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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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31. януари 2009, 11:02:44
Относно: Re: while we're at it...
MadMonkey: Sorry, Monkey, you don't have the ears to compete with Spock. A rabbit, on the other hand...

16. януари 2009, 11:17:56
Относно: Optionally picking columns to display on the main page
I'd like to be able to pick for myself what data columns I display on the main page, and be able to sort by any such column.

For example, I , for myself, would like to add "last move time". Other people might like other info, or dislike some of it (such as "event", "colour", ...)

What is needed is a checkbox page to be able to pick the columns to display.

18. януари 2007, 12:12:58
Относно: Games with no time control (this morning's info)
how about the following proposal:

- only in case of a game with no time control
- in case one opponent has been absent for more than 1 month (vacation excluded)
- permit the opponent to delete the game by himself at any move, with no BKR / stat change.

14. януари 2007, 10:36:26
Относно: something simple to implement
how about, when creating a "new game", in the colour choice, add to "black" and "white" also "random" which means that the color will be selected at random when the invitation is accepted.

1. януари 2007, 21:56:01
Относно: Re: word games?
Czuch Czuckers: how about Larousse, or Robert? they're the standard french ones :)

My point is, have a look at the upper right part of the screen, you'll see (currently) 16 little rectangles, 15 of which represent good reasons why this kind of game will be very, very difficult to implement on this site.

1. януари 2007, 13:58:38
Относно: Re: word games?
pgt: so THAT's where artificial intelligence comes from! I always wondered.

1. януари 2007, 13:27:47
Относно: Re: word games?
pgt: why, of course yeuk exists! it's what I always say when I find anything but carrots for dinner. Ogrism sounds like that mania of a BK player that always insisted on inviting me to a maharadja with me as white. Since he's on my blocked list, I don't know if he's still ogring about. I admit that qiviut has me stumped for the moment, but I'm still recovering from yesterday's excesses. I'm sure I'll come up with something later. I like that game!

4. ноември 2006, 12:15:22
Относно: Re: Automatic messages
Fencer: just as a matter of general info, from now on. Does " " mean:
  1. hey, I think it's a cool idea
  2. go ahead, since you suggested it, you implement it
  3. I'll tell Fencer when I see him
  4. could bear thinking about
  5. might be imlemented
  6. should be implemented
  7. will be implemented

6. септември 2006, 17:44:28
It'll probably show up only randomly, and when it does, you'll have won 49875 secret action points. continue to refresh.

23. август 2006, 20:39:20
Относно: Re: "move and go to" menu
Fencer: may I at least have a "move and go get me a beer" choice?

12. юни 2006, 17:21:18
Относно: Re: Voluntary time extension
BIG BAD WOLF: I agree. That's why I added the limitation.

12. юни 2006, 12:21:17
Относно: Voluntary time extension
I'd like to have the possibility to give an opponent more time for a move. This could be useful in friendly games, when the opponent is about to timeout due to exceptional circumstances. Or simply if he asked you for it and you feel generous, or are not interested in a win by a simple timeout.

This feature, of course should not be enabled for tournament games, because it would affect also the other people in the round.

7. юни 2006, 22:11:11
YES! both fried and steamed! with mushrooms, please

6. юни 2006, 20:27:36
Относно: Re:
Fencer: Too bad. Maybe Ed bought some shares.

6. юни 2006, 14:08:02
Относно: Re:
Fencer: Have you tried to contact the owners? Not all owners are Eds. Maybe a reasonable arrangement can be negociated, for example ads in exchange for use. I'm sure people here wouldn't mind ads under such circumstances.

27. януари 2006, 23:22:38
Относно: game messages
could the messages have the move number, or even better a link to the position?
when I comment something like "now THAT was a stupid move of mine", (happens all the time) it's nice to know what it refers to

18. декември 2005, 12:41:21
Относно: Re: a little settings problem
Fencer: happy refactored new year, then

18. декември 2005, 09:31:14
Относно: a little settings problem
Fencer: there are too many settings options to fit in a single horizontal line (with my default font), unless I open my browser in full screen. why not split it into 2 lines? or make submenus?
(in french the line is almost full. as can be expected, in german it overflows already)

6. декември 2005, 19:43:56
Относно: Re: Battleboats
emmett: If you're fast, and the other one takes his time deciding, it'll still be a wait, whether you do it simultaneously or not.

20. август 2005, 11:08:15
Относно: Re: New clock request
pauloaguia: Well, no.

First, you can't set the 3rd parameter to lower than the 1st (I tried. it lets you specify it, but when the game shows up the 3rd parameter is again equal to the 1st)

And then, as it is implemented, it's not total time per player, but as before, time for this move. Unless I misunderstand again?

20. август 2005, 10:31:31
Относно: New clock request
Fencer: since I obviously misunderstood the implementation of the Fischer clock here, would it be possible to implement a setup modelled on the function of standard chess clock?

That is: have each player allocated a TOTAL time in days/hours.
Only one counter decrements at a time, the one for the player who has to move.
The clock for white starts at the creation of the game, or maybe not, the counters may start when white makes the first move.
Maybe also implement a Fischer increment for this model.

