I really struggle to pay my $29.95 per month to enable me to keep in touch with the wonderful people i have met in here :)

16. juni 2003, 10:36:28
Onderwerp: Re: Well, well, well
Bernice.. I hope for your sake that Wizard was only being facetious .. or your comments are gonna look really rude !
Maybe I read it differently and therefore misinterpreted it ? Just an opinion :0)

16. juni 2003, 10:51:19
Wizard from Oz 
Onderwerp: Re: Well, well, well
Sorry you feel that way Bernice, I was responding to Dmitri King's pawn-bashing exercise and not to you. I wish you all the best and am glad for you. I will not be discussing this any further on any boards.

16. juni 2003, 11:23:37
Onderwerp: Re: Well, well, well
Dmitri, I totally agree with you. The concept of Pawns, I thought, was to give them a 3 month look-see at the Site, not to keep them here forever.
Once that 3 month period is over, then they should get LESS.
I cannot understand why paying members should pay more for extra servers to keep Pawns happy!!??

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