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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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10. Septembre 2006, 22:29:54
Sujet: Re: 9/11
My thoughts go out to all those that suffered 5 years ago.

11. Septembre 2006, 00:17:39
Please say a prayer for jrhardhead, he is a member here and is very ill. He also could use some more games if anyone is interested in playing backgammon or Ludo! Know he would appreciate it!

11. Septembre 2006, 06:33:17
Adaptable Ali 
Sujet: 9/11
My thoughts and prayers go ou to all the people who lost their lives and the families who lost their loves ones on this very sad day.

11. Septembre 2006, 06:38:29
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: 9/11

11. Septembre 2006, 06:39:43
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
Dolittle:  I'll play more games with jrhardhead.  Is he able to play right now?  I'll pray for healing for him too.  

11. Septembre 2006, 09:05:14
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: 9/11
bouncybouncy: Many a heavy heart today were attending a mass that our church has every year.

11. Septembre 2006, 19:49:16
my thoughts and prayers go out to all the famliys who lost there loved ones 5 years ago

12. Septembre 2006, 04:24:40
Sujet: Re:
Groucho: He doesn't play as much as he used to but that's about all he can do...has a lot of pain.

Let us never forget those who lost their lives on 9-11..also all our brave service men that lost their lives fighting for our freedom!!

13. Septembre 2006, 23:37:35
Adaptable Ali 
I have just heard on the news about the gunman shooting randomly in a college in Montreal, my thoughts and prayers are with the students and families

16. Septembre 2006, 01:58:01
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Please welcome our new co-moderator Foxy.
Thanks for agreeing to help out  :)

16. Septembre 2006, 10:59:20
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: Please welcome our new co-moderator Foxy.
Groucho: Your Welcome

16. Septembre 2006, 11:17:35
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Our Prayers
Go out to Dolittles hubby for a speedy recovery.
and to UzzyLady

17. Septembre 2006, 05:08:56
Sujet: Re: Belief Systems.
toddioprod:It is like a breath of fresh air to read this post of yours. I was involved in a religion...which will remain nameless.....which had no tolerance for the points of view of others in other religions. In the end my experience in this religion took on cultlike attributes. I am now out of it but experience bouts of lonliness and other things attributable to those having left a REAL cult. Thanks for your post. It was read by me at the most important time: NOW. Made me feel so much better. Thanks, again!

22. Septembre 2006, 18:00:59
Sujet: L'Shanah Tovah ... Assalamalaikum
In the US, today is Rosh Hashanah and tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan!  Blessings to all in this holy season.

27. Septembre 2006, 06:50:05
King Reza 
Sujet: Re: L'Shanah Tovah ... Assalamalaikum
alanback:Finally a familiar name here, Ramadan!  May God's blessing be upon us in this holy month.

27. Septembre 2006, 15:45:40
my prayers go out to bouncy bouncy and her family may all go well tomorrow

28. Septembre 2006, 00:00:36
Adaptable Ali 
Sujet: Re:
prettymama: Thank you

28. Septembre 2006, 02:25:09
Sujet: All Good Thoughts, Prayers & Wishes
To both bouncybouncy & prettymama for each is dealing with serious health problems of those that they hold dear in their lives, may you both find a sense of peace in these very hard times & know that many, many people wish for only the very best of outcomes

28. Septembre 2006, 06:21:29
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: L'Shanah Tovah ... Assalamalaikum
King Reza: Blessings to all may there be peace.

28. Septembre 2006, 06:22:48
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re:
prettymama: I hope your dad is doing well.

28. Septembre 2006, 06:24:19
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re:
bouncybouncy: I'll be thinking of you and your family Ali.

28. Septembre 2006, 19:58:53
Sujet: Re: All Good Thoughts, Prayers & Wishes
srnity: ty very much

28. Septembre 2006, 20:00:07
Sujet: Re:
Foxy Lady: really no change in him at all they have moved him to long term

29. Septembre 2006, 16:19:26
would just like to thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers for for me and my family but last nite my father pass. And would like to say i'm sorry if i don't get a chance to make many move for the next couple of days

29. Septembre 2006, 17:50:56
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
prettymama: Very sorry to hear about your loss. 

29. Septembre 2006, 19:30:04
Sujet: Re:
prettymama: so sorry for your loss

29. Septembre 2006, 19:41:09
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re:
prettymama: I'm so sorry to read such sad news.Your in my thoughts and prayers.

29. Septembre 2006, 21:39:07
Sujet: Re: Father.
prettymama:I am so sorry to know that your father passed away. He is at peace now.
Don't fret about your games

30. Septembre 2006, 02:06:03
Sujet: Re:
prettymama: So sad to hear of the loss of your father so quickly, my deepest sympathy to you and your family, please remember that we're all thinking of you

30. Septembre 2006, 03:47:51
Sujet: Re:
prettymama: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this sad time!!

30. Septembre 2006, 05:17:01
Sujet: Some prayers I request please
modifié par ScarletRose (30. Septembre 2006, 05:19:58)

My mom and I both have lost 2 very dear friends of ours this past week..

