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15. Septembre 2012, 20:46:06
Sujet: Re: hey don't do that in the USA because they wouldn't get away with it. But elsewhere in the world, they will hack off your head for little reason.
modifié par Mort (15. Septembre 2012, 20:47:21)
Artful Dodger: Exaggeration. No head hacking here. But.. we don't have the death penalty like in the US ... ... .. mmmmm

"The film was a bad idea and disrespectful. But it in no way warrants such a savage reaction. Christians would not react in such a way. And then there is this:"

Kevin Smith had death threats over the film Dogma, anti abortionists of Christian denomination killing is just a myth.

You are telling me those anti abortionists were being respectful.

... You don't want me to talk about Northern Ireland do you?

15. Septembre 2012, 20:40:51
Sujet: Re:So, they are justified in killing and raping and burning and just being thugs?
rod03801: No. Where did you hear that?

15. Septembre 2012, 12:12:57
Sujet: Re:any one who thinks this happened because of a movie is just as clueless about foreign policy as the anointed one
Vikings: Anyone who doesn't think this has been a match that lit a waiting petrol soaked woodpile, is a clueless about being respectful... especially in the current world..

... as an asteroid is about the life that might be on the planet it is going to hit.

Well, hey.. it did exist first, been away awhile in deep space.

15. Septembre 2012, 12:08:08
Sujet: Re: Only with Muslims do you get that kind of response for some silly poorly done film.
Artful Dodger: It's not the film but the content.

I'm sure you'd feel happy (as in the film) to have Jesus called a bastard.

Would you appreciate under the USA's free speech laws a group of Muslims standing outside your church with signs saying...

.. "HE IS A BAS*@%*"

But the Muslims seem to have respect enough to not do this. Maybe they don't want to start riots.

15. Septembre 2012, 11:58:55
Sujet: Re: LED
The Col: IMO they didn't try to build on them.. but, re-invent.

14. Septembre 2012, 23:38:01
Sujet: Re: LED
The Col: Good design doesn't die... it just gets built on

14. Septembre 2012, 23:27:23
Sujet: Re: the anti Islam film
The Col: ... I'm being very surprised over LED lights. Not only how they have gotten better over the last few years, but also cheaper... as well as the power use reduction.

14. Septembre 2012, 22:52:57
Sujet: Re: the anti Islam film
The Col: I wondered from what you said if it was that it's put normal Israelis in line for some nutter to feel justified in blowing people up.

The film maker said he did intend to create violence!!

14. Septembre 2012, 22:49:23
Rafat Ali tweets:
Our Imam at Friday prayers today: how can you expect Allah to show mercy on you if you can't show mercy to those who offend you? #peace

14. Septembre 2012, 22:39:06
Sujet: Re: the anti Islam film
The Col: He's peeved off the Jews?? Sorry eyes tired from ebay.. got a link?

14. Septembre 2012, 22:19:43
Sujet: Re: the anti Islam film
The Col: I had read.. though that version is fuller than the one I did.

14. Septembre 2012, 22:11:35
modifié par Mort (14. Septembre 2012, 22:12:47)
Can we have the 101 (or more) people involved stand up and take responsibility for their actions? Being a free man includes being responsible!

Stocks.. A big line of stocks. ... Pay and throw??

14. Septembre 2012, 22:07:47
Sujet: Re: the anti Islam film
The Col: 100 people financed a $5,000,000,000 film.

Who are they?

14. Septembre 2012, 21:55:29
Well... Ok, I watched a little of the anti Islam film. Some strange bumch of American Israeli mix or Israeli American, American and/or Israeli with a $5 million dollar budget.

I must ask.. especially with the label and science there of... could Jesus get a DNA test to prove who's his daddy??

.. the coward who made the film who intended to incite violence is in hiding. Make him be responsible and stand face to face with one Muslim.

.. But he's using America as a human shield.

14. Septembre 2012, 11:49:31
Prince Harry at the party was kinda ... ... well men do at parties (especially ones who serve in armed forces) as men do... it is nothing special. That Cromwell's head was embalmed and then travelled from owner to owner for 300 years before being reburied....

Yes.. Oliver was dead for two years.. then Charles II and his mates had him exhumed... beheaded and the head planted on a spike.. in a nice location, well.. one that gave it a wide audience.

It was a kinda news service back then, this spike thing!

