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20. Août 2007, 12:39:06
Sujet: Re: just a question
Gabriel Almeida: this discussion was about the dice games on brainking .. not about cheating per se .. no names were being called (i dont allow names being called on this board .. it only leads to lynching of specific players not to a discussion about brainking and its system

if someone can give a list of a player who won extraordinary many dice games by getting too many good rolls .. please ask about it on the board of that game type and ask the experts in that game if its possible to have these rolls this often .. it might be skill or not yet subject to the rule of large numbers .. but again .. try to leave out the name .. we dont want people to go after a specific person .. the only person to go after someone is fencer
(and by the way .. asking for bernice to be banned isnt inline with this board either :))

14. Août 2007, 22:13:47
Sujet: Re: this is related :)
Family Man & Jim Dandy: we habent ? hmm probably in some of the fellowships .. otherwise move it to general chat .. you know what i mean

14. Août 2007, 22:10:14
Sujet: Re: this is related :)
modifié par Hrqls (14. Août 2007, 22:10:59)
Jim Dandy: this was the last post about politics on this board
recipes/cooking advices/request go to the cooking board
politics go to a politics board

the rest goes to general chat

messages after this which dont belong on this board will be removed

14. Août 2007, 09:39:51
Sujet: Interviews
now be nice!

I changed the description at the top.
I think King Reza still would like suggestions for a new person to be interviewed, so please send him a message when you have an idea :)

8. Août 2007, 18:58:23
Sujet: Re: connection to brainking
Fencer: hehe you are too fast :)
does the logs tell you anything ? where are those servers located ? :)

8. Août 2007, 18:56:54
Sujet: connection to brainking
fencer : would it be possible to have a script running on someone elses computer which checks the connection to, writes it into a log file, and mails it to you after about a week ?
(maybe a traceroute each time as well)
that way we could find out where the problem is, if there is a problem

for me the page doesnt want to load or very slow about twice a day, although today i didnt have a problem at all

i am online a couple of times a day, but not longer than 30 minutes each time

5. Août 2007, 20:56:46
Sujet: peoples responsiblities on this site
its a persons own decision to accept a duty/responsibility on this site, if (s)he agrees to do a job which fencer asked her/him to do, then it should be fine with other people as well .... unless the job isnt done well

in case the job is being done bad, please send a message to the person her/himself first and if that doesnt work .. send it to a mod/glob/fencer

if someone else wants more reponsibilities please contact a mod (if (s)he wants to be the comod), or a glob or fencer

talking negative about someone doesnt help much, please try to keep a positive mood ;)

i love it that we will have more regular team tournaments, and am quite curious to see what the outcome of the team rankings will be now there will be more of them :)

i am happy for and tanein for having a job i think they like (although i dont envy them much myself ;)) and i am sure they will be doing a good job as they both already showed to be good tournament creators in the past

good luck with the job :)

3. Août 2007, 13:50:24
Sujet: Re: 5000 waiting games
"Snoopy": that probably explained the downtime a bit as well .. maybe fencer changed something so that cant happen anymore ?

3. Août 2007, 13:26:31
Sujet: Re: 5000 waiting games
Kunoichi_Power: i think the check for more than 20 games is only done when the invitations are made .. he probably wasnt a pawn when he made them .. now they are made the limit of 20 games wont be checked anymore

27. Juillet 2007, 07:29:32
Sujet: Re: Key mode
modifié par Hrqls (27. Juillet 2007, 07:32:07)
tippyc: the xx will show the internal variable names instead of the real text

so the first few lines in the main menu on the left will show :
Global_MainPageLink (28)
Global_WaitingGamesLink (2015)

while the 'send' button to send this message shows 'boards_send' and the button to send this edited message shows 'boards_editthispost'

the translators assign the real text to those keycodes .. the site shows the real text of the selected language to the user .. to make it more readable ;)

