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Cloning Backgammon (show rules | discuss - 5809, 328)

2 wins match
pauloaguia is the winner of this match.
Score: pauloaguia: 2.0, Gabriel Almeida: 0.0
Finished games of this match:
1pauloaguiaGabriel AlmeidaAll pieces out.
2Gabriel AlmeidapauloaguiaResigned game.

(black, 1644)
Last move: 12. September 2009, 20:02:00

Score (2): pauloaguia: 2.0, Gabriel Almeida: 0.0
  12 11 10 9 8 7   6 5 4 3 2 1    
  13 14 15 16 17 18  19 20 21 22 23 24   

Gabriel Almeida 
(white, 1999)
Last move: 12. September 2009, 20:01:41

Game ID: 3923984, Match ID: 359119
Score: pauloaguia: 2.0, Gabriel Almeida: 0.0
Time per move (?): 7 days, no days off
Public game (visible for other players)
Rated game (the result will be calculated for players' BKR)
Gabriel Almeida resigned the game.
pauloaguia is the winner.

Game notation (hide)
(download MAT code)


 Gabriel Almeidapauloaguia
28. April 2009, 01:23:03
1. 12-18, 17-18 6-5, 6-5, 24-23, 24-23
2. 12-17, 12-14 8-2, 6-2
3. 12-15, 12-14 13-7, 7-2
4. 14-18, 14-18, 18-22, 18-22 13-7, 8-7
5. 19-24, 19-24, 15-20, 17-22 8-6, 13-12
6. 1-4, 19-20 12-6, 13-10
7. 17-19, 17-18 13-10, 6-5
8. 18-24, 18-24, 18-24 6-3, 6-3, 7-4*, 7-4
9. pass bar-21, 10-6, 5-1*, bar-21
10. bar-1*, bar-1, bar-1, 19-20 pass
11. 20-24, 19-22 pass
12. 20-22, 20-22, 22-24, 22-24 bar-23, 21-19*, 21-19, 23-21
13. bar-1 19-14, 19-14, 14-9, 14-9
14. 22-24 9-7, 9-7, bar-23, 23-21
15. 22-24 23-19, 23-21
16. 22-23 21-18, 21-20
17. pass 21-16, 19-17
18. 22-23 20-15, 18-15
19. pass 15-14, 14-13, 10-9, 9-8
20. pass 13-8, 15-14
21. 23-24 17-12, 14-10
22. pass 16-10, 10-5
23. pass 10-6, 12-9
24. pass 9-6, 6-4
25. pass 8-2, 8-7
26. 23-24 7-3, 4-2
27. pass 4-4
28. pass 7-3, 7-3, 4-off, 4-off
29. 1-4, 4-8 6-off, 3-off
30. 1-7, 7-12 6-2, 2-off
31. 1-6*, 8-9 bar-19, 19-14
32. 12-15, 9-10 14-11, 11-7
33. bar-4, 6-8 7-3, 2-off
34. 8-14, 10-11 5-off, 5-1*
35. bar-1*, 1-5* pass
36. 14-19, 15-19 bar-20
37. 5-11, bar-1 bar-22, 22-21
38. 4-10, 10-12 21-16, bar-23
39. 19-20*, 19-20, 11-12, 12-13 bar-22, 23-22
40. 11-16*, 1-6, 6-11, 11-16 bar-23, 23-21, 21-19, 19-17
41. bar-6, 16-17* bar-19, 19-18
42. 13-16, 17-18* bar-19, 3-2
43. bar-6, 12-18, 6-12, 6-12 22-17, 17-13
44. 18-19*, 18-19, 12-13*, bar-1 pass
45. 16-19, 19-22*, 19-22, 16-19 bar-23
46. 1-4, 4-7, 20-23*, 20-23 pass
47. bar-4, 12-14 bar-21
48. bar-1, bar-1, 7-8, 13-14 bar-20
49. bar-4, 4-7 pass
50. bar-5, 5-8 bar-20, 21-16, 16-11, 11-6
51. 1-6*, 8-9 pass
52. 4-10, 8-10 pass
53. 9-12, 10-12 pass
54. 10-14, 14-18, 14-18, bar-4 pass
55. 18-21, 18-21, 7-10, 10-13 pass
56. 12-17, 14-17 pass
57. 6-11, 12-13 pass
58. 4-10, 11-14 pass
59. 10-14, bar-1 bar-20, 20-16
60. 1-7, 7-12 16-10, 10-7
61. 1-7*, 7-9 pass
62. bar-6, 6-12, 12-18, 12-18 pass
63. 9-14, 14-16 pass
64. 13-19, 16-17 pass
65. 13-16, 16-18 pass
66. 17-23, 17-23, 17-23, 18-24 bar-20, 3-1
67. 18-23, 18-22 20-17, 3-1
68. 19-24, 23-24 20-15, 20-18
69. 14-15*, 15-17* pass
70. bar-5, 14-18* pass
71. 5-10, 10-12 bar-20, bar-20, bar-20, 20-15
72. bar-6, 17-18 20-16, 20-16, 15-11, 11-7
73. bar-4, 6-7* pass
74. 7-13, 12-13 pass
75. 4-7, 13-14 bar-20, 20-17
76. 13-14, 19-20, 18-19, 19-20 17-11, 11-10
77. 14-19, 7-9 10-5, 5-1
78. 9-11, 18-20, 20-22, 22-24 16-10, 10-5
79. 14-16*, 11-12 pass
80. 12-14, 14-15 pass
81. 16-18, 15-16 pass
82. bar-5*, 18-21 pass
83. 5-10, 16-19 pass
84. bar-5, 5-6 pass
85. 6-9, 10-11 pass
86. 9-12, 19-20 pass
87. 12-15, 11-13 pass
88. bar-6, 6-12, 12-18, 13-19 pass
89. 15-21, 18-20 pass
90. 22-off, 24-off pass
91. 19-off, 21-off pass
92. 21-off, 24-off pass
93. 20-23, 24-off pass
94. 19-off, 19-21 bar-19
95. 20-off, 21-24 bar-19, 19-14
96. 21-off, 24-off 19-14, 14-13
97. 22-off, 23-off 13-7, 14-9
98. 20-off, 20-off, 21-off, 22-off 9-8, 8-7, 7-6, 7-6
99. 23-off, 23-off 6-2, 3-off
100. 23-off, 24-off 6-2, 3-off, 2-off, 2-off
101. 23-off, 24-off 2-off, 2-off
102. 23-off, 24-off 2-off, 1-off
103. 24-off, 24-off 2-off, 2-off
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