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2. септември 2004, 19:36:08
It would be very hard to outgrow backgammon for 2 main reasons:

1) Board is too big / Game is too long. Some people will play fewer games since it takes longer to complete. If for example there were 6x6 or 8x8 versions of the game (would have to think more about what would be best) - but with a 12x12 board - it will lose some players.

2) Backgammon is a classic popular games which many knows how to play. Froglet is a new unheard of game which only some players will try (and if they don't catch on, may quit before playing any more games.)

BUT Froglet will get the type of people who like the "outbreak" type games on that other GT game site, so that is a plus.

2. септември 2004, 19:24:59
Froglet won't outnumber Backgammon... my guess is it will grow just a little faster then Battleboats Plus - and probable settle in there around the Backgammon Race or Crowded Backgammon level in it's popularity. (again, just my guess.) :-)

I've always kind of measured it by the number of people who have a established rating. But then it is hard to judge games which have not been here for awhile - so then it would probable have to be something based on started games or something

1. септември 2004, 19:29:01
... and when I renewed in May, I believe my payment then went to harley. (so it mush have been between March & May... April maybe!) <grin>

1. септември 2004, 19:27:41
Well technicly harley is part of customer service so it really isn't "third parth" - But yes, I agree that at least a quick note somewhere in the payment section would be helpful to some.

1. септември 2004, 19:21:55
Относно: Re: So for how long?
Stevie - I believe it's been that way for awhile.

I believe the problem is if Fencer accepted PayPal payments directly, the fee's taken out are a LOT HIGHER for him. So what happens I believe is harley does that part, then harley gets the payments to Fencer in either 1 big bunch (less fees), or some other way.

You would have to talk to Fencer, but I'm sure he would accept the money directly if you (or anyone) picked up the extra fee's and costs associated with it.

1. септември 2004, 18:28:02
If I had a frog I would throw it at you Stevie! (But i lose those also) :-(

1. септември 2004, 18:23:05
Unfortunutly I do not know any of the games. All I know if I put 5 in the waiting room accepted a couple from the waiting room (including one from White - 6 game match or something like that), then at that time I only seen 2 games in my "opponents turn list, and 0 for mine - and all invites had been taken.

.... maybe I'm just losing it..... :-)

1. септември 2004, 17:20:30
Променен от coan.net (1. септември 2004, 17:34:45)
Not sure if its a bug or I'm losing my mind

But I can't find my froglet games! I have recently started probable about 5-7 games. 2 show up as my oppoenet needs to move, and 0 show up for what I need to move.

I believe if they are deleted, I'm suppose to get a message so I don't think they were deleted...

UPDATED: And just to add to what I have above - With the one person who I remember picking up a waiting room game from (White), looking at her profile, i do not see my game either. I don't remember the players who had my other games - but I did make a move of 2 in a couple of them before they were gone. :-(

FROGS - Come back! I'm a wolf but I don't really like to eat frogs!

1. септември 2004, 16:36:42
No hurry Fencer, it's only Stevie that is on there now! <grin> *quickly runs out*

1. септември 2004, 16:20:22
Относно: New Games
Thanks Fencer for the new games! It is always cool to get new and different games which you don't see on the other turn-based game sites!

30. август 2004, 05:12:26
No, actually I think birthday is always a hidden field isn't it? If you look at my profile, I have my birthday set but only I can see the birthday. (At least that is what I thought.)

30. август 2004, 02:32:34
Относно: December missing
Not only in the bug tracker, but set to the highest priority! :-) It would be a shame if the site missed Christmas! LOL

27. август 2004, 15:47:03
Относно: Prize tournament
Plus I would suggest that if the prize is something from the store or a membership, you should get that paid for BEFORE the tournament starts, that way if the tournament takes a long time, the winner (and Fencer) does not have to worry about the creator still being around to be able to pay the prize.

*shamless plug alert*

Take for example my current Battleboats Plus Prize Tournament which already has over 35 players signed up, and more signing up every day - all for a membership prize which Fencer already has. So if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, the prize will still be there for the winner!

26. август 2004, 16:58:48
He should hire someone to take care of the .info site - I'll do it cheaply, just a few extra "rigged" Dice in my gammon games a month will be fine!

(NOTE: For the people who can't tell, the part about rigged dice is just a joke! *wink* *wink*)

26. август 2004, 16:01:53
Относно: Interviews
There is too much bickering on this game site - We need to go back and do some more fun stuff.

Hey harley - any chance of starting back up the interviews of people? I've always found those to be interesting, and I'll even volunteer to be a victom if you need one! :-)

23. август 2004, 17:22:16
BerniceC - It sounds to me it might be a lot easier to just send the money to the Aus. customer service person (WhisperzQ) and then let them send the payment to Fencer - that is if WhisperzQ is willing to help out.

