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2. Janvier 2017, 04:30:53
Sujet: Re:
Bernice: I will grant you that point Bernice. I do have a college degree in accounting and business management. I made a career on restaurant management and later my own insurance sales business as well. Then I got sick and disabled. I now take care of the financials for my church and oversaw the financing of our recently completed building expansion. I look at the income that Brainking generates now. I do not see how the site on its own entity is making money based on just membership fees collected. They may keep the site online,but not necessarily making a profit. I could be wrong. However like I said if someone was looking to buy it as an investment that could be profitable, changes would have to be implemented to help generate a return on that investment. Also working on the site would be a full-time job. Just things one would have to consider.

2. Janvier 2017, 00:10:59
Sujet: Re:
Bernice: I dread to think what the church account books are like.
And in response your other post it would be interesting to know what this site is worth.
All I can think is that Fencer must very wealthy to let this site just end.

1. Janvier 2017, 23:34:47
Sujet: Bug?
Has something gone weird with the tournament tables? The behemoth chess tournament im in seems to be wrong, was fine this morning though.

1. Janvier 2017, 22:28:15
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Bernice (1. Janvier 2017, 22:29:14)
Brian1971: Brian I had 50+ years accounting/bookeeping...that was what i did for a job...How can you even say that when you havent seen a financial report of Fencers Business (assuming he has financial reports) You have NO IDEA what the situation is/was at BrainKing, and in my opinion you cannot comment until such time as you have "checked out the financial records" for the last 5 years at least.

Im not trying to cause an argument here, just having my say :)

Looking after the church books isnt exactly a good example.....sorry

1. Janvier 2017, 22:23:23
What would be the financial upside in buying Brainking? It would cost a fair amount of money to keep it online and unless you have the time and knowledge to implement new things and make repairs, you would have to pay someone to do it at a high rate of pay. You would need to demonstrate you have a growing site with lots of activity to coax businesses to advertise on the site to even start to get a return on the investment. ANd if you are like me, you do not to interrupted with popup ads or have them all over your game boards. It is a distraction and annoyance and can cause the site to run slower on your computer device. This may in itself would cause some to leave the site. Whoever would buy it would want a return on the investment at some point. Advertising, higher paid memberships, and perhaps a reduction in benefits at different membership levels are all ways to make it happen. As someone who is studies and works with finances at my church, I see buying brainking as a poor investment, and an bottomless money pit. Unless you are wealthy and do not care about costs, then that is the person who would be interested. Just my opinion.

1. Janvier 2017, 20:17:01
Sujet: Hapy New Year
Fencer: thanks for the platform you provide for us to play our beloved games, and learn the games we didnt know yet :-)

I had a great time here for quite some years ... but for everything comes an end ... life changes, work changes, everything changes .... the only time when nothing changes anymore is when you are dead .. and thats still far away i hope :-)

thanks for the effort and time and dedication you put into this site ... far more work and time than most people realize .. but i still do hope someone is willing to take it over from you

here's one to you and to brainking: *188*

1. Janvier 2017, 19:12:33
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: I've had a fun run here. Great site. Happy New Year. Here's hoping someone buys BK

1. Janvier 2017, 18:29:03
modifié par Bernice (1. Janvier 2017, 18:32:32)
WOW and that is how they say HAPPY NEW YEAR in Czech....oh well - hopefully someone will buy it.

Fencer...can you give an indication of what you would be looking at as a sale price....maybe there is a group here that could get together and purchase it. At least when a house is for sale there is a price quoted and then it is negotiated......thanks :)

1. Janvier 2017, 16:54:06
Happy New Year Everyone! I truly hope something happens to help this site continue, the members have became friends and extended family and it would be so sad not to see the same folks I've come to know for many years.

1. Janvier 2017, 09:05:21
Sujet: Re:
Papa Zoom: We'll be still here in March, so who knows? Anything can happen.

In fact, BrainKing will be 15 years old this year and it is also the last year with any support from me. After that, nothing will be guaranteed unless someone else buys the site and takes over.

I will post an official announcement about it at the News section very soon.

1. Janvier 2017, 04:59:11
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: New Years? How about my 65th birthday? It's in March. ;)

21. Décembre 2016, 21:09:30
Sujet: Spartan Chess
Has anyone heard of this great variant. For more info go to

Two seperate but vastly different armies with remakably balanced game play.

