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6. 七月 2009, 18:13:20
题目: Re: This is your theory, maybe, but you have no proof, or historical record to back that up!
(V): others have been caught up in all the mess and failed of no fault of their own.

You seem to believe we all have a God given right to be successful???

Thats where we dont agree... Success is a condition of many factors, some of it in our control, some of it not, like timing and luck.

Try to start a computer company during the great depression and you would fail... not because of the depression, but because the internet had not yet been invented, not a bad business idea really, but just not the right time in history.

Try to start one now, and you will likely fail as well... too late, bad timing, not the fault of a depression, should the government support you?

There are plenty of car companies thriving right now, and banks as well, the smart ones.....

Point is, we do not have any right, nor is it the responsibility of the government to make sure we are all successful

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