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4. Mars 2009, 23:36:12
Sujet: Re: why am I banned
alanback: The probability looks quite high, though I'm not discounting totally other reasons. But that Fencer banned the person it suggests 'not a bug', so I guess it was a hack or something of the like.

4. Mars 2009, 22:41:43
Sujet: Re: why am I banned
Bernice: Check the original account.

1. Mars 2009, 18:51:38
Sujet: Re: There are genuine cases where people get ill and end up in hospital.
Artful Dodger: As I am mine.

1. Mars 2009, 18:39:47
Sujet: Re: There are genuine cases where people get ill and end up in hospital.
Artful Dodger: No, that's not life. That's an opinion. In the end it'll be up to Fencer and HIS opinion on how the matter is resolved.

It's not a case of "pity", it's a case of real life.

1. Mars 2009, 13:34:10
Sujet: Re: Reminder
Artful Dodger: It's only unfair if misused Dan. There are genuine cases where people get ill and end up in hospital.

28. Février 2009, 23:02:51
Sujet: Re: Reminder
Artful Dodger: Sometimes there are good reasons, you cannot punish the whole because of one or two abusing the system.

28. Février 2009, 14:51:31
Sujet: Re: Reminder
rod03801: I thought the talk was to limit the extra days you can get in one year, sure someone is entitled to buy as many memberships in a year as they please, but the talk as I have mentioned was a limit, maybe such as only an extra ten or fifteen days a year.

21. Février 2009, 18:06:55
Sujet: Re:
Vikings: It certainly has helped my chips.

3. Janvier 2009, 14:20:43
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: Don't work.. I've turned off 'style animations' and I still get the dragon.

1. Janvier 2009, 01:32:39
Sujet: Re: I see your point. I think your option "1" is a good idea, and prevent abuse of the system which some do. It's getting like KM again in some ways where a loophole has been found in the system and people are cheating on their ratings because of it by only playing games they will win. Or by making it that some just time out just to get the free space (such as pawns) as the game has been delayed so long.

It's not right.

1. Janvier 2009, 01:06:44
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: Yep, but why can't there be a little update to the holiday system. If you move on a day then you can't be classed as being on holiday. As it is upto the player to play the least time games first as I think most of us do so we keep our holiday for genuine reasons.

19. Décembre 2008, 09:08:13
Sujet: Re: Smileys
Eriisa: Don't forget the wiping, especially on those icky teething ones.

17. Décembre 2008, 09:39:29
Sujet: Re: Serious security flaw found in IE
Hrqls: Funny thing was that the lady at MS did not know anything about the policy... I had to send a copy of the email to her from the laptop company. That's when they/she said sorry.

17. Décembre 2008, 09:16:29
Sujet: Re: Serious security flaw found in IE
rabbitoid: I don't.... I've only seen two articles on MS recently. This one and another which reported a mess up by MS over a patch that caused some people to lose the internet connection thanks to compatibility problems with a firewall program.

.... I in that case had to phone MS to find out which patch to remove.

.... Oh there has been one incident regarding MS though over policy which I took them to task relating to a laptop makers ability to keep software before a certain date that was basically essential if the laptop went unstable and needing a complete wipe and reload.

..... In the end MS said sorry and sent me a free copy of XP sp3 for my partners laptop.

16. Décembre 2008, 20:46:46
Sujet: Serious security flaw found in IE
Users of Microsoft's Internet Explorer are being urged by experts to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed. The flaw in Microsoft's Internet Explorer could allow criminals to take control of people's computers and steal their passwords, internet experts say.

Microsoft urged people to be vigilant while it investigated and prepared an emergency patch to resolve it.

"Microsoft says it has detected attacks against IE 7.0 but said the "underlying vulnerability" was present in all versions of the browser."

"The message needs to get out that this malicious code can be planted on any web site, so simple careful browsing isn't enough."

27. Novembre 2008, 16:20:15
Sujet: Re: Re
Foxy Lady: Well there are so many multi nicks on this site now it's crazy. I've got someone using my old name Pm'ing me at the mo. Oh they admit it's a fake account, but as for who it is in reality they won't say.

I've told the Globs about it being a multi nick account, but I've heard no news over what they've done.

19. Novembre 2008, 20:55:25
Sujet: Re: BrainKing hijacks Firefox
ScarletRose: The usual. Unplug your modem and give it a minutes rest, use a window washer, a registry cleaner, cookie manager and possibly combofix.

... Unplugging the modem and giving it a few minutes rest usually works.

12. Novembre 2008, 12:57:12
Fencer... what is it with the fav boards? I have 3 for NO HOLES BARRED, and only one takes me to the fellowship the other two just take me to the discussion boards list.

8. Octobre 2008, 20:32:01
Sujet: Re:
anastasia: The only problem I've found with firefox is that certain sites don't like it very much. They seem to work better with IE. So I tend to use Firefox 95% of the time and IE occasionally. The google one though fast is not yet (so I hear) as secure as it could be. It might be worth waiting a little while on that one for them to tweak it a bit.

30. Septembre 2008, 13:58:58
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: A full democracy?? Mmmmmm Is there such a thing these days?

26. Mai 2008, 14:44:21
Sujet: Re:leave the fellowship if you dont want anything to see from what's being done in there
Hrqls: Best solution.

