First of all, I apologize from everbody. The rules of Turkish Checkers game on Brainking site, do not reflect the right rules. And just because of this, many game partners have negative and hard discussions, and as a result, most of them protest and leave the site. If the site management does not update with the right rules, we afraid, there wont be left any master player for Turkish Checkers.
As an example, Turkish Checkers is based on “Maximum capture is mandatory” rule. In Brainking this rule is not supported. When you give three pawns, your opponent may choose to capture two pawns. In addition, when there is an equal number of capture alternatives, the King has a priority on pawns in Brainking. There should not be such a priority for the King.
Previously, most of our friends, contacted to the site management, and got correction promises from the management, but nothing has changed.
We have prepared a complete document having all set of rigth rules of Turkish Checkers with many screen shot examples. This document has been sent to the management and it is also available on site as an article but waiting for management’s publishing confirmation.
We desire your valuable support to stop this wrong situation. If you like, you can leave your supportive messages to
Fencer Thank you very much for your kind supports on behalf of all of my friends.
Tutagil: Learned this game on a trip in Greece when i was 9 years old, played often with people from Turkey and from Greece, and was surprised that players didn't agree with the interpretation of the rules: a Greek player thought that a King may after capture turn 180 degrees and continue capturing; a Turkish player had the opinion, that after a checker promotes to a king, the turn is not over, but the new born king can continue capturing opponent pieces. Until today, i don't know of a comittee that ever defined "official" Turkish Checkers rules.
The Brainking rule of the priority of King capture is new, however it allows very sharp tactic, see game Turkish Checkers (Adana 01 vs. CryingLoser) where in Turkish Checkers variants without move priority the move 8...e6-f6! would have been a blunder, but here after 9.e4xe6xe8 f6-e6 10.e8xe5xa5 d6-d5 White has to capture with the King, 11.a5xe5, and with 11...f5xd5xd3xb3xb1 Black gets advantage.
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