14. Septembre 2012, 11:05:42

14. Septembre 2012, 09:47:03
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are reported to be furious after a French magazine published topless photos of the duchess in a French magazine. The publication Closer printed the pictures, taken during the couple's holiday at the French chateau of the Queen's nephew, Lord Linley.

The photos are blurry and taken with a long lens but are clearly of the royal couple, the BBC's Paris bureau says. There are four pages of photos of the couple with Kate topless in several. They were told about the magazine's plan to publish the photos during breakfast in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on their Asian tour.

It has emerged that British newspapers were offered photographs last week but turned them down. BBC royal correspondent Peter Hunt says: "Royal officials say they accept the photos are genuine and the couple are furious.

"They believe a "red line" has been crossed. The couple cannot believe someone would take such photos and publish them.

"The officials stress the couple couldn't have gone to a more secluded location in France. They were a "young couple enjoying a holiday". "There has been a significant hardening of William and Kate's response to the publication of the topless photos."

The royal couple continued with their nine-day tour, which is part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations, on Friday by visiting a mosque in Kuala Lumpur. On Thursday, the duchess gave her first official speech abroad while visiting a hospice in the capital.

"Providing children and their families with a place of support, care and enhancement at a time of great need is simply life changing," she said. She said the couple were "hugely excited" to be in Malaysia, after they had started their tour in Singapore.

The emergence of the magazine photos follows the controversy over the publication of pictures of a naked Prince Harry, Kate's brother-in-law, which were taken in a Las Vegas hotel room last month.

>>>>>>>The future of the magazine...

... screwed!!

14. Septembre 2012, 09:40:50
Sujet: Re:Christians and Moslems want to see their gods as being different
Übergeek 바둑이: ... a Monty Python moment..

I don't.

less of the stereotyping please.

14. Septembre 2012, 07:55:31
N' building a PC only starts with one decision.

.. Intel or AMD?

That is, if you want to stick to and develop your system... resourcefully and economically.

I chose AMD as the socket system was more flexible on what CPU's.... later I learnt, with the right motherboard... you may get a chip that is better than stated through a process called unlocking.

It's the same as building an engine.

14. Septembre 2012, 07:27:53
Sujet: Re: well that's more new age of ya.... ... It is not god however
Artful Dodger: really..

Not a pantheist.

"...Origen was a prolific writer in multiple branches of theology, including textual criticism, biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, philosophical theology, preaching, and spirituality. Some of his teachings, however, quickly became controversial. Notably, he frequently referred to his hypothesis of the pre-existence of souls. As in the beginning all intelligent beings were united to God, Origen also held out the possibility, though he did not assert so definitively, that in the end all beings, perhaps even the arch-fiend Satan,[5] would be reconciled to God in what is called the apokatastasis ("restitution")..."

Sadly alot of his work, as with many gospels were burnt by Christian factions arguing about who's version is right.. along with stabbing, clubbing and other bad mannered activities.

14. Septembre 2012, 07:13:14
Sujet: Re: well that's more new age of ya.... ... It is not god however
Artful Dodger: Origen said it in 250AD.

14. Septembre 2012, 07:01:26
Sujet: Re: [ I'm not an atheist. ] Prove it.
Iamon lyme: Pictures...n' anything else they feel morally obliged to point out.

Yet an old Zen saying stipulates the peacefulness of letting goooooooooooooo. .... ... ooooooooooooo

14. Septembre 2012, 06:53:38
Sujet: Re: [ I'm not an atheist. ] Prove it.
Iamon lyme: Nearly as surreal as a The Daily Mail complaining about how women dress... then confirming this with pictures ... BIG ONES!!

14. Septembre 2012, 06:17:30
Sujet: Re: But to be clear, the God of the universe is not the god of Islam. Islam's god is Satan. Sad but it's true.
Artful Dodger: Now you are creating legion, a separation. All is of God. everything... even the little parasites that bury themselves into sheep's eyes.

.... or the little fishy that smells ... and then bury's itself in your!!!!

14. Septembre 2012, 06:12:42
Sujet: Re: [ I'm not an atheist. ] Prove it.
Artful Dodger: I could say I can say three words that nudge my brain into ... .... ... .... I cannot and will not try to describe it. It is.

