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5. 十一月 2003, 17:09:46
Well there you go then, simply resign all these 'GroundHog Day' games of yours, and then send Fencer the BKRs that you recorded. You will be back in the top ten and starting anew :)

5. 十一月 2003, 17:07:32
Joseph S 
i was just reading some of the other comments here and who says he'll correct the ratings..????.....i have most of mine written down....i could even tell you who i played to get there....i don't play alot of games here since the last time this happened..probably won't start any new ones either...hey...i don't have to i can just keep playing the same ones over and over...

5. 十一月 2003, 17:07:05
Erm...... to what end would Fencer wish to manipulate the rating High Tide?? Just to keep YOU out of the top ten? I very much doubt it :o)

5. 十一月 2003, 17:05:14
If you remember what they were then send them to Fencer, he will change them for you :o)

I for example, took note of mine, then resigned every game that I had previously completed (won or lost) and then got the BKRs put back, so in a sense I am starting a fresh (new games only) with my BKRs as they stood??

5. 十一月 2003, 17:03:20
read it yesterday thanks , i also asked how bkrs can be changed in a fair way , there isnt one if my bkrs were put to where they was before the crash , i t wouldnt be exactly fair because i may still have games going which could still alter the outcome , but if people start altering there bkr i will want mine put back too ,

5. 十一月 2003, 16:59:42
Joseph S 
i just don't see the sense in having a rating system at this site...at all......every few months it's crashing.....i don't know if this has anything to do with the reason but it always corresponds to when i win a few games and finally make it in the top 10 at a game....then i drop back down...twice now it's happened in the last 2 months...i'm even playing the same games that he backed up the last time it did this...they're just backed up farther to give them a better chance at winning.....i think it's pre-planned to manipulate the ratings..

5. 十一月 2003, 16:58:47
Well I don't think anything else is actually being restored. What we see is what they were able to get back.

BUT - what I think fencer is doing is if a user knows what ratings they had before the crash, he is changing (restoring) the rating to what the user says it was.

... and possible if a user knows the outcome of certain games or tournaments, Fencer may also be changing (restoring) those also???? I'm not really sure. Hopefully once Fencer logs back on, he will let us know what he is doing - and if he would like us users to slow down with new games/tournament, or to start going full speed again! :-)

5. 十一月 2003, 16:56:39
I think you should read Fencer's own post on the BrainKing.Info page. It is CLEAR as a bell i think :o) and from the horses mouth (so to speak)

5. 十一月 2003, 16:51:53
gothic has just said differnt , so i dont know what to think

5. 十一月 2003, 16:47:12
As I understand it Jason, what you have now is all that can be(and has been) recovered. No further games will appear except for new ones you create.

5. 十一月 2003, 16:41:13
what do you mean restore games that are lost ? i had aked fencer yesterday if there was going to be any more information to be restored ...but havent had an answer yet . i dont want to spend my days making moves for nothing if they are going to dissapear when any update is done

5. 十一月 2003, 16:38:48
题目: Support
If you have a computer...it is going to crash. I think Fencer and Liquid are doing an outstanding job. However, I hope the new hardware planned for this site comes soon.

5. 十一月 2003, 16:34:57
* and I come here and read the past few message right after I just created 7 more of the "Fast start" tournaments! * :-)

How much is Fencer restoring? I understand that if someone knows what their previous rating is, or things like that, he will change it for him - but for me (and probable many others), I'm not going to worry about having him do that for me - since some of mine have went up, some down - and I don't know exactly what they were before the crash.

BUT - I know many users (and new users) and quickly trying to get some more games going because they may not have much anymore - and new tournaments are a good way for them to start playing again.

5. 十一月 2003, 16:30:18
red dragon 
What we don't play in tournaments we'll play in games between ourselves anyway.

5. 十一月 2003, 16:18:56
I doub't holding off on creating new tornamnets will ease anything? As Fencer stated just before the crash (BBW could create as many tournaments as he wanted because it doesn't effect the loading of the server!!)

Sorry to use you as an example BBW, but I don't think that creating tournaments will TAX the server any more? It is after all fully re-installed a new and running better than before the crash I would expect?

Perhaps if Filip would clarify though incase I am wrong??

5. 十一月 2003, 16:15:53
题目: Re: Just a suggestion to all
I think the prize ones need to keep coming, they will be needed to get a little cash back into Fencer's pocket sooner rather than later.

5. 十一月 2003, 16:12:58
Grim Reaper 
题目: Just a suggestion to all
This site is going to be very busy for the next couple of weeks I would imagine. Fencer is working hard to restore games that have been lost. The ratings are skewed now, and this has the chance to permanently effect all subsequent games being rated.

