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19. ноември 2012, 12:03:18
Israel tactics and the Palestinian militants tactics are both manure.

Maybe in 20 years time they'll stop fighting.. or maybe Israel will roll in full throttle and wipe out the Palestinians.

Dirty stupid war that is the truth.

19. ноември 2012, 16:06:40
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:
(V): What would you do if you were Israel?

19. ноември 2012, 16:17:45
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: ... tricky. Some Israelis want the two state solution implemented, some don't. But that is something that'll require the UN involved, not direct negotiations.

It needs to be done.

20. ноември 2012, 02:30:21
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:
(V): I don't know. I wouldn't want the UN telling the US what to do.

20. ноември 2012, 02:33:17
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: they should be bombing Iran,not Palestine or the Gaza strip.

20. ноември 2012, 02:57:32
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:
Bwild: Well likely Iran is behind the bombings in Israel so you're right about bombing Iran. The terrorists want Israel to stop killing its leaders but its leaders are coordinating bombing of Israeli citizens. So Israel assassinates the bad guys and they get ticked because then they have to train a new top terrorist leader.

20. ноември 2012, 08:11:07
Iamon lyme 
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: [ Israel assassinates the bad guys and they get ticked because then they have to train a new top terrorist leader. ]

Have you noticed there are fewer suicide bombings? New recruits are harder to find... and all of the really good ones are dead.

I don't mean to sound sympathic of the terrorists, because I'm not. But there are times I think I've tuned into a day time drama "reality show" when I hear someone feeling their pain in one of those "man in the street interviews". I often hear people saying Israelites should NOT be aggressively defending themselves. Yeah, right... you betcha. If those same bombs were dropping in their neighborhoods, you and I both know those same people would be singing a different story. They've never had to deal with something like that, so they can't even imagine what it's like.

I'm not sure if I've been listening to slanted news reports, or if 50 years of dumbing down the general population really has paid off for the liberal establishment.

Nevertheless, considering the fact that Israel is (and has been) under constant assualt, it would be absurd it they didn't defend themselves.

20. ноември 2012, 16:55:12
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:
Iamon lyme: To many in the media, Israel can do no right and the terrorists can do no wrong.

Even some in America (and the world) have suggested that the USA try to "understand" why the terrorists are trying to kill us etc. Why are they so mad at us? If we try to see things from their point of view, maybe they'll stop trying to blow us up.

How about this: We just keep killing as many of them as we can until they are all dead. That sounds like a better plan to me. I couldn't care less why they hate the US. I don't like my neighbors. They have too many animals and they crap in my yard (they animals, not the neighbors). They play loud music and their kids have late night noisy backyard parties when I'm trying to sleep.

But I just ignore them because they have the right to do those things. It's not against the law to own animals and you can play loud music up to a certain time at night. And what would one expect teens to do at night in the summer? Go to bed early? So instead of bombing my neighbor's house I live and let live. I can't tell other people how to live and I have no right to harm them just because they piss me off.

The UN should get that message to the terrorists and put the Arab nations on notice that the world will no longer tolerate their terrorist ways. Oh wait, the Arab nations are in the UN so that won't work will it.

Guess we'll just have to keep killing them back.

20. ноември 2012, 16:51:37
Относно: Re:they should be bombing Iran,not Palestine or the Gaza strip.
Bwild: The bombing of anyone isn't gonna end this 'war'. It'll just make more rEvEnGe.

20. ноември 2012, 16:56:47
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:they should be bombing Iran,not Palestine or the Gaza strip.
(V): I don't know about that. We bombed the hell out of Germany and destroyed their military and their ability to continue their aggression. You speak English as a result.

20. ноември 2012, 17:03:16
Относно: Re:they should be bombing Iran,not Palestine or the Gaza strip.
Artful Dodger: Different war, different scenario....carpet bombing resulted in the deaths of millions of civilians.

We speak English because we (as in the allies) all fought. N' I doubt if we'd be speaking German if they did win. It'd just be a second language.

20. ноември 2012, 23:44:40
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:they should be bombing Iran,not Palestine or the Gaza strip.
(V): True. However, the only real solution the Palestinians will accept is not the destruction of Israel but the complete destruction of the Jews. They, the Palestinians are the real problem.