11. август 2005, 13:34:23
Относно: Re: Bravo Fencer
Fencer: and the problem is that if you're not logged in to BK in the current browser session, then who are you?

11. август 2005, 13:30:50
Относно: Re: Bravo Fencer
Fencer: make an RSS menu from the links to the current games in which the user has to move.

11. август 2005, 07:05:26
Относно: Bravo Fencer
but how about the main page? it would be nice to have a RSS stream directly to the games

23. юни 2005, 21:38:50
Относно: big pic
Fencer: with the crowding over in the main profile page, why not post the big picture directly, instead of the mouse-over-the-little-pic routine?

17. юни 2005, 12:43:02
Относно: Re: automatic messages
Fencer: that's ok, I can be patient

tomorrow morning should do fine

17. юни 2005, 07:14:02
Относно: automatic messages
Fencer: would it be possible to implement a possibility to delete automatic messages, or even the reception of them? the "u resigned... you won..." are bad enough, but the pond ones make you drown in more sense than one!

even better: possibility to select. when you receive a message of a certain type, add a button "ignore further messages of this type". I leave the implementation as an exercise to the programmer

9. април 2005, 14:06:45
Относно: Re: Re:
Chessmaster1000: what's progressive chess?

I hope you don't mean that our normal chess is regressive!

9. април 2005, 09:13:19
Относно: games with fixed openings
Fencer: if you are implementing games or tournaments with prefixed first moves, would it be possible for a player to devise such games?

It would be great tool to analyze a position with some other player.

As interface to define such games, either as a text input with the BK notation for the game, or a graphic game editor.

26. март 2005, 23:07:13
Относно: Re: Re:
rabbitoid: I think we're talking about the same player.

26. март 2005, 23:05:18
Относно: Re: Re:
grenv: no, it happened last week, just before the weekend. I wasn't following the development each day, but I know I've seen 3, then 2 days left, now it's back to 21. there are no scheduled vacation days set.

26. март 2005, 23:00:33
Относно: Re: Re:
Fiona: let me know how your's behaves

26. март 2005, 22:47:55
Относно: Re:
Fiona: it doesn't seem to be working very well. I have one whose counter slowly slipped on towards 0 days, then at 2 days it suddenly climbed to 20 something. the counter is on the way down again. grrrr

18. януари 2005, 14:52:52
Относно: Re: Message Box
Fencer: stay ill. the results when you are are great

12. януари 2005, 19:37:17
Относно: very urgently needed feature
a possibility to enter the bet in a pond game with a button "go to the next pond". I'm sure that all who have entered some zillion ponds like me will agree

11. януари 2005, 15:20:40
Относно: Re:
Fencer: how about permitting user defined emoticons? upload small gif files to info@... then you assign them a number

30. декември 2004, 20:33:52
Относно: another espionage feature request
permit to mark the opponents' stones still on board. for example, permit me to click on an opponent '?' piece and mark it (with a special colour) as a '1', '2'...
the piece should, of course, be permanently marked as soon as it is positively identified through a spy.

14. декември 2004, 14:46:54
no problem - reformulate it as "my mind is not too untwisted to avoid making any blunders in my games". take and aspirin and come back to the DB in the morning

14. декември 2004, 10:49:23
I don't think it's excluded that I fail to disagree with that statement :)

10. декември 2004, 09:55:08
Относно: more filter proposals #1
works two ways, according to settings:
for ordinary users, translate all characters to lowercase
for slam: toggle randomly upper and lower

30. ноември 2004, 13:56:55
I don't think Fencer can do that. if a message says "you are a nutcase" how would he knw that the "you" refers to you?

he could, however, find out all the nutcases in the database...

30. ноември 2004, 13:46:34
would be nice, but I don't think many would know how to use it

30. ноември 2004, 13:44:29
just a sort of generalized grep on all messages

21. ноември 2004, 12:49:19
that's my objection. each variant will necessarily have it's own management of ratings, tournaments, fellowships...

21. ноември 2004, 09:06:04
I'm not sure this is a good idea.

have a look at http://www.chessvariants.com/ . there are literally THOUSANDS of variants listed. what should Filip do, program them all?

a lot of variants are fairly easy to program, for example those with just different initial positions with figures that already exist in the software. but what's the point? surely, there comes a moment where more means less. to program a variant, even if it's easy to do, where only a couple of games will be played is pointless.

11. ноември 2004, 08:06:35
maybe in life you can't start over again after the "game over" message appears... but here you can

11. ноември 2004, 07:57:38
yes. when I lose, I like to see what I did wrong :)

11. ноември 2004, 07:39:36
and while we're at it, could we have an indication of where the stuff was, once the game is over? that goes for all the hidden games such as battleboats, spy or dark chess.

5. ноември 2004, 11:58:27
Относно: request
Променен от rabbitoid (5. ноември 2004, 11:59:39)
in the messages displayed for a game, add the move number on which they were made.

it would be helpful if in the list of comments, "this was a crap move" was associated to the right move :)

31. януари 2003, 10:38:40
Относно: an easy to implement variation
Fischer random chess, which is not to be found on IYT nor GT

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