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17. Avril 2021, 04:24:33
Sujet: Re:
MadMonkey: python is the asiest,but it has its limitations.
C++ is hard,but you learn to do everything.
java is a good middle ground..and its fast.

15. Avril 2021, 22:27:07
Sujet: Re:
I am newly returned,long story.
this is not the only site in which the creator has not the time to work on it.or maybe has lost interest,or is unwell.who am I to say.
but are there those willing & able to help?speak up,maybe fencer will allow this.

15. Avril 2021, 22:20:27
Sujet: Re:
goldtoken=not a bad gamesite,people are nice.
best feature is a few good word games.
and you can create a photo album there,nice feature.

19. Avril 2005, 23:55:07
Sujet: thank you brainking for your good member service
ok I confess,I did not read the server news,I will from now on.so,no surprise my login did not work,also the email I used was no more.I emailed brainking & got help promptly.
I want to comment on how good manners & good member service from the system operators here is appreciated.
I know 2 other game sites that actually lost members because of rude operators who took weeks to get around(if at all) to helping people.

20. Mai 2003, 02:59:54
Sujet: Re:
ty blaze..I will.does anyone know any good multi player games & were they are online.just so we can examine them?

20. Mai 2003, 02:57:23
Sujet: Re: Kevin's Membership Competition
by send,do you mean post it here..or send somewhere as yet to be advised?

19. Mai 2003, 18:22:32
ok blaze,you are right.bernice I'll post my website URL to the general chat board(is there one labelled general?will check).this isn't an ad..i just like helping people.
blaze..more to the subject,about brainking.you know what would be nice.few places(a few do) have games were more than 2 players can play a game.the strategy is interesting & fun.have any like that ever been considered by fencer?

19. Mai 2003, 08:04:26
Sujet: an idea
hi to all.I am working on a website.each pages will be a list of the "best sites"for a subject.I have an ambitious list of subjects.one of which is top game sites.brainking,in my opinion is tops in that subject & will state so on my list.when finished,I'll tell everyone were it is,If they want to peek.I hope to provide some helpful links for all.want to start a webpage for word game links.anyone know any good ones?

19. Mai 2003, 02:54:24
Sujet: Re: ok, fine, you cannot pay it all at once.
I have helped with church outreach programs,and with food & shelter help groups.you are so right about our pampered society.cable TV a basic?,you are right,not so.there ARE people that exists cant even afford a tv.
I know several people who decided to get a computer instead of a TV & use a freenet,since they can't offord both.a computer can be gotten very cheap 2nd these days.
that way,they can job-hunt & stuff online.besides,a growing number of people find TV so mind-numbing brain dead,they feel they are not missing anything.
what has the media offered us lately.
dumb paradies.
sad remakes of remakes.
rubber stamp sitcoms with the same old situations.
mike meyers movies with lame puns the 3 stooges wouldn't use.
and movies...with car crashes...shootings every 20 seconds...shallow plots,little character development..as 2 dimensional as a cartoon.
with all these alledgedly brilliant minds in hollywood,were is the creativity¿ ok,ok blazinshore,I'm getting to deep,drag me back into shallow water again.

15. Avril 2003, 21:15:16
Sujet: Re: fence,I think i just had a brainking brainstorm.
correction made,was in a rush,my apologies people.

15. Avril 2003, 21:06:01
Sujet: dare I sugest another chess variation?
I think I like gothic chess.great idea.
chinese chess is good too,wonder if fencer ever thought of it for here?
my idea for a variant would be "seige chess"
same as gothic chess.
played on 10x10 board
the addition of 2 new pieces,2 of each:
the cannon-movement rules as per in chinese chess.
(my newly invented piece,the archer)
the archer-movement is horizontal or vertical,can move 2,3, or 4 spaces only.it can not move 1 space.
can jump over pieces to land on a space.
because of the larger board,the number of pawns will be increased.

11. Avril 2003, 19:35:41
Sujet: Re:
we tried this on a physical real board with a variety of pieces.to much movement power [ie queen,2 bishops,etc]makes this to hard.

