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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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30. Octobre 2008, 12:36:51
Sujet: Re: Some sad news
Dolittle, i'm so sorry to hear of your lost. My prayers are with you and your family. God Bless

31. Octobre 2008, 01:43:01
Sujet: Re: Some sad news

31. Octobre 2008, 13:39:56
Foxy Lady 
Sujet: Re:
Dolittle: I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

31. Octobre 2008, 20:23:12
Sujet: Re:
baddessi: the person that told me had misunderstood what he was told on the phone, it was her pc that died and not her, she's fine, I'm relieved she's ok

31. Octobre 2008, 20:32:42
Sujet: Re:
♥♫βaβyĢіґŁŁє♫♥: oh thank goodness! I am relieved too! Thanks!

1. Novembre 2008, 00:51:36

1. Novembre 2008, 15:07:56
Lisa G 
Dolittle>I'm so sorry for your loss.

3. Novembre 2008, 03:58:20
Sujet: Re: Some sad news
Dolittle: I just heard the news!! I'm so sorry. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

3. Novembre 2008, 17:30:28
Sujet: re: Some sad news
Dolittle. I am so sorry for your loss. I am sending prayers and good thoughts for you and your family.

6. Novembre 2008, 07:04:56
Thank you all for the kindness you have extended to me. I am grateful and the prayers mean a lot!

6. Novembre 2008, 07:06:45
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:

24. Novembre 2008, 03:08:34
Sujet: This is so cool

17. Décembre 2008, 22:11:55
Radiant2008 :-) 
Sujet: Chag Sameach Chanukah & Merry Christmas
My heart goes out to Dolittle. Praying for her.

Thought i'd check in here for a little bit, see how you all are doing. In my life God has been moving tremendously. And still is :-)

Hope you are blessed and happy!

2. Février 2009, 20:46:12
Papa Zoom 
Welcome Back PBarb!!!

3. Février 2009, 07:40:43
Sujet: Re:
Artful Dodger: ty it is good to be back. Still having problems but was told I may be this way .. but am thankful to God that I am much better. God Bless you all.

3. Février 2009, 10:33:19
Summer Flame 
Sujet: Re:
Pbarb2:  Hi glad to have you back, pleased you are slowly getting better

3. Février 2009, 23:39:57
Sujet: Re:
Summer Flame: TY I look around and see many people worse off than me. I thank God everyday that I am able to still be as good as I am... God is so awesome.

13. Février 2009, 19:44:09
Sujet: Roy needs our prayers.
modifié par Pbarb2 (13. Février 2009, 19:49:08)
In my interview I wrote my husband and I met a wonderful man named Roy. He goes by wheels,or Roy Boy.. Not sure what he was on this site. Part of his site is still there in my interview. . Please read his story. The one called wheels. .His mother cares for him with a couple nurses that come once a day. .She is under 5 ft. What a trooper she is. . I know God is watching over Roy.and we need to pray for him to be comfortable. He can't sit in wheel chair anymore. He told me he just sleeps and his mon has to feed him. Roy you are in my prayers and along with many of your friends on here. God Bless you dear Roy.

13. Février 2009, 19:59:51
Sujet: Re: Roy needs our prayers.
Pbarb2: poor thing..he has already suffered so much and now this..of course, I will keep him in my prayers Barb....

14. Février 2009, 19:10:59
Sujet: Re: Roy needs our prayers.
baddessi: Thank you so much. I feel and so does Roy that God still wants him to live. Sometimes we can't figure it out , only God knows.

14. Février 2009, 19:19:32
Sujet: Re: Roy needs our prayers.
Pbarb2: Cant offer prayers only thoughts. Brave man.

17. Février 2009, 17:04:21
'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did..' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence... 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

18. Février 2009, 15:47:16
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: I'm glad you found that helpful, <smile>
Hope you are well.

18. Février 2009, 22:51:32
Sujet: Re:
Stardust: that was wonderful.. Thanks for posting it. I think it can help everyone in llife today.

18. Février 2009, 23:34:46
Sujet: Re:
Pbarb2: Thank you Barb,I agree. We all know God is Great but sometimes a gentle reminder is needed so we remember how Great He is!! And how very much He loves us!

