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20. Mars 2006, 19:08:15
Sujet: Re: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
BIG BAD WOLF: What does it matter to you what I do??? Why dont you just respond to me in a PM? Why dont you stay out of my business? Take some of your own advice and leave me alone!

You can see that you are already out numbered on this 5 to 2, take your minority opinion somewhere else....

please dont cluter up this board anymore, and respond any further by PM, thank you!

20. Mars 2006, 19:03:41 
Sujet: Re: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
ScarletRose: Good point, and once the KM was proven to be cheating on the site and such, Fencer took care of it. Witchhunts by users do not do anything but cause more problems.

20. Mars 2006, 19:02:24
Sujet: Re: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
BIG BAD WOLF: remember the KM's. And what was going on with that??

it's called having an open mind..

20. Mars 2006, 18:59:59 
Sujet: Re: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
Czuch Chuckers: Again, even if a rumor is true, why does it matter to you. If you or anyone think that a multi-nick is doing something wrong on this site, you should report it to Fencer (in PM) and let him look at the facts and let him be they jury & judge on the issue. For users to go on thier own mob-like investigation does nothing but make themselves and the site look bad, and worse - if the rumor ends up not being true - tarnishing the name of an innocent, and worse (which makes you very low) - the name of an innocent of someone who can no longer reply to the rumors. Let Fencer handle it - if anything is wrong, let him take care of his site.

20. Mars 2006, 18:57:16
I don't wish to get into a discussion about all this. So this is all I plan to say.
I just don't understand what everyone is so concerned about.
I've seen no 'proof' that convinces me that there was anything to cover up. I believe that a good person who played here passed away. There is no "hoax".
He was a great help to this site. This is very disrespectful to his memory.
It's all idle speculation, and really doesn't have anything to do with this game site. It has no impact on what goes on here or how the site moves forward.
I don't blame the family for not responding. I wouldn't waste my time responding to a bunch of speculation and accusations hurled at me by people who don't know me, and frankly is none of their business.
It has no bearing on this site.
I don't understand why everyone is so worried about someone else's lives.
How would you all react if someone put your private lives on display here and demanded you answer questions that have nothing to do with playing games on here or the running of this site?

It is a game site!

20. Mars 2006, 18:55:52
Sujet: Re:
Good point !

20. Mars 2006, 18:52:32
...Yes, BBW, the touble maker is the messenger, not the scammer.... what a joke!

20. Mars 2006, 18:49:01
Sujet: Re: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
BIG BAD WOLF: I obviously totally disagree with you.... and there are many more people who agree with me on this one, I can assure of that!
Why are you so anxious for us to "let it go"????? I did not start this, it was all started by a multi nik scammer who faked his death as far as anyone can tell, that is not my fault, dont shoot the messenger, it is a scam that has been purpotrated against me and against everyone on BK, why should those that have been scammed have to look the other way?

You can turn a blind eye if you want to, and you can stay out of it if you want to, take your own advice, dont worry about my business, if you dont want to be involved, then just stay oput of it, and mind your own business! But since you have injected yourself into it, without much posative to contribute, I guess you are just as involved as I am.....

20. Mars 2006, 18:40:01
Sujet: Re: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
Czuch Chuckers: Hey Chuck,, looks like the best option is to sweep it under the mat... a mess not seen aparently never happened

20. Mars 2006, 18:34:24
Sujet: Re: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
BIG BAD WOLF: Well said. I agree!

20. Mars 2006, 18:29:13 
Sujet: Re: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
Czuch Chuckers: Thought this was a game site, not a "soap opera" - let it go, play your games, and stop worring about everybody elses busieness and worry about your own. That is my best advise on this and all similar situations.

to continue to bring it up is not "clearing the air", it is a way for a trouble maker to continue to try to cause trouble.

20. Mars 2006, 17:43:16
Sujet: Please hold any questions about bumble at this time. It is a difficult time. Thank you for your consideration.
...That was well over a month ago. Since that time there has been much speculation, and few answers. Conversation about this topic was asked to be kept to private fellowships or on another web site. e have been told that answers will cme in time, and to be patient, Then we hear that "its all going away" since people have been respectful and avoided asking questions in public. I am here to say that it has not "gone away". We know that Bumble was not who he said he was, not that everyone her is. There is also speculation that the person who played Bumble is not really dead. Not only that, but that he cheated by using multi niks on this site and other sites as well. "Everyone" (people supposedly part of his 'real' family) have been mysteriously quiet on this site with all the controversy surrounding this announcement.

For the general good of this site, and for peace of mind for the many who are concerned, I think it is high time that we clear the air over this subject.

We know that bumble and his daughter and son in law and auntie and wife and housekeeper et al all have and continue to play on other game sites, GT and IYT for examples, why is this the only site that has ever any mention of his death? Why is there no attempt to clear up this controversy? So many unanswered questions, so many road blocks to the truth, but why? Is it good to have such a controversy brewing on BK? Is it good to be told to take conversations to aother web site? Is it a good example for other potential multi niks and scammers to see someone become a global moderator, and have an interview posted etc, and have no consequesnses for these cheating actions?

