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4. Février 2003, 16:12:15
If you want to, I can start that tournament myself. It is really strange that only they cannot access this site. I will make more tests.

1. Février 2003, 12:21:14
Uil: Which tournament is it?

28. Janvier 2003, 19:08:47
Kevin: Of course the quotes are allowed. This little bug will be fixed within several hours.

28. Janvier 2003, 07:54:50
Goonerg: I've found it! Before the fix is active, please remove the quote mark (') from your tournament name :-)

28. Janvier 2003, 07:52:02
Goonerg: Oops! There is some minor error. Please wait, I'll fix it :-)
Kevin: Yes, similar to new game definitions. I'll do it.

27. Janvier 2003, 19:48:26
Bry: This and more improvements are in a development process :-)

26. Janvier 2003, 17:30:59
Sujet: Re: First tourney
Emma: The restriction is applied for the first round only. You will be able to play the second round :-)

26. Janvier 2003, 08:02:31
Kevin: The restriction is currently applied only when you want to sign up [the sign up link will appear for you or not]. Once you are in, it is not considered.
Should I improve it?

24. Janvier 2003, 19:15:10
Sujet: Re: when does this tournney start?
ruby: Yes :-)

24. Janvier 2003, 18:26:48
Sujet: Re: Newbie Tourny Question
Joe: Once you start it, the tournament maintains itself with no assistance :-) Only if it creates more than one section for one game type, you will be asked to start the second round. But it will happen after weeks/months.

21. Janvier 2003, 11:16:24
Sujet: Re: Hrlqns backgammon tourney
hrlqns: The players who dropped out didn't have enough empty slots for your tournament, most likely. I know that the tournament creator and affected players should be notified about it, I'll add the notification ASAP.

20. Janvier 2003, 18:12:31
Sujet: Re: Tournament Restrictions
Mike: That's right. I've just updated the description.

20. Janvier 2003, 11:28:38
Yes, that's exactly how Eddie writes. If you are a Brain Knight and you are curretly playing e.g. Reversi 6x6 tournament, you can join another tournament but of some different game type - for example Reversi 8x8 etc. Only Brain Rooks have no tournament restrictions.
I think that everybody who decided to pay for a higher level read carefully all advantages for the level and what is supported for even higher levels only.

19. Janvier 2003, 20:06:50
Hmmm, there is a risk that if I promise a paid membership for a winner of some official tournament, some people would start cheating with chess computer programs etc. Maybe it could be done with games where is very little chance that there exists a program for them (Tablut, Tank Battle) because they are not well-known.
Any ideas?

19. Janvier 2003, 19:53:47
Come on, let's see how many tournaments can be processed at once ;-) Actually, this number is virtually unlimited.

10. Janvier 2003, 08:03:38
Uil: Yes, that's right. Please take this first tournament as an experimental one :-)

9. Janvier 2003, 19:22:24
About tournaments, if you play 2 games of each color and white has better chances to win, then the result will be mostly 1:1, won't it? So there is no difference between playing both-color games with three opponents and one game with each of 7 opponents in the section. I personally prefer the current solution. But I can support the mentioned tournament type later. The first tournament is only one type of all tournaments I plan to implement.

7. Janvier 2003, 22:46:32
Sujet: Re: Good luck every one
Thanks :-) And don't ask how much images I had to create for Backgammon. Is any other game more complicated? ;-)

7. Janvier 2003, 09:59:26
Sujet: Re: DeadLine SignUp FirstTourny??
I am sorry radiant, you missed the deadline.
But you will be welcome to join any next tournament :-)

5. Janvier 2003, 08:05:13
Sujet: Re: BKR
Yes, all tournament games are rated and will be counted immediately after a game is finished.

30. Décembre 2002, 18:37:46
No, this is a tournament rule, like for real tournaments. You cannot choose who you are playing with.

22. Décembre 2002, 19:40:33
Looks like we'll have a tournament of all game types except Fortress Chess since only 3 players signed up for this game type tourney and the minimum of players is 4. Any volunteer to fix it up? ;-)

12. Décembre 2002, 07:12:20
Right, but only for the first tourney :-)

12. Décembre 2002, 06:59:20
That a restriction of free membership. I cannot give EVERYTHING for free.

11. Décembre 2002, 07:08:28
1) About round 2, the second possibility [playing more than 20 games] is more probable.
2) Yes, 7 [or less] spaces for one game type. If you sign up for all 21 games, you would need up to 147 spaces. Good motivation to upgrade to Brain Rook, eh? ;-)

9. Décembre 2002, 14:42:08
I've written something in FAQ about that.

9. Décembre 2002, 14:38:04
7 for one tournament [or less, depending on total number of players].

8. Décembre 2002, 12:53:55
Yes, the tournament games count towards the game limit. But this first tournament is an exception because I need to test the tournament system as much as possible. Currently the only limitation is that a pawn can join only one tournament.
But the next regular tournaments will be defined with some restrictions. For example if a player sings up for a tournament but when the sign-up process is finished and he/she doesn't have enough empty slots for new games, the player will be removed from this tournament.

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