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21. Août 2011, 23:26:03
Papa Zoom 

21. Août 2011, 23:19:01

21. Août 2011, 23:16:43
Papa Zoom 

21. Août 2011, 23:16:14
Sujet: Re:instead of always attempting to be so clever and trying to spin the conversation you're way
Artful Dodger: I don't think you can answer.. just play games as you have. When you prove you can answer.. I'll ask a question... maybe next time I'll get an answer.. but I doubt it.

Dropper as in pipette? I used them in chemistry lessons.

21. Août 2011, 23:10:56
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:instead of always attempting to be so clever and trying to spin the conversation you're way
(V): The few, the proud, the brave. And we can spot a dropper when we see one.

Now if you promise to play nice, I'll answer your out of context question.

21. Août 2011, 23:08:24
Sujet: Re:instead of always attempting to be so clever and trying to spin the conversation you're way
Artful Dodger: many of a few is still a few. to help you understand.

21. Août 2011, 23:07:01
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:instead of always attempting to be so clever and trying to spin the conversation you're way
(V): Nope. It's a pattern that you show. And I'm one of MANY you have said this about your participation here. Denial won't change the fact.

Now that that's settled, I will answer your question providing there are no more s....

21. Août 2011, 23:01:03
Sujet: Re:instead of always attempting to be so clever and trying to spin the conversation you're way
Artful Dodger: I didn't. You did... must be your alien genes.

21. Août 2011, 22:54:55
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
(V): Maybe if you actually participated honestly in the discussion instead of always attempting to be so clever and trying to spin the conversation you're way. You seem to have a penchant for consistently derailing discussions using an unending supply of red herrings.

I've come to realize you must really think you're that character "V" ! But what do I know. I'm just a turtle.

21. Août 2011, 22:46:37
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
(V): Your phone may ring at any moment. Everyone has your number.

21. Août 2011, 22:45:27
Sujet: Re:
Artful Dodger: Including the pan dimensional beings?

I guess the guide will need updating yet again!!

21. Août 2011, 22:39:26
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
(V): yes, plus all alien life forms

21. Août 2011, 22:31:48
... everyone? all 7 billion people on the planet??

21. Août 2011, 22:26:05
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
(V): Oh I don't think so. I think the point is clear to everyone but you.

21. Août 2011, 22:25:25
Sorry... the point has been lost.

21. Août 2011, 22:23:05
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
(V): So you're saying that you don't understand the joke?

21. Août 2011, 22:21:03
It must be that interpretation problem.. it looked like your usual con speak

21. Août 2011, 22:10:35
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.
(V): I'll be glad to answer that question. But first, where did that question come from? I mean, you posted it in response to something I posted and I'm not seeing a logical connection. I posted a joke.

It was a JOKE.


A joke is a phrase or a paragraph with a humorous twist. It can be in many different forms, such as a question or short story. To achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punchline that will end the sentence to make it humorous.

A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placing salt in the sugar bowl).


Jokes are typically for the entertainment of friends and onlookers. The desired response is generally laughter; when this does not happen the joke is said to have "fallen flat" or "bombed". However, jokes have other purposes and functions, common to comedy/humour/satire in general.

So I'm just trying to figure out how you came away with the question when CLEARLY what I posted was ONLY ment to be a joke.

a joke

Did you not get it? I can explain further if that will help.

21. Août 2011, 22:06:07
Sujet: Re:You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.
modifié par Mort (21. Août 2011, 22:06:14)
Artful Dodger: I did ask you if you thought it was ok for the government to support low wage employees via food stamps and welfare instead of the companies paying what people need to live on.

But I guess, if US firms did... more jobs would go abroad.

What do you think?

21. Août 2011, 21:57:29
....... Politicians!!

21. Août 2011, 21:56:50
Sujet: Re:about anybody being able to make more money if they want you,
Vikings: ..... that does not sound right. It sounds rude!!

21. Août 2011, 21:56:47
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.
(V): What case? You made a case? A basket case maybe.

You made no legitimate point. But you do win the obfuscation award!

21. Août 2011, 21:54:11
Sujet: Re:You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.
(V): apparently you forgot that you lost the debate about anybody being able to make more money if they want you,

21. Août 2011, 21:52:55
Sujet: Re:You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.
Artful Dodger: I rest my case.

"You may as well have asked me for my thoughts on alien space beings."

With the Aliens listening in on your brain via the implants...

21. Août 2011, 21:49:05
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.
(V): A fair point? From what discussion? Who were you talking to about that matter? You may as well have asked me for my thoughts on alien space beings. That would have followed just as nicely.

21. Août 2011, 21:43:39
Sujet: Re:You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.
Artful Dodger: You did... maybe a handful of bullet ants??

I stated a fair point about the government subsidising American businesses at the tax payers expense, yet you want all welfare and food stamps gone.

If so, then the subsidies in terms of support to the low waged has to end as well.


21. Août 2011, 21:39:27
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
(V): You had a case? You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.

21. Août 2011, 21:35:08
I rest my case.

21. Août 2011, 21:33:55
Papa Zoom 
"I think it's a little too early yet for the president to be attacked by a rabbit," cautioned a veteran Chicago Democrat wise in the ways of Obama. "But it's close. Real close."