21. Février 2009, 20:12:30
Dark Vamp 
Sujet: My Mother's
Health has taken a turn for the worse.. I have never turned to God for anything in my life, but now I pray to him for my Mom

22. Février 2009, 04:05:02
Sujet: Re: My Mother's
Dark Vamp: I will keep your Mom in my thoughts and prayers!

22. Février 2009, 07:01:20
Sujet: Re: My Mother's
Dark Vamp: HI there friend.. Your mother is in my prayers. I am so glad you have turned to prayer You will find that God is an awesome God. Just remember God is with us all, knows and sees all . Just take his hand and let him guide you.. You took a giant step.. :) You are also in my prayers.and God bless. BARB

23. Février 2009, 10:45:22
Dark Vamp 
Sujet: Pbarb2 & Dolittle
Thank you both very much

23. Février 2009, 22:33:08
Sujet: Re: Pbarb2 & Dolittle
Dark Vamp: yw Please keep in touch and let us know how she is doing. God Bless

26. Février 2009, 18:43:03
Sujet: Re: My Mother's
Dark Vamp: Sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with her.

26. Février 2009, 19:45:44
Dark Vamp 
Sujet: Update on mom
I got to bring her home tuesday after three days of many tests they still don't know why she is losing blood.. She will be an out patient at christ hospital, she will be under going a procedure where they're going to have her swallow a pill with a microscopic camera inside it and let it go through her system.. Her DR says they'll be able to find out what's going on.. I want to thank those of you who had her in your thoughts and prayers, that means alot to her and I.. I posted a pic on my album of her

27. Février 2009, 07:10:36
Sujet: Re: Update on mom
Dark Vamp: sorry to read about your mother...good luck to her with her test and hope that prayers bring you comfort. I will say prayers for both of you

27. Février 2009, 08:41:41
Summer Flame 
Sujet: Re: Update on mom
Dark Vamp: I am sorry to hear about your mum, i too will say a prayer for her :)

27. Février 2009, 09:05:02
Sujet: Re: Update on mom
Dark Vamp:Your mother is a beautiful person and a perfect child of God.

28. Février 2009, 05:56:06
Sujet: Re: Update on mom
Dark Vamp: I'm happy to see the picture of your mother. I wrote a message by her picture, God bless and get well soon.

28. Février 2009, 17:17:46
Dark Vamp 
Sujet: Re: Update on mom
Pbarb2: She read it, and she told me to tell you she thanks you so very much and you will always be in her thoughts and prayers

28. Février 2009, 17:18:46
Dark Vamp 
Sujet: WOW!
I am overwhelmed by the support me and my mom is getting in this amazing fellowship.. All of you wonderful ppl has given me a warm feeling in my heart.. I let my mom read all your responses and it put a priceless smile on her face.. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.. Hugs to you all

28. Février 2009, 18:59:25
Sujet: Re: Update on mom
Tim.. Kind words always make a person smile. I'm so happy I could make her smile., This is God's board and that is what God would expect from most of us. How is she doing? Please keep in touch with her progress. God Bless. you both. :( Thanks to your mother for her prayers. They mean so much to me. I still have good and bad days but most on on the good side right now with God's help.

1. Mars 2009, 03:35:13
Sujet: Re: WOW!
Dark Vamp: Your Mom is losing blood and my body don't produce enough red blood cells so I have to take monthly shots. Tell her maybe we could do a switch for a while!!LOL Just kidding, I am so glad that she is doing better. May God Bless You Both!!!

1. Mars 2009, 04:11:20
Sujet: Re: WOW!
Dark Vamp: both you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing luck with the tests. I know the waiting is hard, hang in there.

17. Mars 2009, 00:24:32
Please say a prayer for the wife of a dear friend and fellow brainking member,Max aka Miss Tatiana. She is in hospital with an aneurysm. Thank you...her name is Dorothy.

19. Mars 2009, 17:23:44
Sujet: Re:
Stardust: So sorry to hear that. Dorothy and family are in my prayers. God Bless BARB

24. Mars 2009, 01:08:20
Sujet: Healing meditation
I have recorded a guided meditation for healing which is freely available for download ... The text is at Healing Meditation and the mp3 download is at this link.  Note:  the mp3 is 30 megabytes. 

2. Avril 2009, 21:46:15
Sujet: Please keep me in your prayers.
Tomorrow at 8 a.m. I will be having total hip surgery. It was canceled last Friday because of some heart things that came up. I had all the heart tests done yesterday and that cleared so tomorrow is the date. I will not be going home after the surgery and hosp. I will be going to a rehab place. This will give Jon a rest from talking care of me and think he is still trying to recoup. from the last surgery. My daughter may stop in to let you know how I am doing. Hopefully I will be able to find a PC to use at rehab. after I get to feeling better. Vikings will be taking care of this board until I get back if he can't find someone to take it over. All our family is home and will be with Jon and I thru this. So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

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