11. Avril 2003, 19:25:56
Sujet: fence,I think i just had a brainking brainstorm.
I had another idea for a new game.
I wanted one of potential great strategy & fun based on an entirely new concept.
this game could only be possible as a computer game,but it is a board game.
basically it is played on a board [6x6] OR [size as yet to be determined.to large for this concept would make it too difficult.too small would be to easy.]
all squares on the board are the same color,white.
when a piece on the board moves onto a square.the square changes color to black.each time any piece lands on a square,its color reverses again.
the object is to turn all squares in a line,diagonal,vertical or horizontal to the same color.
when this is accomplished,any of an opponents pieces on that line are removed form the board.
game is won when all opponents pieces are removed.
piece can not land on the same square as an opponents piece.
pieces used in the game are chess pieces as follows:
1st row - 6 pawns as in chess.
2nd row - 2 knights,1 bishop,1 castle,2 pawns.
pieces's movement are governed the same as chess movements.except pawns can move 1 square or 2 in any direction.

of course number of pieces can be adjusted depending on board size decided on.

fencer,ty again for created the crowded backgammon idea I had.I have submitted a few ideas.I know you are really busy,but someday,would love some feedback on what you think..any of these original game ideas interesting¿
what can I say,the wheels just keep turning.bet you can smell the wood burning from there.

10. Avril 2003, 08:42:16
Sujet: « poof »
« poof »

9. Avril 2003, 08:33:06
Sujet: Re: New account?-re boasting...
..posting that they won a tournament,nice ,but its personal.who else cares?I agree,it's adolescent.
I have learning in life,the smaller the mind,the smaller its world..the more likely it thinks it is the centre of this small world.

7. Avril 2003, 19:20:56
Sujet: Re: BrainKnot and Can't Move
Rhiannon,wales..kool.my mom was irish/welsh..dad was french-canadian(welsh women rock,blonde ones rule...lol)

7. Avril 2003, 07:37:59
Sujet: fencer.ahh..yet another game variations idea..
...I just had:
fading pente:
like regular pente.
one different rule.
any piece that has been on the board for 15th moves,disappears on the 16th move.
whatcha think?

7. Avril 2003, 07:18:45
Sujet: Re: Can't Move
jesus man,what a dark,sour outlook.maybe you should move north,find an isolated cave,move in..avoid people completely if they bother you.
all kidding aside,obviously you are having problems,its frustrating..patience..a little,it IS a good site.like I said B4..bad timing.so how about loosening that grip on fencer's throat a bit.

6. Avril 2003, 09:48:15
Sujet: fencer..more game variation ideas...
..well,good or bad.a few more creative ideas about game variations.what do you think?
halma 10X10 variation#1:
"frozen halma"
when an opponents ball(s) are jumped they change color indicating they are "frozen".they cannot move on the players next turn.after which they return to normal.
halma 10X10 variation#2:
"back halma"
when an opponents ball(s) are jumped they are returned to the players starting field.

6. Avril 2003, 09:37:15
Sujet: Re: BrainKnot
heres the situation as i see it:
bad timing this is a great site,just a few bugs to work out.name ONE site immune to this.
we understand your frustration,but thank god for fencer tinkering,he fixes things/add improvements fast.better than "absentee landlords"programmers.
can you dig it daddio?
I think you need to seriously need to consider developing some good karma & a trace of patience.
it helps in many thing in life,especially with the fair sex.
no offence intended,just lighten up a little,wound too tight.

3. Avril 2003, 11:44:46
Sujet: elaboration on game invite idea
to clarify what I meant,the idea was to invite a non-member to a specific game,of course via signing up.people get game site invites,but if the inviter knows a game that the invited person likes,it might be more alluring.just an idea...its up 2 u.I know u r busy. /8^}

2. Avril 2003, 00:54:40
Sujet: fencer..a different idea...
..for increasing membership,might be to add under"new game"..a form for inviting a friend by email.

2. Avril 2003, 00:51:30
Sujet: remember...
...all those times that we have complimented fencer for his speed getting things done.because of this,I feel we dont have to"let-him-know"about problems.I am sure he all too aware & is working on it.a positive approach might be to help.

1. Avril 2003, 13:25:35
Sujet: Re: By the way
I wonder if hey can do that with blondes

31. Mars 2003, 22:46:20
Sujet: Re: Network problem
probs are being fixed I C..thought it would help to know.on webtv,I am not able to acesss 1 game at all.the others when I enter move..i get error message"webtv can not handle that type of information" on a blank whitescreen.never had a prob B4 ever wth BK.this message I usually gets if you are trying to download something,which of course webtv cant do.re-freshing sometime helps,I am finding.