14. Septembre 2012, 06:06:40
Moses says "who are you"


14. Septembre 2012, 06:04:36
Sujet: Re: [ I'm not an atheist. ] Prove it.
Artful Dodger: Well some points seem to be hard to get across. I know what I mean.. but in that lies a problem.

I cannot define a God that inherently has no real description that is fit. As soon as you try to define then you do not.

That principle I understand easily.. Moses had the same problem didn't he

14. Septembre 2012, 05:53:30
Sujet: Re:so it's puzzling that he would say that he isn't and then act as though that's all that needs to be said.
modifié par Mort (14. Septembre 2012, 06:00:14)
Iamon lyme: It is enough.

"If he can tell me about the god or gods he truly believes exist then okay, he's not an atheist."

Believing, belief.. that is a statement that leaves doubt.. Are you telling that a fellow son of God as laid down in plain text in the Bible is not to aim to.. .... ....

.. Ok, Christ... did he as our brother just believe!!!

Wouldn't that lead to "..a constant state of indecision..."

13. Septembre 2012, 23:49:21
NPH said heaven is really great.. Jesus does like to PaRtYyyyy

13. Septembre 2012, 23:45:40
Sujet: Re:
Artful Dodger: as you will judge yourself by context.

13. Septembre 2012, 23:41:33
Sujet: Re: (V): judg·ment [juhj-muhnt] noun
Artful Dodger: Love thy neighbour as thyself...

Judge.. love.. see??

13. Septembre 2012, 23:39:44
Abba John the Dwarf said, 'a house is not built by geginning at the top and
working down. You must begin with the fundations in order to reach the top.
They siad to him, 'What does this saying mean?' He said, 'The foundation is
our neighbour, whom we must win, and that is the place to begin. For all the
commandments of Christ depend on this one.'

Abba Poemen said that Abba John said that the saints are like a group of
trees, each bearing different fruit, but watered from the same source. The
practices of one saint differ from those of another, but it is the same Spirit
that works in all of them.

Abba John said to his brother, 'Even if we are entirely despised in the eyes
of men, let us rejoice that we are honoured in the sight of God.'

13. Septembre 2012, 23:27:31
Sujet: Re: Whether intentionally or not you are implying there is only one meaning.
Iamon lyme: Somehow you miss the poetry?

.. You've never walked the dessert have you!!

13. Septembre 2012, 22:10:53
Several citizens ran into a hot argument about God and different religions, and each one could not agree to a common answer. So they came to the Lord Buddha to find out what exactly God looks like.

The Buddha asked his disciples to get a large magnificent elephant and four blind men. He then brought the four blind to the elephant and told them to find out what the elephant would “look” like.

The first blind men touched the elephant leg and reported that it “looked” like a pillar. The second blind man touched the elephant tummy and said that an elephant was a wall. The third blind man touched the elephant ear and said that it was a piece of cloth. The fourth blind man hold on to the tail and described the elephant as a piece of rope. And all of them ran into a hot argument about the “appearance” of an elephant.

The Buddha asked the citizens: “Each blind man had touched the elephant but each of them gives a different description of the animal. Which answer is right?”

13. Septembre 2012, 22:03:11
Sujet: Re: Whether intentionally or not you are implying there is only one meaning.
Iamon lyme: No.

"I don't need to be judgemental to understand the distinction between a day of final judgement, and judging words and actions."

Final judgement as an entire world event or a personal level final judgement? IMO there is no 'end of the world' final judgement as the message is then taken out of context. Yet it is still a message to prevail.

"Are you able to comprehend that if no one were able to judge themselves, or what they do, or what they say, that (literally) nothing could get done? You would be in a constant state of indecision."

As in personal reflection... I can understand that, of one tossing off a bad limb. But, in that... what is.. is.

"Frankly, I'm relieved that only God is qualified to judge my soul. If it were left up to nincomepoops to arbitrarily decide if I was good enough or not, I would truly have reason to be afraid."

Then you accept as a fellow person in the body of Christ (as written we are all part of) that I do not listen to "nincomepoops". .. I remember a great Zen story on this point!!

13. Septembre 2012, 18:53:58
Sujet: Re: (V): judg·ment [juhj-muhnt] noun
The Col: Our biological difference engine would come into effect. Old school no water.