25. Juillet 2007, 09:43:42
Sujet: Re:
gogul: please post the general notes on general chat :)

20. Juillet 2007, 09:45:44
Sujet: Re:
gogul: ok lets finish this .. discussions about game rules (or other important issues) should be on the appropriate board, when the poster thinks it doesnt get any attention within a certain amount of time he might post it on here, but the mods will redirect the discussion following from it to the appropriate board again

of course it is (maybe this is a bit too ask from some people though ;)) intended that the posters think thoroughly if a message is important enough before posting it here ;)

lets continue as it was before the messages about the turkish checkers rules, as that was clearly spam on all boards

19. Juillet 2007, 12:45:17
Sujet: Re: new board ?
gogul: lol! i would love a lolboard :)
(the dutch word 'lol' means 'fun' :))

i think there might be too many boards already .. personally i am perfectly fine with a board per game type or as it is right now

people who liked the discussion about the rules of turkish checkers though didnt find it on the checkers board so i assumed they might want to have a separate board for discussions about game rules, as i think thats more important than the ordinary chats about the games on those boards, but i guess they dont need it either :)

19. Juillet 2007, 09:47:05
Sujet: Re: new board ?
gogul: i like to have things a bit categorized (is that an english word ? ;)) people who are interested in sports but dont play any can go to the sports board to read about it, it doesnt have to posted on this board which is about brainking in general

i admit that gamerules of games on brainking are in a grey area wether they belong more on the game board itself or on the board for the specific game .. after all the posts about turkish checkers on all boards i had to direct it to the appropriate board and hope something like this wont happen again in the future :)

18. Juillet 2007, 12:35:43
Sujet: Re: new board ?
gogul: ok, i thought so as well. i was looking for a solution for the checkers board not giving any response though :)

18. Juillet 2007, 09:48:58
Sujet: new board ?
might it be nice to have a board dedicated to discussion about game rules of all games on here in general ?

17. Juillet 2007, 09:58:08
Sujet: turkish checkers
could the discussion about turkish checkers please be moved to the checkers board ?

12. Juillet 2007, 11:54:58
Sujet: Re: I guess I missed out, but....
TexasToest: they can only set the level for inside the fellowship, making them a manager or not

11. Juillet 2007, 10:53:13
Sujet: a new co-mod has been hired
redfrog has just been added as a co-mod for this board, please be nice to him .. and remember his skin isnt just thick .. but might also be poisonous :)

(i am still thinking of adding 1 more co-mod, but will give it 2 more weeks before i decide about that)

7. Juillet 2007, 17:36:30
Sujet: kintori
kintori is banned from this board, his last posts are deleted
any further talk about this subject .. please continue it anywhere more appropriate ;)

6. Juillet 2007, 09:43:44
Sujet: Re: How fortunate
kintori: please take this discussion to the general chat board, or to the board inside the fellowship.

this board is about brainking and its system, the problem you describe isnt with brainking but with the players. a draw offer can be made, a draw offer can be accepted, wether or not a player does one of those things is up to the players and not a decision for the brainking system.

any further posts on this board about this subject will be removed

3. Juillet 2007, 21:33:43
Sujet: Re: Thought for Monday lol
MadMonkey: sometimes it seems to me that it works better when i wait a little longer before i hit the submit button .. so i select the dice, then wait, and then hit the button

24. Juin 2007, 12:45:32
SEAWOLF2: i am sorry, i dont know webtv ... i thought all browsers had a feature top incrase text ...

my fault, please accept my apologies

(and of course noone would be asked to leave for something like this! :))

i wonder though, for non-vision-impaired (if i may call those people that way) .. i always though non-capitals are easier to read because those characters are more different than the others .. where capitals seem more similar to another (on a quick glance) .. at least for me capitals are harder to read when i read fast .. is that not the same for people who have bad vision ?
hmm .. maybe the size if more important than the differences .. small differences cant be seen when they are too small :)

i hope you can find a solution for the espionage pieces .. and will have fun

and i will be more tolerant for messages in capitals :)

24. Juin 2007, 12:39:24
Eriisa: ah! thanks .. i didnt know .. i have never seen webtv .. i dont think its available in the netherlands