22. Mai 2008, 19:40:17
Sujet: Re: polls, I detect a beginning symptoms of a serious allergy
rabbitoid: .. swiss bank account numbers you'll tell

18. Mars 2008, 23:30:21
Sujet: Re:
Hrqls: Yep. Pogo is the same. ... Join the club (pay) and it's ad free.

11. Février 2008, 21:25:47
Sujet: Re:Hide the problems and pretend they dont exist is a very smart strategy
Bernice: Yes this is a small bit of the cyber world yet it means so much to many. You can't argue with that.

11. Février 2008, 19:04:51
Sujet: Re:Hide the problems and pretend they dont exist is a very smart strategy
Andersp: Better tell most of the worlds goverments that then. They love to do it.

9. Février 2008, 00:26:49
Sujet: Re:
Jim Dandy: Best thing. Much more important matter I'm sure.

9. Février 2008, 00:06:58
Sujet: Re:
Jim Dandy: Long term? It ain't been that long and no-one knows how long it might last.

.. Maybe Fencer.

8. Février 2008, 23:54:45
Sujet: Re:
Jim Dandy: Yes. Easyjet. I gave up checking ticket prices last night as each page was taking 40-90 seconds to load.

And it's a local shop

16. Janvier 2008, 00:54:43
modifié par Mort (16. Janvier 2008, 00:55:20)
Well, BK was playing up.. so was pogo. So I switched off the pc, unplugged the modem and restarted both.

... Pogo is still slow.

15. Janvier 2008, 22:27:34
Sujet: Re:
joshi tm: I clicked on the english flag before I logged in.

15. Janvier 2008, 22:18:50
Mort wasn't loading..... did.

15. Janvier 2008, 12:54:02
Sujet: Re:
MadMonkey: .. It might also be common to certain internet providers.

15. Janvier 2008, 00:50:27
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: Oh yes it will. You'll get more exercise.

15. Janvier 2008, 00:36:50
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: Maybe not, but it's better then sitting there waiting for a screen to load.

... pogo is good and offers uk residents a chance to win free stuff when bk plays up.

7. Janvier 2008, 17:42:12
Sujet: Re: but it is not worth a tenfold of the current monthly fee I am already paying. Expenses must be reasonable too.
Andersp: Well the speed difference here between IE and Mozilla is BIG.

Oh well.

7. Janvier 2008, 17:34:54
Sujet: Re: but it is not worth a tenfold of the current monthly fee I am already paying. Expenses must be reasonable too.
Andersp: Ahhh I just saw your problem. You are using IE not Mozilla. IE is slow on this site, while Mozilla is much much faster.

7. Janvier 2008, 17:29:58
Sujet: Re: but it is not worth a tenfold of the current monthly fee I am already paying. Expenses must be reasonable too.
Andersp: I expect so. But I got the feeling it's more then just the route taken.

Do you clean you comp on a regular basis? Defrag?

7. Janvier 2008, 17:22:42
Sujet: Re: but it is not worth a tenfold of the current monthly fee I am already paying. Expenses must be reasonable too.
Andersp: Ours use to be like that.. sometimes. Then we installed window washer... It cleans the junk that you get from browsing, etc.

.. Now it's rarely slow.

... Plus it could be the USA circuit.

7. Janvier 2008, 17:13:57
Sujet: Re: but it is not worth a tenfold of the current monthly fee I am already paying. Expenses must be reasonable too.
Andersp: I'll pay £22 for a years mem. My speed has been fine.

7. Janvier 2008, 16:43:55
Sujet: Re: but it is not worth a tenfold of the current monthly fee I am already paying. Expenses must be reasonable too.
Andersp: It would be us that would have to pay for it through higher membership costs.

7. Janvier 2008, 08:21:47
.. No problem with loading speeds this end. Usually helps to clean ya comp with something like window washer once a week.

... We're on a 4mb line.

4. Décembre 2007, 21:54:32
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: No 'buy me now' price like on ebay?

19. Novembre 2007, 21:04:14
Sujet: Re: Holiday in US Auto vacation works well, and I suspect most don't really care if they lose a few games. Otherwise it's setting up the possibility if the site goes down again for a few days we who are not having a national holiday to have to wait yonks.

19. Novembre 2007, 19:53:50
Sujet: Re: Holiday in US Then you'll get everyone wanting their countries national holidays added. I thought that idea was dropped??

31. Octobre 2007, 23:29:33
Sujet: Re: Give away my Brains
Thad: Surgery.

30. Octobre 2007, 13:16:26
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: ?? Oh it did go down, but I just went and did other things. It ain't like the big crash a while back when nine months of playing got lost.

30. Octobre 2007, 11:48:36
Sujet: Re:
TarantinoFan: Hardly slow here not even when people have been complaining, and if it is there is always the option of doing something else.

I think it's the expectation that Fencer should drop everything just to answer questions to which the answer is obvious and the indignation of peeps who don't get the reply.

.. He's trying to fix things, if he keeps having to answer every time someone posts it'll delay the fixing. Quite frankly I'd rather have him sort out the problems.

30. Octobre 2007, 11:43:02
Sujet: Re:
Hrqls: The site has been pretty good apart from yesterday. Some minor glitches but nothing fatal or end of the world

30. Octobre 2007, 08:58:36
Sujet: Re:
TarantinoFan: Maybe if people just stopped with the digs in the first place Fencer wouldn't need to reply to them.

Oh yes, he doesn't need to.

23. Octobre 2007, 11:04:04
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: She's sending a request for a pic to be added to her profile and it's not working. She's not getting the usual message that it's waiting for approval by the administrator or anything.

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