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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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22. Septembre 2008, 21:15:03
Sujet: Re: Giving
(V): Yes. I get far more out of giving than receiving and I am not one bit religious, I am a humanist. Sorry if this is off topic Artful.

22. Septembre 2008, 20:24:32
Sujet: Re: old Testament
Mousetrap: I agree, it verily has changed in such that we have now many charity shops that give the opportunity to give and get at the same time. Also I like it that most shops now offer the means to give through simple giving of change in the prominent charity boxes and like they keep on the counters next to the tills.

There are so many ways to give these days it's rather wonderful.

22. Septembre 2008, 07:22:55
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: The question is off topic IMHO.

22. Septembre 2008, 05:01:08
Sujet: Re: old Testament
modifié par Mousetrap (22. Septembre 2008, 05:02:07)
Tuesday: I looked this up and it does seem to have been applied in the old Testament but in the new Testament there is not much mention of it. On one site it said that Jesus freed us from most of the old laws by that I mean he gave us freedom to choose and these days I think it is acceptable to give what you can afford to give. It does not have to be in money it could also mean just helping people and giving something back to society.

22. Septembre 2008, 03:44:03
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: The meaning of tithe is a tenth of one's income paid to the church.

17. Septembre 2008, 04:58:24
NOT a floosie 
Home is where the heart is, and that means dealing with whatever Mother nature throws at you.

17. Septembre 2008, 03:27:37
Sujet: Re: thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers
Artful Dodger: so many people ask how I can live here with a threat of hurricanes. We haven't had one like this since 1983...so it doesn't happen often..I used to live up north and in Colorado...every year people die in blizzards or from exposure from the cold. My sister lives in California for a while. She had earthquakes...my younger sister lives in Illinois on a fault line and they had an earthquake this year and tornado threats every year...a dear friend lives in Oklahoma..they, along with many states around them have a serious threat of tornadoes every year...when I lived in Colorado, there were rock slides and avalanches that claimed lives each year....and floods can be much more devastating than people realize...most of our country can be at risk for that at one time or another.
it doesn't matter where you live..there are always risks....I feel very blessed and lucky to have come thru this so easily. It could always be worse...

17. Septembre 2008, 02:55:28
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers
baddessi:  We have earthquakes and floods here.  Sometimes rock slides in the mountain and avalanches too.  But where I live on earthquakes affect us.  We're up too high for floods, too far from the mountains too.  I've felt a couple of earthquakes since moving out here.

17. Septembre 2008, 02:43:01
Sujet: Re: thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers
Artful Dodger: thanks..it's nice to be up and running again!

17. Septembre 2008, 02:30:47
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers
baddessi:  So glad to hear you are ok.  Those storms are nasty. 

16. Septembre 2008, 18:52:29
Sujet: thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers
we had a rough few days, but have power now and and are all fine.
Please keep the people who were affected by Ike in your prayers..many people were not so lucky. They will need your prayers for some time.

13. Septembre 2008, 15:51:18
NOT a floosie 
I just wanted to let you all know that I just talked to Baddessi. They are all holding up well, but have many hours of weather to go.

13. Septembre 2008, 04:58:30
Stay safe everyone in the path of Ike!!!!

13. Septembre 2008, 03:45:00
ahem...stay safe ya'll!!!

13. Septembre 2008, 02:18:08
yup- but I bet they were clean ones too!

13. Septembre 2008, 02:12:56
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:

13. Septembre 2008, 02:11:21
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: I always thought that was the silliest thing..if you are in a serious accident, wouldn't the first thing that happens would be that you'd mess your clean panties?

13. Septembre 2008, 01:58:58
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: probably not, but it made me laugh!
We probably won't sleep in our beds tonight, but everyone has clean sheets..I have so much energy I've cleaned the place from top to bottom and done all the laundry!

13. Septembre 2008, 01:29:36
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: I'm in Spring, TX . They eye is right now projected to go right over our house ..but we are ready....

13. Septembre 2008, 00:49:37
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: yeah, you two hanker down..you're in for some weather up your way from this system..it's HUGE..stay safe everyone!

12. Septembre 2008, 21:46:54
Please pray for all the folks in the path of Ike!!

7. Septembre 2008, 02:20:32
Sujet: Re:
Snoopy: my condolences to your friend. May he find strength at this sad time to continue on....

7. Septembre 2008, 02:19:55
Sujet: Re:
Dolittle: That is good to hear. I will continue to keep him and his wife in my prayers!

5. Septembre 2008, 21:45:25
Sujet: Re:
That is great news about Eric..will continue praying for him

5. Septembre 2008, 17:39:26
I'd like to report that the doctors did all kinds of tests on my friend Eric and have decided to wait 6 months and check him again. That is a good thing and I thank those that prayed for him!

27. Août 2008, 05:58:53
Sujet: Re:
Snoopy: My prayers are with your friend. I pray God will give him comfort and strength to make it through these sad days.

27. Août 2008, 00:34:36
Sujet: Re:
Snoopy so sorry about your friend's loss my thoughts and prayers are with him

26. Août 2008, 21:37:37
Sujet: Re:
Snoopy: my deepest sympathies go out to your friend who is in my thoughts and prayers.

25. Août 2008, 21:06:35
Sujet: Re: Thanks
Bubbles Pbarb2:
you are so very welcome

25. Août 2008, 06:22:47
Sujet: Thanks
Thanks for the prayers you have said for me ..They are greatly appreciated..

24. Août 2008, 22:21:29
Sujet: Re:
No problem Dolittle Glad to pray for him I sure hope they help

24. Août 2008, 05:23:08
Sujet: Re:
Marylr: Thank you so much....knew I could depend on you. Eric will appreciate your prayers!

23. Août 2008, 01:26:43
Sujet: Re:
So sorry to hear about your friend Eric..I will certainly pray for him

23. Août 2008, 00:44:57
Please pray for my friend Eric that was just diagnosed with a brain tumor!

20. Août 2008, 02:26:14
Sujet: Re: Please keep me in your prayers.
Bubbles Pbarb2: you are in my prayers to get well soon and also to be safe during Faye

19. Août 2008, 03:15:55
Sujet: Re: Please keep me in your prayers.
Bubbles Pbarb2: Good to hear from you and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am surely praying for all those in the path of Fay. May God keep you all safe!!!

18. Août 2008, 23:37:11
Sujet: Please keep me in your prayers.
I thought I was doing very well. My back is doing very well without the surgery. Now they are working on my neck. They stretch it and is very painful. I am praying each day that I can recover from all this with God's help. Last Sunday I fell. So happy nothing broke. As I was getting up, somehow I broke my little toe. So trying to get over that. Just a little update on that. We are waiting for Fay to hit tomorrow. We are pretty well prepared.. Right now it sounds like it will go into a hurricane. Just have to ride it out and see what happens.. Please keep all in Fay's path in your prayers. Thanks... BARB

15. Août 2008, 23:42:24
Sujet: Re:
Thank you so much Do that is so nice of you..she needs all the prayers right now

15. Août 2008, 06:15:38
My thoughts and prayers are with Larry and also Mary's mom!!

14. Août 2008, 23:47:46
Sujet: Re: LARRY
it is very dangerous because it is resistent to most antibiotics I pray Larry gets well soon

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