8. Décembre 2016, 00:19:52
Sujet: BKR
How are the BKR points figured in say backgammon and triple dice poker ?

7. Décembre 2016, 02:21:58
Further posts arguing will be deleted and probably banned. That's enough. Thank you

6. Décembre 2016, 18:51:39
Sujet: Re: Membership.
crosseyed: I never said I could find the money to renew my membership. I have just stated that I would not renew my membership. Some people simply can't afford to renew their membership. All because you can find a way, doesn't mean everyone can. It is very pompous of you to assume everyone can because you can. You do not know everyone's personal situation or priorities with the funds they have available. I was just giving Bernice an option to consider. Another would be to be on a list for someone to sponsor her and pay for a membership if she still wants to be a member. I choose not to be a member any longer. So why demonize me for responding to someone. Are we going to start this attack garbage again? Grow up.

6. Décembre 2016, 18:33:03
Sujet: Membership.
modifié par crosseyed_uk (7. Décembre 2016, 11:03:42)
Brian1971: No dishonest and hypocrite come to mind. The man who was not prepared to pay for a membership several months ago and criticised this site.
I am pensioner and on a low income (pension) yet I can spare approximately £30. UK money and today's rate is £30.3156. I do not smoke or drink so I consider my membership good value and worth every penny. I know there are some people who REALLY cannot afford a membership but there are a lot people claiming they can't afford a membership but could spare the money.

6. Décembre 2016, 16:18:43
Sujet: Re:
crosseyed: No, how smart of me. If Fencer has left this door open, then utilize it. Even when my games drop below 20 eventually, I am still not going to renew. However, I can relate to Bernice's position financially. Just giving her an option to maximize the amount of game play if she wishes to play a high number of games until she can afford to renew a membership.

6. Décembre 2016, 12:04:52
Sujet: Re:
Brian1971: How unchristian of you.

5. Décembre 2016, 22:40:30
Sujet: Re:
Brian1971: hahahaha i couldnt be bothered with all the games....I dont have the time to play...Im not an invalid YET hehehehehe

5. Décembre 2016, 15:43:35
Sujet: Re:
Bernice: Load up on hundreds of games and tournaments before your membership expires next week. You will be able to play tons of games without have to renew your membership for a long time. I did that before my membership ran out in February and I am still playing above the 20 game limit for pawns. I have 32 games currently going. Also signup for any membership prize tourneys that might start before the membership runs out and you might win a renewal in the meantime.

5. Décembre 2016, 12:14:20
Sujet: Re:
Bernice:Believe you have the exchange rate the wrong way round! The NZD has strengthened against the EUR, so your membership is actually cheaper. A black rook is now 40% cheaper than it was at the beginning of 2009 for you!
Fencer will have to put up his prices :)

1. Décembre 2016, 06:05:24
Sujet: Re:
rod03801: Now that I am not working it is hard on a pension...Might have to do the monthly one :(

1. Décembre 2016, 04:10:32
Sujet: Re:
Bernice: Too bad no specials again. I only have a couple more "colors" left to get my black rook. Guess That'll never happen at this point.

30. Novembre 2016, 23:26:53
Sujet: Re:

oops my bad. Is that a record high?

30. Novembre 2016, 19:36:37
Sujet: Re:
ketchuplover: NZ $ $1.42 = 1 Euro

30. Novembre 2016, 19:10:56
Sujet: Re:

last time I checked 1 euro was 1.06 USD

30. Novembre 2016, 03:58:07
WOW the EURO has certainly gotten expensive...Might have to pay by the month for me membership :(

25. Novembre 2016, 19:04:41
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: thanks.

25. Novembre 2016, 06:54:09
Sujet: Re:
Bernice: Nope, unlikely.

21. Novembre 2016, 18:13:44
Hi there Filip,

Just curious - will you be running a Christmas special this year? Hopefully you will, as it has been a while since we had one ;)



17. Novembre 2016, 11:07:53
Sujet: Re: Public friends
ScreaminMime: public friends are shown on your profile. other players can look at your profile and see who your public friends

friends which are not public cannot be seen by other players

17. Novembre 2016, 01:19:30
Sujet: Re: Public friends
modifié par furbster (17. Novembre 2016, 01:20:34)
ScreaminMime: When you go to the friends link on the side, you'll see a little padlock by the name of each friend and if you click on that, it should make them public, once they accept.

