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11. 一月 2009, 01:06:55
题目: Re:
Czuch: I'm not running around bragging about anyone being so damn great like you are with Bush, Chuck...and trust me,my list would be much stronger then yours is now tho,for sure....
Also...."the point that you refuse to comprehend is what the cost of doing nothing would have been?"
HOW do you know what I refuse to comprehend or NOT comprehend??
I DID agree with this war,in the beginning...I have NEVER EVER EVER said that I was opposed to it...after 9-11 I absolutly feel we needed to go kick somebody's a**! What I do NOT agree on is that Bush led us over there with the whole WOMD thing,and then guess what....we couldn't find any...then if THAT wasn't bad enough the JACKASS has the chahoonas to JOKE ABOUT IT! JOKE! Who the FLIP makes a JOKE about something like THAT?? the sick frig! Our guys and woman are over their DYING and he lifts up a TABLECLOTH and says..."opps,no weapons of mass destuction hiding there" *chuckle,chuckle* ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
We need to set a timeline up to get not only our military but also our civilians out of Iraq already.Enough is enough.I WAS in favor of military action,now we need to leave and let them either figure it out or blow each other up and be done with it! THAT is my point on it.

11. 一月 2009, 01:29:40
题目: Re:
anastasia: I am not nor ever have bragged about how great Bush is or was, I just dont think he is or has been all that bad, except when he acted more like a democrat and started spending too much....

I also know that Saddam didnt end up having WMDs, but he did have them before and it is very likely that he would have them, or try to have them again.... all Saddam had to do was show some evidence that he had either used or destroyed all the wmds that the whole world knows he had produced in the past, simple enough, show some video or something of them being destroyed, and he would still be alive today being a menace to the world!

But he refused to do that, he gambled that the UN and the rest of the world didnt have the balls to back up their threats towards him, and he was right, except for one person, and W is his name!

I dont really even care about wmds personally, Saddam broke UN resolution after Un resolution, and the UN told him if he broke one more, then he would face "serious consequences"... well he broke that one more, and as far as i am concerned that was the only thing we needed to get him out, the WMDs were only gravy!

You also neglect to mention that we could not have gone to war against saddam if congress did not approve it, and they have all the same resources available to them as Bush did.... you make it sound like all they did was say "well Bush said it, so we will blindly rubber stamp it"..... it was the US that agreed to take Saddam out, not Bush, the US!!!! And then the people who authorized us to go there did there very best at every turn to make sure we wouldnt be successful there! That is what you should be angry about IMO, that we sent our troops there and then sabotaged them just because some people wanted to make Bush look bad....

You are angry about him making a joke, well I am just as angry that the democrats in this country hated Bush so bad they would rather see our mission in Iraq fail just so they could make Bush look bad!!! Now that is the saddest joke of all!!

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