Given this is the case, I think we should have a moritorium on the creation of new tournaments for a while. New tournaments means new games which means activity which means the website would be taxed.

How about we let Fencer just work on getting things as close to normal as possible without putting the extra load on the server?

Let 's take a 2 week break from creating new tournaments to let things stabilize a bit.

5. 十一月 2003, 15:20:31
题目: Great Job
a Great Job to the staff at brainking for the hard work I know they had to have done to get the site back up. And for the record, I don't know what games I've won or lost that are back...I just enjoy the chance to play. So, if anyone thinks I'm a bad sport...forgive me

5. 十一月 2003, 15:01:12
题目: Re: Not sure why so much negativity
Not perfect huh LOL :oÞ

And you are dead right Rose, it (with an sh) happens. I have at several times in the last 5 years lost data permanently, and I DO HAVE all the things that Filip would like to have in place on my system in work. Hot Swap SCSI drives, RAID 5, resilient back-up nightly and I still lost data, if its gonna go, you can not (will not) prevent it :o( it is the nature of the beast im afraid. And 6 weeks is nothing on the grand scheme of things LOL I lost 8 months once (try explaining that to the boss LMAO)

5. 十一月 2003, 14:50:47
题目: Not sure why so much negativity
Computers are man made.. Men arent perfect (Sorry Steve-O and Aragon but it's true, men arent perfect! :-)) Why ppl are so upset and so angry over this makes no sense. Everyones home computer has gone.. scuse the expression "tits-up" at one time or another.. Did you blame your self over that? Highly unlikely. This site is so much better run then any other turn based site right now. The feed back you get from the site owner is second to none. Crap happens

5. 十一月 2003, 13:16:59
Joseph S 
is this going to be a bi-monthly thing now ...the site losing all the memory of games i mean....how about making monthly game leader boards...then maybe at the end of a certain amount of time the leaders in that span play each other for a champion...just trying to think of a new system here....the one in place doesn't seem to be working with all the gamesite alzhiemers that happens

5. 十一月 2003, 13:03:28
I agree a new start and Filip, no Hurry I am very busy right now but can you just delete all my games with no penalty to either myself or my opponent... BKR's will sort themselves out again in due course...
The chess club ladders, tournaments and the interfellowship match will have to be restarted from scratch

5. 十一月 2003, 12:58:44
I ment games that I have started and finshed after 15 Sept.

5. 十一月 2003, 12:56:35
I for one to prevent this resigned ALL my games, even ones i knew that i won prior. A clean start is far better than the hassle :o)

5. 十一月 2003, 12:56:01
I have played a number of quick (Over 20) games which have gone. I was 1st in battle boats BKR but cannot remember how many points i had. I have all so lose my BKR ratings in 3 or 4 diffrent games. How can you fix games that?

5. 十一月 2003, 12:50:34
yes i am coming across a few bad sporstmen too , having to play games that they knew they had lost and will still lose , there are some good sportsmen too so thanks to the ones that have resigned ;)

5. 十一月 2003, 12:44:23
i must be playing with alot of bad sportsmen because i haven't had one player resign a game that i had won...the funny thing is how the games came to my gamesheet...the ones i won are muddled up back in the mid to start of the game but the ones i lost are one or 2 moves from being over....no second chance for me in any....if people are supposed to resign games they know they lost it better be posted somewhere. the thought never crossed most peoples minds.

5. 十一月 2003, 11:41:00
just a question ... how can you restore bkrs ? if this starts happening i will end up in a worse position than i am now , i do know what my bkrs was on some of my games , my question is how can people get thier bkr back and still be 100 % fair (this isnt aimed at anybody) but if i start to go further down the list then i would want and my finshed games deleted and mr bkrs restored to what it was before the crash

5. 十一月 2003, 11:13:49
题目: Interview with.... Fencer
For anyone who missed it the first time, heres the link to...


I stored all the questions received so far for CaoZ on my PC, so those are not lost :o)
I am still taking questions though, so send them to me! State if you want your name with the question, or if you'd like to stay anonymous.
Thanks :o)

5. 十一月 2003, 10:57:45
Thanks for updating my bkrs Fencer :o) I am surprised you are awake anyways after the long days you must of had , being a shift worker, I sympathise <sp>
Ill put that on here so as not to clog your inbox :o)

5. 十一月 2003, 09:20:26
Whoa! Over 200 requests handled this morning and more than 100 waiting in a queue. I'm taking a rest, will be idle for at least one hour ;-)

5. 十一月 2003, 09:18:58
Easy solution, think hard. If you know you lost a game resign it, if your not sure ask your opponent, if neither are sure play through. A good sportsman would not take advantage of the situation by trying to win a game they already lost. I have resigned numerous games that i know i lost, big deal there just games. Instead of going on and on about it just figure it out. Fencer has a few more important things to deal with and we should just be glad we have the chance to play or resign games at all.

