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18. 三月 2010, 08:28:10
Ferris Bueller 
题目: Copy errors abound although the vast majority are inconsequential

Artful Dodger: Who made the decision about which copy errors were inconsequential & which ones were not?


18. 三月 2010, 21:21:07
Ferris Bueller 
题目: Re: Copy errors abound although the vast majority are inconsequential

Artful Dodger:   "Most deviations in the texts are grammatical or omissions."  How can you possibly be so sure of this assertion with over 5K copies done by hand?  In addition there was at least 75 yrs of oral before anything was written down.

Tuesday:  The books that went in the Bible were "set" in 4th Century at the Counsel of Nicea by a vote of about 15-14.  Hardly a consensus for something absolutely inspired by God.

Pedro:  The Bible is worth reading for general directions on how to live a spiritual life through profound story telling.  But, IMHO, it is not an accurate historical or scientific compilation.

18. 三月 2010, 22:45:14
题目: Re: ike I said the English were harassed tortured, murdered for just tryijg to get the word translated...why?
Tuesday: Because the Roman Church liked power. Seriously, it's the main religion in the west due to murder, torture, imprisonment & excommunication. 10's of millions have died thanks to people fighting over who was right in interpretation and of power. The Jews have faced several times persecution and genocide at the hands of Christians who thought they were in league with the DeViL... for just doing there job and making Christ live.

19. 三月 2010, 08:56:55
题目: Re: ike I said the English were harassed tortured, murdered for just tryijg to get the word translated...why?
Tuesday: Hitler is not the only one to use the Jews as a scapegoat. One or both of the main protestant fathers put forward the idea that the Jews were evil and needed extermination due the their involvement with Christ's crucifixion.

And yes religious wars are in name only, so are those who persecuted various Christian sects, including Christians sects who picked on other Christian sects.

19. 三月 2010, 13:04:09
题目: Re: ike I said the English were harassed tortured, murdered for just tryijg to get the word translated...why?
Tuesday: It's complicated being a person of Jewish faith. The story is when the covenant with God was made via Moses, every single Jew was present. Past, present and future.

It's like anything... a name of a faith. You be British and a Jewish person, etc. It's like being Muslim, Christian, Druid, Wiccan, Buddhist, etc.

18. 三月 2010, 22:10:12
题目: Re: there is not one "error" that affects a Christian doctrine.
Artful Dodger: You are right there. Doctrine and dogma are man made things. I'm sure God did not want us to go burning a sacrifice to God in order to stop bad luck.. Witch burning!!

18. 三月 2010, 22:47:44
题目: Re: Textual criticism is a science and it's an exacting process.
Artful Dodger: I agree to a degree.... that leap of understanding when you 'jump' from darkness to illumination and the stages within.... that is not definable, science cannot define God.

18. 三月 2010, 22:51:55
题目: Re: "Most deviations in the texts are grammatical or omissions." How can you possibly be so sure of this assertion with over 5K copies done by hand? In addition there was at least 75 yrs of oral before anything was written down.
Artful Dodger: can somebody tell me please how light availability changes with daylight savings???

19. 三月 2010, 00:42:03
题目: Re: "Most deviations in the texts are grammatical or omissions." How can you possibly be so sure of this assertion with over 5K copies done by hand? In addition there was at least 75 yrs of oral before anything was written down.
Bernice: the time of day the light is available changes by 1 hour with the time change, for example sunrise is at 6:00 a.m. and sunset is at 7:00 p.m. and then the time changes and sunrise is at 7:00 a.m. and sunset is at 8:00 p.m.

19. 三月 2010, 01:01:22
Ferris Bueller 
题目: Textual criticism is a science and it's an exacting process.
Ferris Bueller修改(19. 三月 2010, 03:53:29)
Artful Dodger:   Just as an aside note, I've noticed an interesting discrepancy.  You state that the majority scientist who study these text are on "your side".  You cite them as absolute proof of your argument.  Yet, you don't accept the findings of the vast majority of scientist who say that global warming is partially man-made. 

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