21. ноември 2012, 12:00:13
Относно: Re: However, the only real solution the Palestinians will accept is not the destruction of Israel but the complete destruction of the Jews. They, the Palestinians are the real problem.
Artful Dodger: That's BS.. a small group probably do, as a small group of Israelis would like to wipe out the Palestinians.

From surveys and interviews.. most just wanna live in peace!!

21. ноември 2012, 15:54:09
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: However, the only real solution the Palestinians will accept is not the destruction of Israel but the complete destruction of the Jews. They, the Palestinians are the real problem.
(V): a small group can't shoot 100 rockets a day into Israel. And far more than a small group of people put Hamas in power.

21. ноември 2012, 18:56:48
Относно: Re: However, the only real solution the Palestinians will accept is not the destruction of Israel but the complete destruction of the Jews. They, the Palestinians are the real problem.
Artful Dodger: Yes, a small group can. N' maybe if the Israeli's did something about the prosecution/attacks on legit Palestinians from their homes, gave back the lands they've stolen...

.. would the US allow a country to steal land from it?

A cause takes building, being forced to live in a ghetto builds anger.

Google a look at the ghetto's that the Jews were forced to live in the Nazi's.

... this is what gets me. We all know what bad quality of life that was. Why are we supposed to think the ghetto's the Palestinians live in are any better?

21. ноември 2012, 22:44:15
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: However, the only real solution the Palestinians will accept is not the destruction of Israel but the complete destruction of the Jews. They, the Palestinians are the real problem.
(V): The fault is not with Israel. Not even an ounce.

22. ноември 2012, 17:16:38
Относно: Re: The fault is not with Israel. Not even an ounce.
Artful Dodger: I cannot agree. While a good sized proportion is the fault of militant Palestinian groups, some of the policies Israel has taken, alot of the ignoring of basic rights for Palestinians to keep land they own and not have anyone to stop Israeli citizens driving them out of their homes and/or land.

.... The list of prohibited goods. While weapons is obvious, some of the others seem .. excessive. The relaxation of the prohibited list in 2010 was a good step.. that it was 5 years too late so Hamas didn't get more support.

22. ноември 2012, 17:45:21
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: The fault is not with Israel. Not even an ounce.
(V): There has never been a Palestinian state ever. They've never owned the land. And when Israel gave up Gaza, that's when the bombs started. You don't bomb civilians. Stop making excuses for the terrorists.

22. ноември 2012, 17:56:51
Относно: Re: There has never been a Palestinian state ever. They've never owned the land.
Artful Dodger: Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a conventional name, among others, for the geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands.[1][2][3][4][5][6] The region is also known as the Land of Israel (Hebrew: ארץ־ישראל Eretz-Yisra'el),[7] the Holy Land and the Southern Levant,[8] and historically has been known by other names including Canaan, Zion, Syria Palaestina, Southern Syria, Jund Filastin and Outremer.

The boundaries of the region have changed throughout history, and were first defined in modern times by the Franco-British boundary agreement (1920) and the Transjordan memorandum of 16 September 1922, during the mandate period. Today, the region comprises the country of Israel and the Palestinian territories.[9] ......

In 1830, on the eve of Muhammad Ali's invasion, the Ottoman Porte transferred control of the sanjaks of Jerusalem and Nablus to Abdullah Pasha, the governor of Acre. According to Silverburg, in regional and cultural terms this move was important for creating an Arab Palestine detached from Syria (bilad al-Shams). According to Pappe, it was an attempt to reinforce the Syrian front in face of Muhammad Ali's invasion.[41][42] Two years later, in 1832, Palestine was conquered by Muhammad Ali's Egypt, but in 1840, Britain intervened and returned control of the Levant to the Ottomans in return for further capitulations. The end of the 19th century saw the beginning of Zionist immigration and the Revival of the Hebrew language. The movement was publicly supported by Great Britain during World War I with the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

The British began their Sinai and Palestine Campaign in 1915. The war reached southern Palestine in 1917 progressing to Gaza and around Jerusalem by the end of the year.

