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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

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7. Mars 2004, 15:26:57
Hey thats better than next year! :D

6. Mars 2004, 19:31:53
I would like to see the option to be able to turn my brain back on and/or off as need be.

5. Mars 2004, 03:05:16
Oh I agree, with you and I understand, but also think that the 'bad guys' can use this feature as well. They can be online and you never know it and still do their thing. I am not tracking you, but I watch for the little red numbers saying there are new messages and go there. I am really sorry that this happened to you and I can understand what you are saying. But I am also saying that just like guns, just because you take them away from the lawabiding citizens doesnt mean that you take it away from the crook. In other words, we follow the rules and only use it sometimes where as they would do it all the time and it would be harder to know if they were online and you could continue to fear to post. Am I making sense?

5. Mars 2004, 02:57:39
Good grief, who cares what they can see you do on this site? All you can do is read, write, play or sit. I am totally against the IP identity though. Not that I am afraid of anyone, but I'm not niave enough to think there aren't those out there who would abuse that information. Don't forget there are different laws in different countries in regards to this type of information. I do like to know if someone is online though, that way I know that we can 'talk' If I see them reading a certain board, well then I might realize there is something going on there that I want to see. I dont care what anyone sees me doing on this site. Like I said, what can you do?

4. Mars 2004, 12:12:01
Well as long as the moderator doesn't get mad at all of us and throw the tablets down and shatter them....

29. Février 2004, 19:28:33
Maybe Fencer prefers to not be bothered with it beccause he has a lot of other more important things to work on. There are 11 games in development showed above. The site is working better and better and this is because he is working on it. I agree with backoff, if you dont like it, leave.

26. Février 2004, 18:30:28
Sujet: Feature Request
Chatty and I would like to respeckfully rekuest a checkerspell thiny mabob for the nuw KB because we be lixicdis LOL

13. Février 2004, 01:27:51
*starts gathering stones*
Oh, to throw at others when they try to stone Fencer of course hehehehehe

10. Février 2004, 03:32:38
Talk about defensive!

9. Février 2004, 12:57:54
It only has 24 hours? Wow I knew there was something wrong. You are going to fix that too right? LOL

6. Février 2004, 14:58:49
Sujet: Re: error alarm
What is sleep? hehehehehe
j/k Liquid SIR, you do need your sleep to properly think out how to continue to improve BK. :)

25. Janvier 2004, 22:10:58
Sujet: A real request.....
I haven't read this board in forever, so if this request has already been made, I second it LOL

It would really be nice that if there was a place on your friends list to add personal info such as name and bday or something like that.

19. Février 2003, 19:54:10
Sujet: Message area
Fencer, Can you add the wrap text to the message part on the games. Sometimes when you get carried away and go over, instead of wrapping, it makes the rest of the game all unaligned and messed up. Just a thought :)

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