13. Septembre 2012, 18:28:40
Sujet: Re: (V): judg·ment [juhj-muhnt] noun
Iamon lyme: So you know what judging means now?

13. Septembre 2012, 18:26:22
Sujet: Re: Judging you would be telling you what your ultimate fate will be.
Iamon lyme: Ultimate fate... Hmmmmm which version? Sheol, Hades, Gehenna or separation from God? If you say .. Hell .. then you've entered into the world of changing the Bible... so which?

.. Taking the name of God in vain is not something we are supposed to do either. Using God... "If you are offended because God might judge you someday"... Which one? The one within or the one without?

Jesus spoke about that.

"You are arguing against your own modus aperandi."

No.. I'm stating a fact of the difference between the USA and the UK. In the UK apart from a very small minority most Christians are very happy and ACCEPT EVOLUTION.

IN AMERICA a big portion of Christians are taught that it is atheism to think so.. and/or of SataN .. da big red creature with liddle pointy horns... the RCC demonising a common old pagan God so dey can covertly convert the poor superstitious people....

... In America many people think the world is going to end.... taking again a bit of the Bible totally out of context in relation to events of the past.

I could go on, but I'll probably fry your brain MUHHH HA HA HA HA

13. Septembre 2012, 15:18:50
Sujet: Why Maggie did you hide this?
A criminal investigation into the police handling of the 1989 Hillsborough football disaster must happen, an ex-chief constable has said.

Richard Wells, who led South Yorkshire Police from 1990 to 1998, said charges were "absolutely essential" after a damning report into the tragedy. It found police changed statements and tried to blame fans for a crush which led to 96 Liverpool fans dying.

Victims' families and politicians have called for urgent action on the report. The current chief constable of South Yorkshire David Crompton said if the law was broken, there should be charges.

The report also found that 41 of the 96 who died had the "potential to survive" and calls have been made for fresh inquests.

The original inquests into the deaths in 1990 and 1991 recorded verdicts of accidental death.

David Cameron said Attorney General Dominic Grieve would review the report as quickly as possible in order to decide whether to apply to the High Court to order new hearings.

Trevor Hicks, whose two daughters died in the disaster, said he wanted to see new "proper, fair and honest inquests".

13. Septembre 2012, 10:50:55
Sujet: Re: But there are people here who would love nothing more than to suppress and restrict any right associated with Christianity.
Iamon lyme: Please... the "I'm a martyr act" just doesn't work. Everyone in the UK has the right to worship as they please. Within 5 miles of me there are at least 20 CHRISTIAN churches of various denominations. Our 'malls' have pastoral care stations, we have a Christian cafe, at least 6 Christian schools and colleges.

We do though have the right to take to court any church (of ANY religion) that is by UK law committing an offence... obey laws of land is in the Bible isn't it? You enjoy news of Muslim clerics promoting hate speech getting locked up or deported..

..Well, the same laws apply to Christian churches as well.

"And by what authority are you able to suggest that I do not have that right?"

The Bible says so... judging isn't it!! I thought the relationship between God and the person was a one on one thing... that stillness and peace one obtains from being.

"That's easy... just say something an atheist wouldn't say."

And who is the judge on what an atheist would or wouldn't say?

13. Septembre 2012, 08:21:25
Sujet: Re: He spouts new age jumbo jumbo and denies basic tenets of the Christian faith.
modifié par Mort (13. Septembre 2012, 08:25:16)
Artful Dodger: You are the new age mumbo

Which, this born again stuff is.

I mean.. who are you to tell someone how to believe or know God?

What gives you that right??

13. Septembre 2012, 08:19:18
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Mort (13. Septembre 2012, 08:19:30)
Iamon lyme:

[ I'm not an atheist. ]

Prove it.


12. Septembre 2012, 14:43:42
The prime minister has said he is "profoundly sorry" for what he called the double injustice of the Hillsborough disaster. He was addressing the House of Commons following an independent report into previously unseen documents about what happened on 15 April 1989.

Ninety-six fans died after a crush at Sheffield Wednesday's ground.

David Cameron said the panel found the safety of the crowds at Hillsborough had been "compromised at every level". Relatives of the Liverpool supporters who died at Hillsborough were briefed on the report on Wednesday morning.

Mr Cameron said the double injustice was both in the "failure of the state to protect their loved ones and the indefensible wait to get to the truth", and in the efforts to denigrate the deceased and suggest that they were "somehow at fault for their own deaths".

