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6. 九月 2012, 23:28:51
The Col 
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
mckinley: Nobody can touch his oratory skills.He surgically took apart the Republicans with the touch of a master surgeon.69% of the nation give him a favorable rating, so many Republicans also clearly like him.Can you imagine him debating Romney? it would be child's play what he would do to him.

7. 九月 2012, 07:17:31
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
The Col: Don't get too excited about billy though. He is a serial rapist after all.

7. 九月 2012, 07:42:17
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
Artful Dodger: You have to give Bill credit for one thing though. He did manage to silence the feminists during his administration. and all he had to do to accomplish that was simply be himself.

7. 九月 2012, 07:48:23
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
Iamon lyme: That's true. The dems are well known for their mysogony. The same is true of their racism. It's well cloaked. And notice how the pay lip service to Israel but cozy up to the Muslim Brotherhood?

7. 九月 2012, 08:38:56
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
The Col: Clinton's speech was good. Very Good.

7. 九月 2012, 08:46:18
The Col 
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
(V): He has a 69% approval rating in the USA.
That's alot of Republicans in there.I don't think the fringe Republicans like the birthers are fans though

7. 九月 2012, 09:26:36
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
The Col: I saw him being interviewed by some guy from Fox who tried to rewrite history regarding Clinton and Bin Lady... He wasn't having it!!

7. 九月 2012, 09:32:10
The Col 
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
(V): That was the Chris Wallace interview.Clinton taught Democrats how to deal with the typical Republican attacks, some learned.Frankly I think he is now admired by many Republicans cuz he fights back

7. 九月 2012, 09:51:02
题目: Re: Wasn't Clinton great last night?
The Col: I'd like to see him be a guest presenter on HIGNFY.

Especially after his reply to Ann Coulter and her stating he was gay... That he did say it, as "a polite excuse to explain why he was not hitting on her bony ass"

7. 九月 2012, 03:14:38
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:
mckinley: Clinton is always great but he majors in BS and gloss!

7. 九月 2012, 07:48:12
Iamon lyme 
题目: Re:
mckinley: [Wasn't Clinton great last night?]

Of course he was. Clinton is great every night.

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