31. Mars 2003, 05:53:14
Sujet: fencer..another original backgammon variation idea I just had...
..could be based on crowded backgammon.
reducing your count to zero or increasing our opponents count by bumpimg blots to the bar is the obvious key to backgammon.
thus the strategy of the games axis' is based on hitting blots.so why not a variation that make use of this directly.
the idea then:
crowded backgammon,but the extra blots are not on the bar.they are"beside the board".one of thes blots can only be put on the bar when you hit an opponents blot.at this time one of your off board blots & the opponents blot go to the bar.thus you are "rewarded" for hitting a blot & get yout blots into the game faster.this could be a very interesting game.what do you & everyone think,fencer?
as for a name?mmmm

31. Mars 2003, 05:41:13
Sujet: Re: CET is okay ...(blonde joke)
blondes start daylight saving 1 week before everyone else,because it takes a week for the lights to go on.(Hannilore is going to yell at me again)

24. Mars 2003, 04:44:37
Sujet: Re: an attempt to cool things off, and get back to the issue
I owe TTjazzberry,danochek & blaznshore an apology for name calling,it's not my style.I'm sorry.at the time I had for the 2nd time..spent a lot of time reading the the "recent new 60" or so posts..only to find it wasted my time,I learned nothing.I'm usually very even tempered,but this pissed me off..ok,enough said.

22. Mars 2003, 20:39:07
Sujet: Re: an attempt to cool things off, and get back to the issue
god dmitri,REALLY no offense.but if you were"serious about games".you (and others,like dummyshmuck & blazeinwhore)might begin by showing some consideration for the other players here by taking this dysfunctional flirtation/abuse you & TTdizzyberry have to some adolescent teen chat room somewhere.this used to be an informative board"GAME RELATED"(comprendez vous?").this sounds like a bunch of childish verbal diarreah that goes on & on & says nothing(it's so depressing,cause you are reminded that in some heads,what little there is is a write-off).so many of the long posts her lately have been like that.I KNOW for a F.A.C.T. most non-newbie players are geting tired of this lame stuff.no need to response,more of the same would be of no value,just please,take it to a chatroom..you guys can babble on for page after page,show some descency,please.

listen,maybe I can REALLY help:
all servers(games,website,email,matchmakers,etc),for each catagory of server,they all have features we like/don't like:
why argue over who likes which site/who cares,personal choice.
no need to explain why you do/don tlike a site..we know the diffs newbie,been around.,,duh
If you seek a server to sign up & use.
1st-learn how to use boolian logic effectively(a suggestion,can get by without it maybe)
2nd-do a search for [server type] AND features AND reviews.

20. Mars 2003, 06:49:15
Sujet: Re: FAQ
I agree,the winner's rating should not drop,why should it,the player earned it.If you are willing to play,you are willing to lose.losers should not whine about it..learn from it...have a positive atitude = do better the next game.isn't that what life is all about?nitzche said"whatever doesn't kill me,just makes me stronger".remember,its just a game,and we are all mature enough to know that & deal with it(I hope).

20. Mars 2003, 06:36:40
Sujet: Re: is it just me?
some things are better slow[wink]..but not servers

19. Mars 2003, 20:55:51
Sujet: hey fencer 8^)
I know you are busy,so if sometime ,whenever,let me know what you think.I have another idea.seems a lot of players here like stats.like the BK ratings,position & most active player.I would be curious to here from users here these stats might be of interest to add beside "most active player":
longest game(most moves in a game)
shortest game(least moves in a game)
most backgammons by a player
most gammons by a player

19. Mars 2003, 20:37:02
Sujet: Re: harley's comment re my idea for multi-reversi...
...ty harley for the positive feedback.multi-player games = interesting strategy & socially fun.I do hope we see some here.

19. Mars 2003, 08:34:34
Sujet: fencer,I have another idea for an orig game variant...
...how about a version of reversi 10X10 for more than 2 players...using more than 2 colors.I think the large board would reduce a bit the odds of it ending in a multiple draw.what do you think?
I know,I'm still hinting at multiple player games,but they are fun.

19. Mars 2003, 05:30:00
Sujet: yes,I'm OD'ing on the whinning & verbal diarrhea.
ok .ok ...as anyone with any grey cells can assume.all server sites are different.some have good/bad features..as per the individual users opinion.no offense to anyone,but it is not enough to simply say you dont like a particular site.might be in better taste to simply say you prefer a certain site.no need to ramble on for several pages saying nothing of any substance.I hope this board doesnt start to remind me of a adolescent name calling chatroom.

besides,with everything going on in the world today,we could talk about a REAL issue.