He said details of the report were "deeply distressing" and said it showed the Liverpool fans "were not the cause of the disaster". The report, by the Hillsborough Independent Panel, showed police and emergency services made "strenuous attempts" to deflect the blame for the disaster on to innocent fans.

Mr Cameron said that Attorney General Dominic Grieve would review the report as quickly as possible in order to decide whether to apply to the High Court to order a new inquest. Many relatives believe more lives could have been saved and hope the papers will shed new light on events.

Sheffield Wednesday issued an apology on Wednesday morning to all the families whose relatives were involved.The club said on its website: "Throughout the compilation stage, the club has worked closely with the panel and the other donating organisations to ensure that, in line with the ethos of maximum disclosure, we have been totally transparent.

"The club would like to offer our sincere condolences and an apology to all the families who have suffered as a consequence of the tragic events of 15 April 1989." The families have been looking at the Hillsborough Independent Panel report at Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral. Mr Cameron also received a copy of the report after it was given to the families, in order to enable him to prepare his statement.

The panel has been scrutinising more than 400,000 pages of documents for the past 18 months. A number of the victims' families have been campaigning for more than 20 years for the papers to be released. The relatives started going into the cathedral to view the documents at 08:00 BST, before they are released to the public this afternoon.

Cabinet papers are not usually published in the UK until 30 years after they have been written, but MPs agreed to their full, uncensored disclosure last year. Approval came after 140,000 people signed a government e-petition, set up by Liverpool fan Brian Irvine, to trigger a House of Commons debate on the issue.

The panel, chaired by Bishop of Liverpool the Right Reverend James Jones, said it had analysed more than 400,000 pages of documents relating to the disaster from more than 80 organisations.

Ninety-five fans were crushed to death and hundreds more injured on the overcrowded terraces of the Hillsborough stadium, which was hosting an FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. The 96th victim, Tony Bland, was left in a coma after the disaster and died in 1993.

An independent inquiry led by Lord Chief Justice Taylor found the main cause of the disaster was a failure in crowd control by South Yorkshire Police. But the victims' families hope the papers will shed more light as to exactly what caused the tragedy and what happened in the aftermath.

They want to know how the cabinet and then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher responded in the days and months that followed.

Margaret Aspinall, whose son James died at Hillsborough, said: "I think it is going to be hopefully a good day for the city, for the fans, but most importantly for the families, and hopefully we get what we should have had 23 years ago."

That the report shows that nearly one third of those who died could have been saved...

12. Septembre 2012, 09:46:59
Sujet: Re:"If the president can 'bend' the truth and have sex with whoever and whatever, then why is it wrong for me?"
Iamon lyme: I'm not an atheist. Neither am I a supporter of 'evangelical' type Christianity.

Is that hard for you to comprehend? Outside the USA it isn't.

11. Septembre 2012, 19:57:14
Sujet: Re: Re I'll be honoring the true terrorist busters today... and not the ones who opposed the security measures we took after 9/11
The Col: People from all around the world died on 9/11, not just Americans.

11. Septembre 2012, 19:55:59
Sujet: Re:"If the president can 'bend' the truth and have sex with whoever and whatever, then why is it wrong for me?"
Iamon lyme: So you intend to have all the Tampa bay strip joints provide info on which Republicans (and/or their staff) let their hair down and attended lap dancing sessions?

The term hypocrite comes to mind Iamon lyme... and a certain phrase regarding casting stones.

9. Septembre 2012, 21:58:03
Sujet: Re: Canada closes embassy in Iran
The Col: When they kicked out the Shah? ... rebound style!

... I have to be diplomatic regarding what is said of rebounds!!

9. Septembre 2012, 20:47:30
Sujet: Re: Canada closes embassy in Iran
The Col: ... Hopefully Joe Iranian will get to hear of it. They want their spring!!

9. Septembre 2012, 20:39:57
Sujet: Re: Canada closes embassy in Iran
The Col: If only the British and Americans had left them alone in the 50's.

9. Septembre 2012, 11:59:22
Why would Onaka admit that a birth certificate is indeed on file, yet refuse to verify much of the information that certificate ostensibly contains? According to Klayman, “…the only legal reason for Onaka to not verify those facts is if he can’t legally do so.”

Yes.. it was illegal for him to release those records.. we've been through this. That the President had to ask for them as a favour.

Hawaii's rules yet you birthers don't respect Hawaii's state rules. Shame on you!!

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