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18. 一月 2009, 14:25:51
题目: Re:I think most people are idiots...thats why I work with animals....

but don't think government should be telling everyone what to do.

When we talk about higher taxes, or public education, or welfare, or regulations, universal health care, or any of a host of other liberal ideas and agendas, you ARE talking about the government telling people what to do!!!

When you vote for democrats, in general, you ARE voting for the government to tell you what to do, and for the government to have more control over your life!

This is one reason I say you ARE a closet conservative, because you seem to want a lot of what conservatives want, yet you vote exactly the opposite way to get er done?!?!

Again, I think there is a huge misconception, perpetrated by the LIBERAL MEDIA, and HOLLYWOOD TYPES IE Michael Moore, all left over hippie idealists, who have so many duped into thinking that conservatives are some big bad evil mean thing?

Thats why I say take a listen for 2 weeks to this Boortz guy, you will find yourself agreeing with just about everything he says, and he will tell you that democrats and liberalism are NOT the answer to your queries!

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