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A place to learn about new interviews, suggest someone for one and ask questions about the interview process.

You can find more about how the interview process is conducted here

New interview with Good Luck :)FLR here. Ask your questions until August 31st 2018

Please ask questions only in the language that the person being interviewed can speak, so they are able to answer all questions. Thanks!

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1. Июля 2010, 08:52:58
a suggestion for the selecting proces : let people submit their candidates (not yourself) .. then create a poll of those candidates .. that list and poll can be on here or on facebook or somewhere else
of course this list and poll should be maintained by the interview organizer

someone's favourite color can tell something about that person .. is it a standard color ? is it a bright color ? is it a color you only know about when you are in specific environment ? (is it sandy yellow, then you are from texas, is it white then you are from alaska, or maybe the opposite)

the same with the names of a person .. the name itself migth not have any influence .. but the ones who picked the names usually are also the ones who raised (and formed) that person

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