18. август 2004, 19:41:04
Относно: Dark Boats / Boats + Ratings
So what is the formula(s) that are used in the code here to figure out ratings.

THIS PLACE is where you normally point people, but that mostly talks about games within a tournament. So like that site, does this also have 2 different formulas? (1 for people under 8 games total, and 1 for people over 8 games). That site also talks about Wins & Loses. Is that TOTAL all games win & lose for that game type, or just in that tournament?

Anyway, the whole reason I'm asking is that for the life of me, I can't figure out what is going on with the Dark Battleboats & Battleboats plus ratings. EVERY game that I finish seems to be a rating flex of 40 or more points, even after complete 100+ games. (usually by now the change is a lot smaller). And for the life of me I can't reproduce the math for the ratings of these 2 game types.

It's almost like something in the site code is pointing to the wrong "game total" value or something, which then calculates each rating wrong. (But if I can figure out exactly how the ratings are calculated on this site, hopefully I can figure it out.)

18. август 2004, 02:52:03
There is no way to fix it yet - that is why it is a bug.

The bug tracker is there to keep "track" of all current bugs. Once a bug is fixed, it will be closed in the Bug Tracker

18. август 2004, 00:09:15
Yea, people like that are a real pain. What are worse are people who spam the message boards - espically on boards which are total off subject.

goes and deletes message from computer message board....

7. август 2004, 09:18:43
Make sure you go back to the main page (http://brainking.com) - and you will see the 3 buttons there.

Or click "Logout" at the bottom of the left hand column - which will also take you back to the main page.

6. август 2004, 21:41:19
Yes, when you first sign on, you now have the option for it to remember your username and/or your password.

6. август 2004, 19:01:22
Did you happen to restart the server in the last 20 minutes?

Why I ask is that the same thing happened to me as it did Erinity - Walked away from my desk - just over 20 minutes gone (Brainking window still up), try to then do something and find myself in guest mode.

Does the "don't remember any information" when you sign on have a short time limit?

6. август 2004, 16:41:13
I don't remember who requested the auto focus either, but I remember it was because they were unhappy that they had to sign in every time since the automatic login was gone..... which the auto focus only bothered me a little, so I did not complain.

But now that the automatic login is back - well then they don't need the auto focus anymore. :-)

6. август 2004, 15:56:37
Относно: Yea - Automatic login. (now we can lose the Java)
Hey Fencer - since you have that now, can we PLEASE remove the java (or whatever) that automaticly brings the page to the front with the "Username" already highlighted and ready to be typed in.

I know it was put into place to make some of the people who missed the auto-login happy, and now that the auto-login is happy - this can go!

At least once a day (usually 2-3 times a day), when I log on, I'll click to bring up BrainKing, go to another page, start typing something only to look up and find that brainKing took over my computer and what I just typed was entered into BrainKing as a username.... making me have to re-type it again in the correct page. At least it is only on the main page - It's like that on every page on Pocket-monkey - one of the reasons I don't play there. :-)

4. август 2004, 17:28:09
I quickly looked into BuildreQ's profile, and I noticed that the Line4 with Keops is wrong (BuildreQ is the winner, but shows Keops)

3. август 2004, 17:18:01
Относно: re: Team Tournaments
Knights are only allowed to be in 1 team tournament, so one of the Knights might already be signed up in a different team tournament

3. август 2004, 15:58:52
Oh, OK. That has not been on this site very long has it? or have I just been blind.

3. август 2004, 15:54:28
Where do you see Green dots?

3. август 2004, 06:24:32
I've seen that a few times - some minor bug. Just let Fencer know the game ID and he restores the game.

31. юли 2004, 03:10:41
Not sure how that works - since the Backgammon and Nackgammon cover 2 different games. And I Battleboat board covers all 3 versions. :-)

29. юли 2004, 17:48:08
Great... right after I made myself a list in the new Notepad of the teams I belong to, you give us a different way! :-)

Actually it looks good. My only suggestion would be to sort the list be either game name, or Fellowship name. It kind of looks now it is sorted by when you signed up for a team.

29. юли 2004, 05:10:42
Относно: Notepad
Notepad - it is a place where you can keep personal notes about anything.

For example, maybe you found out someone has a second ID, you can put that information in your Notepad so you can remember it 5 months from now...... Or maybe there is a game you want to keep "bookmarked" so you can look at it at a later time, so you can put that info in the Notepad..... Or basicly any information you may want.

Before now, some of us would just send messages to ourselfs with information we want to keep. Now we can just put it in the Notepad.

28. юли 2004, 21:16:17
Относно: Notepad
Notepad - Sure, now add it after I figured out how to send myself messages again! :-)

Actually, put first note in there - looks great! With an "edit" option, which is very cool!

One suggestion - any way to have a quick "notepad" link in the main left hand menu somewhere?