I know many want this to just go away.... well it is not going away quietly, and the easiest way for it to go away is to clear the air of it all by people who can, but refuse to speak. I know a lot of people who have gathered a lot of anecdotal evidence that Bumble is not dead, and that he stil plays on other sites and maybe is even on this one as well.... its time for the wall to come crumbling down, one way or another.

19. Mars 2006, 03:05:49
Sujet: Re:
Walter Montego: Sure over a couple of kettle one Martinis?

19. Mars 2006, 03:04:56
Sujet: Re:
Pedro Martínez:

19. Mars 2006, 03:02:56
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Sounds like the makings of a good debate. We'll have to pick it up somewhere else. How 'bout in the lounge at the Club?

19. Mars 2006, 03:01:50
Pedro Martínez 
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: *sigh*

19. Mars 2006, 02:47:51
Walter Montego 
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Walter Montego (19. Mars 2006, 02:48:51)
Czuch Chuckers: When you were president I enjoyed our eight years of peace, the balancing of the federal budget, and paying down of the national debt. Your replacement hasn't made me too happy, though.

19. Mars 2006, 02:30:05
Sujet: Re:
Pedro Martínez: I didnt get to ask a question either, dont know how I missed it? Anyway, if I had one, it might be, What is your opinion of the UN provoked, US lead, war in Iraq? ;)~

19. Mars 2006, 02:27:12
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Czuch (19. Mars 2006, 02:49:50)
harley Considering the ongoing Bumble fiasco, I would assume that "personal interviews" would be deemed nothing more than pure fictional entertainment, so I wouldnt worry too much about it! Enjoy your break!!!!

18. Mars 2006, 23:22:54
Pedro Martínez 
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: Just PM me your question and I'll add it to the other ones. :)

18. Mars 2006, 23:22:26
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: Maybe if you send it him he'll slip it in. And thank you for the extra work

18. Mars 2006, 23:18:54
Its kind of in between, Tuesday. Pedro has been sent his questions and is in the process of answering them, and I'm enjoying a break before announcing the next interviewee
OK, ok I'll get right on it! I'll post the next person very soon

17. Mars 2006, 21:51:26
Papa Zoom 
"The prize for this tournament has been provided. It will be started after its deadline."

17. Mars 2006, 21:21:40
Universal Eyes 
Sujet: Re: Free Prize tournaments.....
Pedro Martínez:No it would say the prize has been paid for!

17. Mars 2006, 21:16:46
Pedro Martínez 
Sujet: Re: Free Prize tournaments.....
modifié par Pedro Martínez (17. Mars 2006, 21:23:28)
Pythagoras: You create such a tournament just like any other tourney, and mark it as a prize tourney. Then you can send a message to Fencer to let him know that you created it and he'll alter it so that it said that the prize has been furnished.

*edited due to a typo*

17. Mars 2006, 21:14:19
Universal Eyes 
Sujet: Re: Free Prize tournaments.....
Pythagoras:Go to the paid membership section on the main page and it will give you an extensive amount of information regarding it all,even to a chart for currency exchange rates.

17. Mars 2006, 21:01:54
Chicago Bulls 
Sujet: Re: Free Prize tournaments.....
Universal Eyes: Thanks for saying with other words what i quoted, LOL!

What i wanted to know is HOOOOOOOOOOW? Where do i have to go or what option i have to enable to do that?
I hope you can answer to this also but thanks anyway.....

17. Mars 2006, 20:28:43
Universal Eyes 
Sujet: Re: Free Prize tournaments.....
Pythagoras:Hi for the (Month of March) if you send brainking a (renewal of your membership),in return you will be able to create a tournament offering people who join the same as you recieve, or if your a (pawn) and (sign up for a membership) you may also do the same.


17. Mars 2006, 19:17:50
Chicago Bulls 
Sujet: Free Prize tournaments.....
At server new it says:
"everybody who purchases a new membership or extends the current one, can create a prize tournament with the same membership as the prize for a winner for free."

How this can be done....?

17. Mars 2006, 06:30:39
Sujet: Re: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??
Groucho: well I am so appauled!!

17. Mars 2006, 06:18:19
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??

heheheheh ;) That was fun.

Ratts, now I'm off topic too!@

17. Mars 2006, 05:47:02
Sujet: Re: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??
Pedro Martínez: well.. one thing for sure.. I am on a friendly.. Family site.. :) *bites tongue*

17. Mars 2006, 05:42:50
Pedro Martínez 
Sujet: Re: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??
ScarletRose: Maybe you thought you were on the general chat.

17. Mars 2006, 05:41:48
Sujet: Re: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??
Tuesday: who knows.. maybe we were a bit wild! LOL

17. Mars 2006, 05:36:59
Sujet: Re: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??
Tuesday: sorry.. can't see ya! LOL

17. Mars 2006, 05:36:36
Sujet: Re: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??
Dolittle: neither do you!

17. Mars 2006, 05:32:47
Sujet: Re: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??
ScarletRose: Nope!!

17. Mars 2006, 05:31:05
Sujet: Hmmm.. wonder who the ghostie is??
Do I show up?

17. Mars 2006, 04:46:17
Universal Eyes 
Eriisa:Me to,just have to love everything!

17. Mars 2006, 04:43:09
I did it! I did it! I just love little red numbers....

(not really, but it sounded fun to say)

17. Mars 2006, 02:35:15
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday:I figured as much!!

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