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13. 十一月 2009, 11:28:29
题目: Re: Hardly the direct fault of the US no matter how you try to spin it.
Artful Dodger: And no matter how you spin it you cannot deny that the USA as well as other democratic western governments have stuck their nose in and helped and aided those they like... you called it the enemy of your enemy I believe.

This has included rather nasty people in the belief.. better dead then red is the old saying isn't it? Saying "we didn't do anything" is denial of the logistical and financial aide given to people to fight and kill perceived enemies of the west.

And I'm not saying communism (to use a loose term as it was just a disguised dictatorship scheme) is innocent, but neither is the west.

"Capitalism is an economic system that vastly differs from all others. It's not really a system at all but a lack of a system."

so was communism as under the USSR system. No real system to talk about as it didn't work.

13. 十一月 2009, 15:08:28
题目: Re: Hardly the direct fault of the US no matter how you try to spin it.
(V): You're not a former protege of Kim Philby are you?Seriously you are right, but I don't believe there was a whole of people trying to escape to the Warsaw Pact, or scale the Berlin Wall to get into East Berlin or boat people trying to get in to Cuba. In fact the vast , huge, majority were and are trying to do the opposite. Of course maybe these masses are the "stupid majority"

14. 十一月 2009, 12:17:08
题目: Re: Communism is more a political and social system whereas capitalism is economic.
Artful Dodger: Rubbish, at least not in the way we have it today.

"most of the blame can be levelled at the politics and attitudes of sovereignty."

I cannot agree, not when you've had the likes of the car industry approach Nixon to delay the introduction of seat belts and the wearing of.

Capitalism can become an ideology and as such the perceived needs to protect it can be over the top. And as such the Cold war was over the two systems. Communism or Capitalism. And then you have the big industry bosses creaming the public wallet or skipping on safety.

17. 十一月 2009, 09:22:25
题目: Re: Rubbish
Artful Dodger: I'd agree with you, if it were not that business does interfere with government. As such in the western world there is no real separation of the two. As such companies try to become 'brands' (such as coke).. talking of which.. Santa these days is wearing which companies colours?

Politicians relaying on contributions for their election campaigns from businesses. Sarah Palin got through alot of 'suits' in the last Republican campaign to be in power, didn't she .. do I need to get you to do an essay on the lobbying system?

17. 十一月 2009, 18:04:59
题目: Re: Rubbish
Artful Dodger: Of course businesses lobby the government. Personally I wish it were against a law.

vote green
nader would abolish lobbying. hes run both his campagns on non-lobbist contributions

17. 十一月 2009, 19:12:37
Ferris Bueller 
题目: "Should she have gone naked?"
Artful Dodger:   Yes.  That would have made things spicey & interesting.  I might have even considered voting for her. 

17. 十一月 2009, 20:27:46
题目: Re: Rubbish
Artful Dodger: As long as business can lobby government in the way yours can, combined with election funding... they are always going to be intertwined. It ain't just a USA thing, our government closed down an investigation in bribery as it would have cost a defence company a big contract.

As for Palin.. $250K wasn't it on campaign clothing... alot of dosh for campaign clothes that came from supporters BIG and small.

As for naked... interesting.. I wonder if birthday suit debates would get more honesty out of the politicians???

17. 十一月 2009, 20:29:37
题目: Re: Rubbish
(V): birthday suit debates
might have been rough on Hilary! lol

17. 十一月 2009, 20:38:22
Ferris Bueller 
题目: US election funding
(V):   Federal funding for election campaigns has been debated here to keep business & other lobbies out of the process.  There is some matching funds from the Feds, but participation is option.  But, full Fed funding will never fly here cause both parties "eat from the same troth" of big business & special interests.

17. 十一月 2009, 20:41:46
题目: Re: US election funding
Ferris Bueller: ... what's the policy on part political broadcasts in the states?

17. 十一月 2009, 22:13:03
Ferris Bueller 
题目: Re: US election funding

(V):   If u are refering to political advertizing law.  The McCain-Feingold Act of 2002 set some restrictions on how much money could be donated for political ads.  But there are loopholes a mile wide.

Here is an article on maze of complex issues regarding this legislation with the court cases surrounding it.



17. 十一月 2009, 22:44:37
题目: Re: US election funding
Ferris Bueller: Nahhh allocated space on TV for political broadcasts. Time here is limited so we don't end up with endless 'important messages'

18. 十一月 2009, 00:18:42
Ferris Bueller 
题目: Re: US election funding
(V):   I don't think there are any such restrictions here if u have the money to pay for endless ads.  We are inundated w/ them every election cycle.

18. 十一月 2009, 09:10:49
题目: Re: US election funding
Ferris Bueller: Ouch... That is something we don't get. I think it's to do with fairness of representation.

19. 十一月 2009, 06:03:54
Ferris Bueller 
题目: Re: US election funding

(V):   I agree w/ u.  But, here the mentality of our courts is that how you are able to spend your money constutes free speech.  In other words, regardless of whether funds raised are remotely even, candidates have the "right" to allocate their moneys however they see fit - that means any restriction placed upon time limits on commercial time being bought is considered a violation of free speech.

I think this particular mentality is rediculous & has nothing to do with individual free speech as an "inalienable" human right.

19. 十一月 2009, 09:07:24
题目: Re: US election funding
Ferris Bueller: It is crazy, party's can quite easily say their peace and get their message across in a couple of ads a day. I guess money talks!!

21. 十一月 2009, 10:03:01
Ferris Bueller 
题目: Re: money talks!!
(V):   Unfortunately yes it does.  And it is no way to support the free flow of ideas in a demacracy or a republic.  But, if u suggest any alternative to the "free marketplace" here, u are branded a Socialist or Communists.  It's simply rediculous.

21. 十一月 2009, 13:34:55
题目: Re: money talks!!
Ferris Bueller: It's not communist or socialist not to want to have 24/7 political broadcast bombardment... it's called not wanting to have the same rubbish shoved down your throat 24/7!!

If anyone says to you that's not American, then suggest to them they can have your share and sit in a room 24/7 just watching 'important messages'.

Maybe with some chocolate pretzels... bit melted, but still good. If you know your "Mallrats"

22. 十一月 2009, 03:11:42
题目: Re: money talks!!
Ferris Bueller: I agree with Charlie on this one... you have something that works, dont worry about the name, just tell us how it works. If it is better than what we have, we will let you know ;)

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