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23. 一月 2009, 03:09:12
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Artful Dodger: now YOU are the one deliberatly twisting things and you know you are......wow,such a good person you are AD...good person indeed.
Make ya feel good to call people dumb and spineless? make yourself feel bigger and better??

23. 一月 2009, 03:20:01
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
anastasia:YOu are seriously misguided if you characterize that press dinner and the jokes that were told with Bush seriously laughing at the fact that WMD's were not found (and you DID link that to people dying).  You didn't come up with that on your own, you listen to other left wing nuts who convinced you that Bush was laughing while others were dying.  (your words).

It's propaganda Anastasia and you need to learn to think for yourself instead of being spoon fed left wing propaganda. 

It's a PRESS CORE dinner.  They are supposed to make jokes about the headlines.  Bush's comments were FUNNY.  The press and the electronic media went on and on and on about WMDs.  The democrats, after supporting the war, turned their backs on America and started the same chant.  Bush was under enormous pressure because WMSs were never found.  So then they liberals began claiming that he lied about there being WMDs blah blah blah.....

I'll tell you what's despicable.   It's despicable that people would USE those that gave their lives to once again, besmirch a sitting President.  What sad isn't that Bush made jokes at a Press Dinner (which is what ALL presidents have done at the Press Dinner) but what's sad is that liberal left wing loons have tried to make a political statement on the blood of American servicemen and women.  Get a grip.

23. 一月 2009, 03:30:35
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Artful Dodger: you get a grip..always babbling on and on and on how YOU are right and everyone else,excpet chuckie boy are wrong..always correcting people for what YOU think is a wrong opinion...because it isn't YOUR opinion....everyone IYO is a right winged nut if they don't agree with you...God you are such a judgemental person. you act like your not,but you are.

23. 一月 2009, 03:43:41
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
anastasia:I didn't say right-wing nuts.  I said left-wing.  There's a difference.

In the news today is a story about a military photo journalist who took a picture of a US soldier cradling a young Iraqi girl.  The girl was severely hurt by a bomb. The soldier was carrying the girl to get medical help.  He was clearly comforting her.

Michael Moore, the left-wing's poster boy for spineless, gutless, dumber-than-rocks democrats, ran across the picture and posted it on his website.  Moore passed the picture off as just another example of how the US military is killing children.  The child in the photo had later died of her wounds.

And all the left-wing, spineless and brainless twits cried out against the US and it's war policies.

But there was a problem.  Moore used the photo without the permission of the Journalist for one.  For two, Moore used the photo as propaganda.  In short, Moore lied.  He used the death of this little girl to once again besmirch Bush and the war in Iraq.

But, the Photo Journalist testified that in fact, the US soldier found the girl after an enemy roadside bomb went off.  The girl was killed by terrorists. 

This is what people like you fall for.  You read about some event and jump to the conclusion that it's true.  Case in point, your claim that Bush made fun of people dying in Iraq.

Your claim is not only false, it's a deliberate lie.  And you fell for it.  Just like all the readers of Michael Moore's website, you fell for a lie. A distortion.  And clear thinking people, like myself, see right through such things.

23. 一月 2009, 03:44:46
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.

chuckie boy


23. 一月 2009, 03:46:25
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Czuch:Czuch, we need to clear up the air, you and I don't always agree do we. 

23. 一月 2009, 03:48:47
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Artful Dodger: Hardly... but if we have to split hairs, you and i are closer than jews and the Holocaust...

23. 一月 2009, 03:59:55
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Czuch: sorry hun,trully I am,lol...I had my feathers ruffled,not a good day and then he comes on and starts with calling people stupid and spineless...I guess I just got a bit upset...didn't mean to drag you into it

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