22. Juin 2007, 18:37:07
srnity: i know what you mean, i thought about that as well, thats why i didnt post anything about it the first time.
he responded to pauloaugia though who didnt write in capital letters
in every browser you can configure the browser itself so that it will show letters bigger .. i guess thats what seawolf2 did
(that wont work for espionage pieces though as those are images and not letters)

i dont think seawolf2 meant it as screaming. i think though that there are people who see a post in all capitals and associate that with screaming.
seawolf2 probably doesnt know about that though, thats why i posted a note about it :0

22. Juin 2007, 16:50:10
SEAWOLF2: please dont use capital letters for your whole post .. its considered the same as screaming in real life conversations. non-capital letters are easier too read as they are more different than capital letters

i dont think there is a way to enlarge the pieces for espionage ... there are some pages in which you can select the size of the pieces in other games on this site .. but i cant seem to find espionage on those pages either .. sorry :(

22. Juin 2007, 10:00:09
Sujet: Re: Blog entry
joshi tm: i dont think its implemented yet :

In order to prevent a panic, nothing like that is planned for BrainKing. At least until a balanced and useful version of this idea is worked out and we are sure that we really need it.

22. Juin 2007, 09:56:24
Sujet: Re: vacation
ellieoop: there is a difference though :

suppose a game time outs the day after tomorrow, it is set as a automatic vacation day when the game tries to time out, it tries to time out again a day later, it is set as an automatic vacation day as well, then the day after that it tries to time out again.

now if you had set those 2 days (day after tomorrow and the day after that) as fixed vacation days and you would have moved today, then the time calculation would notice that those 2 days are vacation days and those 2 days are added to the time which wont make the game time out on the day after the day after the day after tomorrow, but 2 days later

so setting fixed vacation days really adds the time to the timeout .. while automatic vacation days first let the game use up their time, and then add a day when needed .. leaving it with 1 day max at the end after the automatic vacation days (where fixed vacation days might leave you with more days after those days)

18. Juin 2007, 08:38:28
Sujet: Re: autopass
sonar: right after you make your move, the dice are rolled for your next move .. if those dice will make you pass at your next move, then you will automatically pass after your opponent moved

(at least thats how i think it works?)

12. Juin 2007, 21:20:03
Sujet: Re:
TheJazzCafe: lol .. shh .. dont tell anyone .. but i am helping the puffins to take over the world :)

have a look at fencer's blog ( to see what he writes about adblocks

12. Juin 2007, 18:07:36
Sujet: Re: Problems
srnity: i think rook members can disable all banners and ads on this site .. i think they shouldnt have a problem anymore then

(i just disabled all yesterday, so its too early for me to be sure :))

not sure if pawns can disable anything

23. Mai 2007, 21:46:27
Sujet: Re:
nabla: i stand corrected

this move was an autopass for me

i could have easily rolled some dice to escape ... but brainking already knew i would roll 6+5 and therefore made the autopass for me

it seems that the dice are rolled before i view the board (i guess they are rolled after my opponent made her move ?)

personally i like this as it leads to more autopasses than would be the case when the game would only autopass with a filled board

20. Mai 2007, 20:14:56
Sujet: Re:
Family Man: as i undeerstand it, the version of autopass that is implemented here only passes the move automatically when there is no possible roll of the dice which will give a legal move

the dice dont have to rolled to determine this

as i understand, the dice on brainking are rolled when the player who is about to make the move goes to the game page/board (so its not rolled straight after the opponent made the move)

i think fencer posted something like that before .. most sites use prerolled dice (or even have a whole series of rolls rolled in advance already) .. but brainking rolls the dice when the person who is about to move opens the gameboard

(personally i dont think it makes any difference though as long as the random generator is ok)

10. Mai 2007, 10:35:50
Sujet: there be dragons
please take the dragon battles and besiege of the castle to the general chat forum

