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Profil de jbravo

jbravo - Pion, 5 Cerveaux, 350 points de réalisation
Résultats: 3539 victoires, 280 nulles, 1879 défaites, 271 tournois gagnés

Le message le plus récent de jbravo sur un forum public:
6. Septembre 2011, 21:57:57
Sujet: Business sense
An Indian goes to a Jew to buy black bras size 38.

The Jew, known for his skills as businessman, says that black bras are rare and that he is finding it very difficult to buy them from his suppliers.
Therefore he has to charge R50.00 for them.

The Indian buys 25 pairs.

He returns a few days later and this time orders fifty.

The Jew tells him that they have become even harder to get and charges him R60.00 each.

The Indian returns a month later and buys the Jew’s remaining stock of 50, and this time for R75.00 each.

The Jew is somewhat puzzled by the large demand for black bras and asks the Indian, please tell me:
What do you with all these black bras?

The Indian answers: ‘I cut them in half and sell the halves as skull caps to the Jews for R400.00 each.
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