Anyone who thinks Obama is safe from a rabbit attack has forgotten what happened to President Jimmy Carter In 1979. Carter was attacked by a swimming rabbit, and the subsequent "Killer Rabbit" stories helped destroy his presidency. It led to the election of Republican Ronald Reagan in a landslide and an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.
an unprecedented economic revival.

There are eerie similarities. Like Obama, Carter was at that point where he was constantly viewed as weak and ineffectual. His fellow Democrats had lost patience with him. Liberal writers who once fawned on him had turned against him.

And like Obama, Carter foolishly left the White House for a "vacation." Carter went home to Georgia for some fishing. Once his canoe hit the water of a pond, a terrible thing happened. A rabbit swam near with anger in its eyes.

21. Août 2011, 21:33:17
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: eliminate all forms of welfare and food stamps
(V): You had a point? Really? From what? What I posted was tongue-in-cheek. Besides, you're saying that minimum wage is a fair wage.

21. Août 2011, 21:27:34
Sujet: Re: eliminate all forms of welfare and food stamps
Artful Dodger: skipping the point AgAiN ......

So, you are happy for companies to pay low wages and for the government to pick up the tab via food stamps and tax credits?

Yes or no?

21. Août 2011, 21:24:52
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: eliminate all forms of welfare and food stamps
modifié par Papa Zoom (21. Août 2011, 21:25:58)
(V): Yeah, like the unions in Detroit that fought for a fair wage and managed to unemploy all the workers when the factories shut down. Bleeding the complain dry. That's the ticket.

21. Août 2011, 21:15:43
Sujet: Re: eliminate all forms of welfare and food stamps
Artful Dodger: So.. at last the companies will have to pay a fair wage to low paid workers instead of the government subsidising the American economy.... a fair point.

As for claim support to many, but you won't see the point!!

21. Août 2011, 21:10:01
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Problem Solved!!!
eliminate all forms of welfare and food stamps and offer the unemployed minimum wage jobs pedaling stationary bicycles hooked up to electric generators, solving our budget, poverty, obesity and energy independence problems all at once - but these are not the jobs either the President or his supporters have in mind.

21. Août 2011, 21:02:24
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: Bill O'Reilly is often asked why he interrupts his guests so much. It's because they don't address the point of his question.
(V): We know you don't watch Bill. And it's not his fault you can't understand what your watching. Maybe you need an interpreter.

I'll bet good money you can't provide any good examples to support your claim.

21. Août 2011, 20:59:11
Sujet: Bill O'Reilly is often asked why he interrupts his guests so much. It's because they don't address the point of his question.
..... Half the time I've seen his show the point seems pointless.. other times, history seems to be rewritten under the guise of Bill, Fox and Murdoch's current agenda as decreed by those who are now friends of Murdoch.

... but the propaganda machine carries on.. well at least for now. If the charges stick as it seems they will. The Murdoch Klingons will have to kling elsewhere.

21. Août 2011, 00:40:22
Sujet: Re: hair
Mousetrap: .... I know what you mean... worked on a hospital ward sometime back.. someone hadn't marked a room as having a dead body in it.. It's a shock that first time!!

21. Août 2011, 00:37:20
Sujet: Re: hair
(V): Donno. And I aint gonna hang around to ask

21. Août 2011, 00:34:57
Sujet: Re: hair
Mousetrap: nails and hair continue growing after death... I wonder if bald patches grow back??

21. Août 2011, 00:33:59
Sujet: Re: unini of Aussieland
Mousetrap: Aye... and the singing voices....

21. Août 2011, 00:32:45
Sujet: Re: hair
(V): Yeah I remember my dad telling me years ago that when they had to dig up and remove all the coffins from a cematery one fells open and it was the remains of a woman and her hair was really long and still growing!

21. Août 2011, 00:29:52
Sujet: Re: unini of Aussieland
(V): Nice leg

21. Août 2011, 00:25:24
I wonder why nose hair grows so quick.... it's fascinating.

21. Août 2011, 00:22:10
Sujet: Re: The eco is so bad andI get one every morning when I
Artful Dodger: Same here

21. Août 2011, 00:03:50
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: The eco is so bad
Mousetrap: I get one every morning when I shave.

20. Août 2011, 23:59:54
Sujet: Re: The eco is so bad
Artful Dodger: We all need a laff in this day and age

20. Août 2011, 23:58:12
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: The eco is so bad
Mousetrap: I sent it to Obama. Thought he could use a laff too.

20. Août 2011, 23:40:42
Sujet: Re: The eco is so bad
Artful Dodger:

20. Août 2011, 22:09:13
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:some even say he had it right. Apparently he had some pegged rightly.
Iamon lyme: It's why Bill O'Reilly is often asked why he interrupts his guests so much. It's because they don't address the point of his question. They often don't venture anywhere near it! So he keeps interrupting and they keep rabbit trailing. Once Barney Frank ask why Bill wouldn't let him finish his point and Bill pointed out that Frank wasn't addressing the question. Frank insisted he was but of course, he wasn't anywhere near addressing the question. For some libs, just making words come out of one's mouth is enough.

20. Août 2011, 22:02:51
Iamon lyme 
Sujet: Re:some even say he had it right. Apparently he had some pegged rightly.
Artful Dodger: Do you suppose they know that we know rabbit trails are for children to explore? The darnedest thing about this is that there are some (semi-) valid points they could be making, but don't. I feel relagated to playing the part of wiseguy here, but that gets old pretty quick.

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