28. юли 2004, 17:35:42
Fencer - do you want us to use the Bug Tracker if we have problems which only effect lets say 1 game, or 1 person? Or would you still prefer a message to you?

For example, the other day in a boat game where for some reason messed up the placement of boats / no boats placed.

27. юли 2004, 15:56:12
Относно: Bug Tracker
I know it would be more work for someone, but it sure would be nice if somehow us English only users could read the bugs posted in Czech - just so we don't report the same but multiply times.

27. юли 2004, 07:12:20
As a side note, when I was getting those messages about different fonts, it was way before the google ads were placed here. One of the things I guessed was that somwhere in a post, or something, someone tried to post a special character that took those types of fonts to read - but that was only a guess.

26. юли 2004, 23:15:54
I have got those message also before - but I haven't seen it for many months. I'm not sure why I was getting it, but I think I ended up just loading those languages so I did not have to worry about the messages. (Using IE)

26. юли 2004, 02:07:11
Yea, you can do that with fellowships names, tournament names, and other things - hopefully that bug will not be abused or Fencer will just take the option of making links away from everyone! :-)

22. юли 2004, 17:32:44
ScarletRose - When BK2.0 came out, the "personal notes" field was gone - well you had to click a link to leave personal notes about a game. Made it a little harder to leave personal notes, which I do - but was cool because it saved room on the screen so the game board & Submit buttons where on the same screen (without having to scroll down). Now I've just noticed that the personal notes field is back.

22. юли 2004, 17:29:44
Was that a good "Mmmmmmm", or a bad "Mmmmmm"?

Mmmmmm? :-)

22. юли 2004, 17:23:45
I'm playing my games trying to figure out what is different - it was really cool, i could play my game and the "submit" button would be near the bottom (of my big screen at work) - now I have to scroll down to hit submit.

I finally figured what is slowng me down - the "notes" box is back on the page!

As an added suggestion, i would love to see the 2 submit boxes ABOVE the notes boxes - something where the submit boxes are on the same screen as the play box that way you don't have to scroll down.

OR even better, how about an option that the submit boxes be ABOVE the game board, top of the page? I mean I've already made my move, I would rarely need to look at the board again - well in a few chess games and such to make sure I'm not beat too fast. But the submit buttons above the game board would be cool. (While making the moves, everything is cool where it is now.) (And again, just an option for people - not something that needs to be changed for everyone since I'm sure others would not like this idea.)

21. юли 2004, 17:28:20
I've noticed this for awhile - when I go into the Ratings link, and click on "(show provisional BKR too)" - Battleboats Plus does not show up on the list for me.

20. юли 2004, 02:24:02
Would not necessarly need another column, but just a small clickable link that "sorts by last played" which would sort the main list - and then also show in the drop down box like that also.

20. юли 2004, 01:57:06
It also annoys me. (That is I got use to the list being sorted by "Game last played" also)

18. юли 2004, 00:05:32
I by NO WAY hinted that all people who use the same computer is cheating - I'm not sure why you are taking things so personal - I was trying to "stick up" for the people who use the same computer, and even gave tips on how those people who do use the same computer could help them not be a target for suspicious.

Andersp - you and your games look fine to me, nothing out of the ordenary. Same with MASTERMINDS games - all look normal.

Please don't "hint" that I was hinting that you were cheating please. :-)

17. юли 2004, 21:41:28
Относно: My thoughts
(IN MY OPINION) - it is some-what OK - but here are the "rules" I would follow if I were to lets say play my wife in games.

1) Try to play unrated - then you won't get accused of trying to "cheat" the ratings

2) Try not to play too many rated games too fast (if 2 players on the same computer finish games many times a day, it might look suspicious - ESPECIALLY if 1 player wins almost all the games)

17. юли 2004, 20:26:18
I'm glad I'm able to show Fencer another cool feature of this site! :-)

17. юли 2004, 20:22:48

The top mover of all time list is updated live! So I know I'm up to 800+ moves (over my record) and still going for the next 3 hours or so!

I was wondering what I'm at, and now I can watch! YEA! Very cool Fencer!

17. юли 2004, 18:18:10
Относно: Small bug
Another bug I have been living with for awhile, but I'm not sure if you know about it - so I'll mention it again.

In the Battleboat games, after you place your pieces, if you click on a piece to remove it from the board, almost always (about 85% of the time) it will also take off the 5 ship - so you are again placing the one you took off, and the 5 ship.

I noticed this a long time ago, but it's more of a pain now that we have the "random" board placement - because there is usually 1 peice I like to move - and it always takes off the 2 pieces.

Again, not a big bug - but thought I would mention it so it makes it on the list. :-)

15. юли 2004, 20:26:21
Dolittle - yes, I believe that is one of the known bugs that is mentioned on brainking.info

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