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2. Octobre 2019, 17:02:39
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Can someone please help me with setting my vacation time
mal4inara: Yup, no biggie

2. Octobre 2019, 07:25:10
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Can someone please help me with setting my vacation time
modifié par The Col (2. Octobre 2019, 07:35:21)
Aganju: Well, just got back, and timed out on two

24. Septembre 2019, 08:51:07
The Col 
this is what comes up

Name Description URL
Set your vacation and weekend days.
Interviews with BrainKing users.
Log out.
(new link)

24. Septembre 2019, 08:26:55
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Can someone please help me with setting my vacation time
long: I haven't changed my vacation dates in years. I was away from the site for a few years. All I seem to be able to access is the two vacation days. No calendar appears to block off individual days

24. Septembre 2019, 06:27:15
The Col 
Sujet: Can someone please help me with setting my vacation time
I haven't done it for years. I go to "settings" , and I can see "vacation in a box , but it's not clickable , and no calendar comes up. I'm leaving for Mexico in 6 hours, not going to be playing.

5. Mai 2016, 11:17:44
The Col 
Sujet: Re: still waiting
Bernice: Maybe Fencer was asked to be Trump's VP

19. Août 2014, 08:05:31
The Col 
Sujet: Yahoo Brainking & Goldtoken Fantasy Football League
We have 7, possibly 9 spots available in our Yahoo fantasy league, it's all about fun , casual fans are welcome.Please message me for the link.

14. Août 2014, 21:03:46
The Col 
Sujet: Re: re site
beach: I vote for casual fridays

10. Août 2014, 23:37:57
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Tumble weed rolls through...
crosseyed: It crossed the line, no question.

10. Août 2014, 23:33:03
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Tumble weed rolls through...
crosseyed: It did seem like an unusually strong reaction to a pretty tame emoticon.

13. Juin 2014, 20:26:32
The Col 
Sujet: Re33 games played in total and none current. The last game was played in 2009
Justaminute: Maybe he/she was swallowed into a Black Hole and doesn't know it....yet

18. Mai 2014, 06:38:59
The Col 
Sujet: Re: mixed games in round robin tournament
Marshmud: shhh, they're learning to read

17. Mai 2014, 19:24:31
The Col 
Sujet: Re: mixed games in round robin tournament

6. Mars 2014, 17:21:42
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Anything else?
Fencer: perfect

6. Mars 2014, 09:40:30
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Anything else?
Fencer: I just sent you the page link
If you could embed it, it would be even better

6. Mars 2014, 01:10:53
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Anything else?
Fencer: I just checked the link, I assumed if you posted the link, it was the correct one.Adelle - Skyfall? not the link I sent, but I do appreciate a good sense of humour.Can you please correct it with the 10cc video link I sent.

5. Mars 2014, 19:58:22
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Anything else?
Fencer: We're good

5. Mars 2014, 09:57:19
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Anything else?
Fencer: I submitted a youtube link for my description

5. Mars 2014, 09:11:18
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Anything else?
Fencer: Yes, the mods have informed me that you apparently are the only one who can either see, or update my profile submissions.I have just submitted an update ,can you please do the deed

4. Mars 2014, 23:40:08
The Col 
Sujet: Re: Privileges pawn!!!!!!!
coan.net: re : I know Fencer hasn't been in the programming "mood" lately, but I'll make sure he know about this bug, maybe there will be a quick fix that he can make.

Take a number

3. Mars 2014, 22:44:38
The Col 
Sujet: Profile update update
Well, it seems indifference is the culprit in regards to my profile issue.The mods have actually been fairly helpful in trying to rectify the issue, but it seems the only one capable of addressing the problem is Fencer, and he doesn't seem to care.So there you have it, is it that important to me that the issue be fixed? not really , I'm here to play board games.I do find it does give me an indication of the interest level of the site owner in customer satisfaction though.I have never met the man or had words with him positive or otherwise , he was alerted to the issue weeks ago though, and I have not receiived any communication regarding the issue from him. Interestingly, there was no issue accepting my money when I recently extended my membership.I guess we live and learn folks.I will not bring up this issue further.

18. Février 2014, 17:55:05
The Col 
Sujet: Re:I just submitted again
rod03801: And got this message :

Changes have been stored in the database and are waiting to be approved by an administrator.

