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12. 十月 2012, 16:43:47
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re: An important thing policies or not having them
mckinley: You must be ok with partial birth abortion. Biden is. And you must be ok with allowing a baby to die after a failed abortion attempt. Obama voted against a law that would require doctors and nurses to care for any human baby "born alive" after a failed abortion attempt. Instead, Obama favors leaving the newborn alone unattended to die. Maybe Obama missed the part in sex ed class where AFTER a woman gives birth she is no longer pregnant. So ALL ARGUMENTS for abortion are moot. The woman is NOT pregnant and the newborn is alive. And yet Obama favors allowing medical personnel to neglect the newborn and just let it die. Many times it takes hours and hours for the newborn to die. Sanctioned murder by President Obama. And partial birth abortion is where the doctor preforms a breach birth, leaves the head inside the birth canal, cuts a slit in the back of the skull, inserts a tube and suctions out the brain. All this while the unborn child is ALIVE and kicking (literally). Only barbaric fools support those that sanction such horrible acts. You apparently are one of them.

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