9. Mai 2007, 19:07:14
Sujet: Re:
ok .. lets get on topic please :)

8. Mai 2007, 09:45:58
Sujet: Re: Official Tournaments
i dont think we need automatic periodic tournaments .. but automatic periodic team tournaments would be nice

maybe 5 per month, of a random game type
and 1 team tournament with random games

6. Mai 2007, 21:52:21
Sujet: Re: Vacation days
TarantinoFan: thanks for editing your post :)

my opinion is that if a person moves within the time limits of a game .. then tere are no problems ..

sometimes some moves can be made easily within seconds while at work (i do that with backgammon) but not with other types (i do that with line and chess games)

but as long as they are within the time limit there shouldnt be a problem .. its sad for pawns though (and for non pawns as well) .. so if a person asks another person to move whenever possible .. it would be quite polite to make moves in those games first and whenever possible

(i do that in some games because my opponent asked me)

its up to the players while joining tournaments/games and to the opponents by being polite and fair ... the system of brainking can do little about that (it already offers games without vacation days and even without weekend days :))

5. Mai 2007, 12:24:35
Sujet: Vacation days
vacation days are there for people to use if they need them ... some people move first in the 'easier' games (like ludo), and then in games which require more thinking (like chess) .. so you will see more people use vacation days for games like chess than they will use them for games like ludo

the problem with vacation days is that someone can use them all up before the end of the year .. and then simply renew his/her membership to get a new stock .. for some people the price of a membership isnt a problem to pay several times a year and so they can have a LOT of vacation days

5. Mai 2007, 12:22:15
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Hrqls (5. Mai 2007, 12:34:03)
please people .. can this be a discussion about vacation days in general and the possibility to abuse it .. dont turn this into a thread about 1 person

thats not what this board is about .. this board is about brainking

3. Avril 2007, 09:40:38
Sujet: Color code
it was in fencer's news today :
(the one posted on the 3rd of april)

there is a little more info on :

as i understand it : when you see a color code you can take advantage of its bonus : when you purchase a membership at that time, you will get an extra (according to the bonus and color code)

29. Mars 2007, 08:36:02
Sujet: Re: Move and go to
TarantinoFan: *phew* glad it works again :)

29. Mars 2007, 08:28:43
Sujet: Re: Move and go to
TarantinoFan: hmm .. i tried 3 variations : 'move and go to next game', 'move and go to next game of same type', 'move and go to same next game'

(or something like that .. i using the dutch translation and translated it back to english for this post)

all 3 types lead me to the game with the least time left

maybe there is some other setting involved ?

29. Mars 2007, 08:17:59
Sujet: Re: Move and go to
TarantinoFan: click on 'time left' (above the time left per game on the main page) until the green arrow next to it is pointing upwards

28. Mars 2007, 10:00:15
Sujet: Re:
Radiant2007 :-): the board where his old message is on .. is this very same board (you can see 'bc=1' in the link)

its an old post buried a few pages in the past .. but on this board
when you reply to an old post on this board .. it will appear as a new post on this board

if you want to take it to another board you can start a new post there (and add the link to his post in the message to make people understand where the post is a reply to)

28. Mars 2007, 09:50:29
Sujet: Re:
Radiant2007 :-): he posted a link to a post he made before on this board

if you reply to that post then it will be on this board as well

you can either answer him in pm or take it to another board (you could add a link to his post in the post you make there, to make it clear :))

28. Mars 2007, 09:42:01
Sujet: Re: BrainKing css
nabla: thanks!!
lol! should have thought of that myself :) thanks!

27. Mars 2007, 15:45:46
Sujet: BrainKing css
is the brainking css file available for download
(or a list of the currently available ones)

that way someone can download the css file, change only what he wants to change and maybe use the new one as his own css

22. Mars 2007, 13:24:00
Sujet: Re: This is the link
Oceans Apart: me as well

22. Mars 2007, 13:13:01
Sujet: Re:
Oceans Apart: maybe they needed to be logged in to see the link ?

22. Mars 2007, 13:01:42
Sujet: Re:
Oceans Apart: which was the link ? you might have forgotten a part of it ?

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