15. Septembre 2013, 07:15:01
The Col 
Sujet: Re:
ellieoop: No idea

14. Septembre 2013, 21:21:43
The Col 
Sujet: Re:
crosseyed: This reminds me of Chu and IYT
Maybe the owners eventually feel all the bs isn't worth the return

19. Juillet 2013, 22:54:16
The Col 
Sujet: Re: This site's current estimated worth is...
Artful Dodger: "worth" and what you could actually get for it are usually two different things.I'm not sure what the market is these days

26. Juin 2013, 01:25:20
The Col 
Sujet: Re: don't have a mobile phone
Roberto Silva: I was trying to text a client that I was running late for an appt , must of taken me 5 minutes to punch in "I'm running late" on the keypad, they're not built for stubby fingers

26. Juin 2013, 00:32:56
The Col 
Sujet: Re: How do I buy brains?
Heluvagi: Don't have a mobile phone,I almost tossed my blackberry out my car window a few years ago

25. Juin 2013, 23:32:43
The Col 
Sujet: Re: How do I buy brains?
furbster: I guess I can't enter "brains" tournies then

25. Juin 2013, 23:24:49
The Col 
Sujet: How do I buy brains?
Clearly I didn't inherit them upon birth

24. Mai 2013, 07:57:54
The Col 
Sujet: Re: pop ups blocked here
ellieoop: Nor have I.I've been wondering what all the fuss is about , but maybe since I use Chrome ,I'm somehow immune

2. Mai 2013, 23:54:07
The Col 
Sujet: Re:Goldtoken.com cookie clubs
Purple: I don't think what I sell can technically be called "chicken"

2. Mai 2013, 21:42:40
The Col 
Sujet: Re:Goldtoken.com cookie clubs
Purple: But I am Col Sanders

2. Mai 2013, 17:42:45
The Col 
Sujet: Re:Goldtoken.com cookie clubs
Purple: Cookie clubs would be a redeeming feature compared to my complaints , but that's in the past, they won't be getting my money again

2. Mai 2013, 16:50:29
The Col 
Sujet: Re:Goldtoken.com
crosseyed: Other than meeting some really nice people there , my experience was not good

2. Mai 2013, 10:06:01
The Col 
Sujet: Re:Goldtoken
Snoopy: Goltoken? ewwwwwwwww

6. Décembre 2012, 22:39:00
The Col 
Doris: Some girls have all the luck

31. Août 2012, 13:41:47
The Col 
Sujet: Re: It's...
furbster: cake?

14. Août 2011, 19:52:48
The Col 
Sujet: Re: I can't access the vacation calander
Marshmud: thanks

14. Août 2011, 19:45:09
The Col 
Sujet: Re: I can't access the vacation calander
Vikings: That's a level of cooperation I'm not sure I can achieve

14. Août 2011, 19:37:40
The Col 
Sujet: Re: I can't access the vacation calander
Marshmud: How do I make sure I have enough bonus time?

14. Août 2011, 19:19:44
The Col 
Sujet: Re: I can't access the vacation calander
Roberto Silva: So I will time out on games that have shorter time limits than my return next saturday?

14. Août 2011, 19:01:44
The Col 
Sujet: I can't access the vacation calander
it shows a check for my auto vacation days in settings, but no calander to check off

12. Avril 2010, 22:14:43
The Col 
Sujet: :The interview boad
Fencer: Would it be possible to have a new mod take over this board? Our prior mod has stopped the progress of the board, and many seem to want to carry it on

10. Mars 2010, 19:59:31
The Col 
Sujet: Re: One hour fast
IceQueen: spring forward,fall back,this saturday night

27. Août 2008, 22:28:37
The Col 
Sujet: Re:

3. Avril 2008, 02:46:55
The Col 
Sujet: Re:
Czuch: I figured something was up the moment the buds appeared on the castle peaks

I guess it's like the old saying "once we stop moving forward,we begin moving backwards" positve change is good,but that reminds me of another old saying "if it ain't broke,don't fix it"

2. Avril 2008, 22:50:02
The Col 
Sujet: Re:
Czuch: Are you thinking what I'm thinking

15. Février 2008, 18:41:54
The Col 
Sujet: Re:
Antje: it has been faster for me also,but like yourself I was waiting for it to perform at that level over a period of time before breaking out the champagne

10. Février 2008, 21:55:14
The Col 
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: That was my initial though,it's not good for business to have unhappy campers in full view of prospective customers

10. Février 2008, 20:41:54
The Col 
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: We can have an ABBA night,just say the word

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