Once you've clicked the padlock, press submit at the top of the page.

16. Novembre 2016, 18:59:44
Sujet: Public friends
What is the difference between that and regular friends and how do you put people on it?

15. Octobre 2016, 15:09:51
Gabriel Almeida 
Sujet: Re: Smileys
Mélusine: Now you had! :)

14. Octobre 2016, 12:02:02
Sujet: Re: Smileys

14. Octobre 2016, 11:39:16
Sujet: Smileys
I love these smileys : but no opportunity to put them !

13. Octobre 2016, 17:48:58

15. Septembre 2016, 11:09:29
Sujet: Re: Smileys
MadMonkey: I love these smileys.

15. Septembre 2016, 11:08:54
Sujet: Re: Smileys
Aganju: Thank you for that information.

15. Septembre 2016, 01:32:30
Sujet: Re: Smileys
crosseyed: Happy Days

15. Septembre 2016, 00:49:42
Sujet: Re: Smileys
crosseyed: I guess it was your local cache or cache server or the ISP's cache server. Sometimes CTRL+F5 helps (but sometimes not). For me, it was always ok.

14. Septembre 2016, 23:02:57
Sujet: Re: Smileys
modifié par crosseyed_uk (14. Septembre 2016, 23:49:34)
MadMonkey: If that is the clapping hands I can't see them lol. I can a see three pink somethings that I can't tell what they are.
Wow guess what it has come back to normal now. I can see the three clapping hands now. There were several other square boxes that I could see what they were.
No I have not been drinking, I don't drink alcohol.

14. Septembre 2016, 20:05:38
Sujet: Re: Smileys
crosseyed: Seems ok, well the clapping hands are here

Can't see any gaps, but then inormally only use the same few all the time

14. Septembre 2016, 18:13:47
Sujet: Smileys
modifié par crosseyed_uk (14. Septembre 2016, 18:14:53)
What has happened to the smileys? Some are missing eg the fast clapping hands on row 6. Some I can't see what they are.

4. Août 2016, 01:10:55
Sujet: Re: Is there a nasty bug in the evaluation of multi-game matches?
modifié par Aganju (4. Août 2016, 01:11:08)
happyjuggler0: good point! I didn't even know there is a 'trash' there... yes, it was in there. It says:

Game ID: 7461994
Doris is the winner.

Doris: old BKR = 2100, new BKR = 2109 (+9)
Aganju: old BKR = 2049, new BKR = 2038 (-11)

But as Carpe Diem predicted, the names are switched - I checked her stats, and she was not anywhere near the 2100 in the last week (and I was not anywhere near 2050).

So, thanks all, everything is good, just the names switched.

4. Août 2016, 00:54:29
Sujet: Re: Is there a nasty bug in the evaluation of multi-game matches?
Aganju: You can check your "trash" on the events page to see if your message might be there. I am curious to see what actually happened.

3. Août 2016, 23:28:31
Sujet: Re: Is there a nasty bug in the evaluation of multi-game matches?
Carpe Diem: I know that display error, but that was under different circumstances (I think when you tie or so). of course it could be the same effect here. Unfortunately, I tossed the event message; I'll check the next time.

3. Août 2016, 22:54:38
Carpe Diem 
Sujet: Re: Is there a nasty bug in the evaluation of multi-game matches?
modifié par Carpe Diem (3. Août 2016, 22:58:51)
Aganju: I think what you'll find is that although it claims that you lost and shows rating points going down for you, if you look closer you'll find that the names don't match the rating points, and that your points actually go up.

So it works something like this. Let's say you and I played, and you won the match but I won the last game. Let's also say your rating was 2100 and mine was 1900 before the game. It will say something like Carpe Diem won, 2100 (+13), and Aganju lost 1900 (-11). I actually lost the 11 I should have, and you gained the 13, it just gives the wrong names in the message.

This bug's been there since I started playing here. It's simply a display error, not a problem with rating points.

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