Trudy died on Saturday night after her Cather ?? came out.. A tube into her heart.. (I am still confused on what the proper name of the procedure was).

Carol died of a heart attack earlier this week.

These are both sudden losses and have really shaken up our small towns.

We also had a family of 5 get hit with a car in front of the Court House yesterday evening.. we knew this family very well.. the baby and mother escaped without injury, the father ended up with scrapes and bruises.. the 2 year old ended up completely under the car and managed to just have bruises and scrapes as well.. but, the 4 year old has a broken pelvis and a broken femur. She is going to be in the hospital for quite some time. They are still uncertain about her growth plate. She will also be moved to a larger city hospital such as Childrens in Denver, or maybe one in Utah.

This family needs your prayers due to the long distance which can't be avoided. The family is not that financially set to get a home in the new area.. so let's pray for temporary housing to which the mother and other children can reside during the time her 4 year old daughter is being medically treated.


Also.. Elaine is a liver transplant survivor.. she is over her first 3 years from surgery.. she ended up getting Strep throat and is having difficulty fighting it off. She is limited with intake of antibiotics. And was put into the hospital this morning. Let's pray for her to become strong enough to fight off the strep and allow her to heal quickly.


30. Septembre 2006, 05:22:05
Sujet: Re:

prettymama: I will say a prayer tonight for your family during this difficult time. I am sorry to read such sad news and hope your family can become strong again soon..


30. Septembre 2006, 05:24:18
Sujet: Re: Some prayers I request please
ScarletRose: Sorry to hear of your losses and I pray for you and your Mom.
The family in the accident have my sympathies as well. If they take the little girl to a big city hospital, they usually have housing for the family of a child patient very inexpensive and sometimes at no charge if they are unable to pay. They just need to ask at the hospital! Hope this helps MsScarlet!!

30. Septembre 2006, 06:06:11
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: Some prayers I request please
ScarletRose:  Wow, that is a full plate.  You'll surely be in our prayers.

30. Septembre 2006, 06:28:05
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: Some prayers I request please
ScarletRose: Sorry about your losses this site can explain the Heart Cath to you.

30. Septembre 2006, 15:28:14

Thanks everyone.. I haven't had a year of bad news since 1980.. and it just seems this year has been extremely testing..

everytime my phone rings I get sweaty palms..

Foxy.. thanks for the link.. I have another Friend, Helen.. who also has one of those.. the other night we all met at my brothers cafe after learning about Carol and when we mentioned how Trudy had died Helen told us about hers.. said if it comes out she has to get to the Hospital..


30. Septembre 2006, 16:00:32
Sujet: Re:
ScarletRose: sorry to hear about all your losses. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

I think what Dolittle posted is right, and there is a Ronald McDonald house in Denver nearby Children's Hospital for families with situtations like this. It's worth checking out.

30. Septembre 2006, 17:15:31
Sujet: Re:
baddessi: Thanks Do and Bad.. I knew something about that, but appreciate the link.. Hopefully if they go to Denver they can be accomadated.. I am not sure about what Utah has.. I am thinking more though that they would go to the Childrens Hosp. in Denver.

2. Octobre 2006, 15:24:44
Adaptable Ali 
Thank you everybody for your kind words and prayers.

2. Octobre 2006, 17:56:29
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:

3. Octobre 2006, 06:25:27
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re:

3. Octobre 2006, 17:47:58
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: School shootings
What's this world coming to?  Let's keep the families in our prayers.  So sad.

4. Octobre 2006, 03:15:53
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: School shootings
Groucho: It does make you wonder doesn't it.I feel for those parents and the children that we'll be tramatized for years to come.Let's say a prayer for all.

4. Octobre 2006, 03:27:35
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: School shootings
Foxy Lady: I just keep thinking of my little granddaughter. I would just die. Those parents must be hurting so badly.

4. Octobre 2006, 03:38:43
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: School shootings
Groucho: I know what you mean.

4. Octobre 2006, 06:08:13
Sujet: To avoid future abuse
Pray that I may be lucky enough to avoid future abuse. Was abused emotionally/psychologically growing up. Have come a ways since than. In light of receiving services from institutionalised organisation need for a name of person in case of major medical decision. Only abuser. My decisions are not accepted legally and thus those of abuser (Mother) take more importance. I do see myself winding up in her care/abuse if the worst case scenerio presents itself. Have talked to the secretary of the deputy who represents me provincially because the Provincial government is the employer of this organisation. She says sending me to be abused is not tolerable. Thanks in advance.

4. Octobre 2006, 06:47:19
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re: To avoid future abuse
Gentlegiant101: Your in our thoughts and prayers.A special prayer for your mother to guide her from further abusing you.Please know you can always come to this board for support.

4. Octobre 2006, 18:55:22
Sujet: Re: To avoid future abuse
Gentlegiant101: you are in our thoughts and prayers. 

4. Octobre 2006, 21:21:53
Lisa G 
Sujet: Re: To avoid future abuse
Gentlegiant101: Are you an adult or under 21? Need a (((Hugggggg))) here's one for you.

5. Octobre 2006, 06:15:58
Sujet: Thanks everybody
Nice to have all the support. I'm 51 going on 52 years old.

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