18. Mars 2003, 19:29:11
Sujet: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
illegal moves in backgammon allowed?please elaborate so I know what to watch for.

18. Mars 2003, 04:39:57
Sujet: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
IYT ignores or is unaware of a fact that this site is aware of.most online users are fairly intelligent,liberal.they talk on/off line among themselves.good or bad customer service = the word spreads fast.this is also true for site performance.

18. Mars 2003, 00:07:19
Sujet: Re: Solution to prevent war?(tell your aunt..)
tell your blue-haired aunt in florida thee 2 then:
2 old girls,long time friends were chatting.one had recently began dating again,"do you beleive in sex after 60?".she asked her friend in confidence,who answered with a grin"oh sure dear,but you can always stop the car".

nice girls use ky-jelly.
florida trailer park momma's use polygrip.

any more pillsbury jokes & you guys are gonna get in trouble with the blondes.

17. Mars 2003, 09:11:47
Sujet: nude twister
nude twister...hey fencer what do you think?maybe we can crack a copy of"sims"&make a few changes.
I was only kidding about gypsies,don't believe any stereotypes.especially about men & blondes.

bush,sassam...lets stop worrying about who has the biggest missile(phallic symbolism)...too much tetosterone poisioning.I hope the world grows up & abandon the need for weapons of mass destruction..thro our energies into something more positive...need more good karma.

if there is "liquid-white-out" & a postage stamp on your monitor screen,a blonde has been using your computer trying to send email.

16. Mars 2003, 23:47:59
Sujet: Re: honey checkers
fencer..great idea..will watch for honey checkers.
did you ever play gypsy checkers?
you steal the opponents pieces..lol.

16. Mars 2003, 23:24:14
Sujet: Re: Weapons Inspectors, - Women.!!!
ok,true some of us men couldn't find our butts if we were naked in a hall of mirrors.
but we learn it early.
at the moment of human conception,millions of male sperm cells are released,all looking for the egg cell.not one will stop & ask for directions.
and some men have a handicap,not enough blood to run the brain & the penis at the same time...lol.

seriously,about war:
war is destructive,wasteful,generates more hate& revenge.NO war ever resolved any deep rooted issue.a diplomatic solution must eventually be reached.but also true,we are forced in life sometimes to stand or fall.if do nothing,the terrorrism will spread.saddam is not just going thro a faze,to beleive that is niave.also,we live in a culture that is impatient,instant graitification.I hope we dont rush into anything we will regret.I dont have a solution,I hope the powers that be find the wisdom to find an answer.

15. Mars 2003, 07:39:41
Sujet: Re: fencer,do you know...
whisperz,there is a bunny here¿

14. Mars 2003, 22:31:28
Sujet: fencer,do you know...
..of any good strategy board games based on a hexagon shape instead of a square?anyone else know any?

14. Mars 2003, 22:27:55
Sujet: Re: those who abandon games...
...its inconsiderate & dumb,as it holds up the game & adds to your opponents BTK without a fight.maybe we should invent a name for those who do this..mmm..lets see,this is brain king..so something beginning with B...mmmm...
how about"botards"?
lol.just kidding..name calling is rude & adolescent.

14. Mars 2003, 16:18:59
Sujet: Re: game lost due to time running out...
...here truly,as the expression goes,"if you snooze,you loose".ya think Christine,harley?

14. Mars 2003, 04:42:50
Sujet: brains...
...it restores my faith in mankind that some are actually wanting brains...too few have any cleverness ,class or character....brains!brains!..I want to eat your brains!!!..justa foolin' around guys...relax people,you don't labotamy,I don't labota you.
seriously,good luck to all.this has become my fav site.smart games,& most important..descent people.not to many abusive,dysfunctionals.

13. Mars 2003, 08:05:36
ok...game-joke time..
why do blondes like a large game-board?
because they like lots of room when they play around.

13. Mars 2003, 00:05:09
Sujet: Re:
is the center the best move?that was my 1st thought.but I remind myself.it matters not where you put your 1st piece.what matters is where you put your 2,3,4th pieces in relation to it.

12. Mars 2003, 21:25:25
Sujet: Re: fencer does it again
starting on the centre square...removing the white advantage,I can see the point...it's only fair to start the game with no one having an advantage.

12. Mars 2003, 03:40:58
Sujet: my fav cartoon characters...
...were betty boop & jessica rabbit.love her famous line"I'm not bad,I was just drawn that way"

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