5. 十一月 2003, 09:07:44
ellie: I don't know if there is another solution. Or do you suggest something else?

5. 十一月 2003, 08:38:19
题目: TEXAS :)
what an absolute breathe of fresh air LOLOL
I just love your senility definition...it sorta fits at this end as well, BUT i draw the line at previously played games :(
It is sort of like having yesterdays dinner again to day, except it isnt as fresh or as tasty :( LOLOLOL

5. 十一月 2003, 08:27:27
i don't quite understand, when you say, play all started games, does that mean every game that's on my gamesheet from sept.?

5. 十一月 2003, 08:27:18
I haven't the foggiest, so I have to take whatever solution I can get. I prefer to play through. Some people don't like that, but I haven't run into it with any of my opponents. So, I can just sit here, fat, dumb and happy, playing games I've played before, and still have fun. The marvelous thing about senility is that you can delight over and over again at the same thing. §: )

5. 十一月 2003, 08:23:14
It's not easy to make an universal conclusion. Well, the easiest way for me is to let people continue with the started games. But if you are sure about correct results, I can finish these games.

5. 十一月 2003, 08:13:42
yes you dear thing :) you even gave me proof...not a problem...it is the "ones that have no idea" like myself that amaze me...just get rid of all games:) Start afresh

5. 十一月 2003, 08:10:32
that would be a good way to do it, the only games i know for sure if i won or lost are battleboats, cause i have those written down, i have no idea what i did in the other games. i'm waiting for Fencer to say if we are going to start from now before i play any games.

5. 十一月 2003, 07:36:23
I dont believe what I am seeing here ROFLMAO
"I dont believe in draws" from one person and the particular game was unrated hahahahahaha
"Why dont you just resign" from another who I thought of as a good sport, but then if I resign.....they get the points......get rid of all games after the Sept 11th???? oops sorry Sept 15th and before November 4th/5th (guy Fawkes day)....let no one take aedvantage of this unfortunate happening

5. 十一月 2003, 06:34:01
cya peeps 
题目: TexasRose
LOL :) good advice

5. 十一月 2003, 06:33:27
Me either, Bernice. I'm offering to resign, or play through, whatever my opponents want to do. It doesn't matter, it's all games to me.

5. 十一月 2003, 06:14:47
I cant remember any of the games win lose or draw...im offering a draw to EVERYONE :) at least we all get something then

5. 十一月 2003, 06:09:06
题目: da games lost
I would think that all go for the gold, go for the wins, and do not care to loose the record we have set in the files or ourselves.... but for the price we pay to play, we must now just accept the lost games as practice ones, and enjoyable at that.... I for one like the games, as for back in august I pinched a nerve in my back and my right hand has had two numb fingers since then.... go the the doctor for two hour test tomorrow... but spending time with you folks has helped pass the bad nights.... typing this in with my left hand, but you must play with the hands you are dealt.... other then Jason showing me no mercy, thanks to all of you for beginning on the challenge to me, hopefully... again other than JASON I may of brought a small challenge to you..... keep up the good work, and once again.....LET DA GAMES BEGIN

5. 十一月 2003, 05:29:42
I think you people are freakin nuts, and harley, well, never mind.

5. 十一月 2003, 05:27:49
What a question! Haha! I think you should forget you know Slam until we start playing the mid-October games. That's my vote.

5. 十一月 2003, 02:40:58
*gets an umbrella and continues dancing* rain on the parade all ya want. It hits the umbrella and rolls off and goes away :)

5. 十一月 2003, 02:33:14
cya peeps 
题目: Slam, my problem seems more complex
I didn't like you much pre-September 15th but about mid-October I changed my mind cuz everybody else loves you so what the heck. So now, should I just like you like everybody else (post mid-October change) or should I go back to my pre-Sept 15 feelings?

i'M cOnFuSeD

5. 十一月 2003, 01:56:10
题目: Since some here have a problem..
..with unexpected change, i suggest a book..a short called "Who moved my cheese?"

5. 十一月 2003, 01:34:43
wHy dOEz iT MaTtEr?
tHeSe..oThErz..tHaY aRe gAmEz, jEFf...gAmEz.

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