" And when Israel gave up Gaza, that's when the bombs started."

So the PLO never hijacked planes, etc before hand?

"Stop making excuses for the terrorists."

Then stop proclaiming the Israelis hands are without blood.. Even our UK government has had to admit the Israelis can be wrong. Like when they broke an agreement not to use UK passports to hide the identity of assassins sent out by Israeli intelligence.

22. ноември 2012, 18:24:02
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: There has never been a Palestinian state ever. They've never owned the land.
(V): I never said anything about planes. I said bombs from Gaza. Israel should never have given up Gaza or ANY territory. Israel has never shed blood without just cause. It's the terrorists that always start things by killing innocent people. Did you miss the recent bus being blown up? And Hamas celebrated. Hamas needs to be wiped out completely.

22. ноември 2012, 21:17:29
Относно: Re: There has never been a Palestinian state ever. They've never owned the land.
Artful Dodger: So a hijacked plane with a bomb on it, killing civilians is different from a bomb on the bus how? Less casualties?? Smaller explosion??

The PLO were at it before Hamas, the PLO then junked the attitude and started working towards a deal. I'm not saying the 'talks' were done with everyone holding hands singing songs.. but it was a leap from an active terrorist group.

Hamas needs their cause taken away, they need to be not the source of basic goods in Gaza that Israel and the 'democratic' Egypt are blocking. Hamas are bringing them through tunnels and the people of Gaza want and quite often, need these goods for a normal life.

... normality tends not to breed terrorists. It's not rocket science.

22. ноември 2012, 22:24:10
The Col 
Относно: Re: There has never been a Palestinian state ever. They've never owned the land.
(V): Who started this recent round of bombings?

And how do you think Israel should have responded?

23. ноември 2012, 00:06:41
Относно: Re: And how do you think Israel should have responded?
The Col: Exactly as they have done unfortunately.

"Who started this recent round of bombings?"

""Israel's offensive on Gaza began with an air strike that killed the commander of Hamas's military wing, Ahmed Jabari, whom it accused of responsibility for "all terrorist activities against Israel from Gaza" over the past decade.

IDF ... subsequently announced the start of Operation Pillar of Defence, which it said was intended to protect Israeli civilians from rockets and mortars fired by militants in Gaza, as well as cripple Hamas's capability to launch attacks.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the operation was launched because he could no longer "accept a situation in which Israeli citizens are threatened by the terror of rockets"....

....Hamas, which has governed Gaza since 2007, said Jabari's assassination had "opened the gates of hell".

Although Jabari's killing signalled the start of Israel's offensive, it was preceded by spates of deadly cross-border violence which saw Palestinian militant groups, including Hamas's Qassam Brigades, firing hundreds of rockets into southern Israel and the Israeli military shelling Gaza and carrying out air strikes.

Some observers have noted that the offensive was launched only nine weeks before parliamentary elections in Israel. Others have alleged that Operation Pillar of Defence was intended to undermine the Palestinian plan to request non-member observer state status at the UN later in November.

>>>>>> Do you agree?

20. ноември 2012, 16:34:00
Относно: Re:I don't know. I wouldn't want the UN telling the US what to do.
Artful Dodger: mmmmm ... ... In certain respects regarding this problem. I think it's time the UN did tell the US to back any UN action, instead of vetoing it.. like many times in the past.

113 dead, and God knows how many wounded in this round.

20. ноември 2012, 16:47:28
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:I don't know. I wouldn't want the UN telling the US what to do.
(V): Yes but the terrorists need to stop initiating and sustaining the conflict. Israel is responding and the terrorists are the aggressors. Perhaps the UN could tell the Arab world to knock it off and leave Israel alone. That will never happen. Too many people hate Israel. Just like the Bible said they would in these end days.

20. ноември 2012, 16:56:08
Относно: Re: Israel is responding and the terrorists are the aggressors
Artful Dodger: Both are aggressors.

"Just like the Bible said they would in these end days."

Now... don't give me that baloney. Officially.. as in going by dates .. this world Biblically ended 6 years ago.

Bad interpretation.

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