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 Feature requests

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9. January 2006, 16:16:34
Luke Skywalker 
Subject: Re: Plinco line 4
playBunny: with 50:50 the distribution of the final destination (on an empty board) is roughly a normal distribution (bell shaped); and of course this changes in the course of the game; so I'd guess it is NOT so much luck based as you think it is.

9. January 2006, 16:09:48
Subject: Re: Plinco line 4
BBW: Ahah, yes, having different likelihoods is a good idea. If it's 50:50 then the game would be hugely luck-based and I would guess that the number of draws would be very high due to the lack of organisation. I'd suggest a percentage split of perhaps 70:30 with the 70 always in the direction back towards the slot that was used to introduce the piece.

9. January 2006, 16:02:07 
Subject: Re: Plinco line 4
mctrivia: That would be interesting. I wonder, lets say if a piece falls to the left of a peg, when it hits the next peg - would there be a greater change (lets say 60%) that it would continue left, or do you think the computer should pick 50/50 each time?

9. January 2006, 06:44:09
Subject: Plinco line 4
I propose the creation of plinco line 4. It is played on a diagonal board. Each player puts his pieces in one of the rows at the top. When the pice hits a peg it will take the following action:

1) If only 1 way is possible it will go that way.
2) If 2 ways are possible it will randomly take one path.

The server should show the path your piece took for curiosity sake. This game will be different in that it has some element of luck but would be fun.

9. January 2006, 00:06:01
Subject: Feature idea
I think it would be nice to show win/loss/draw statistics for each player per stairs. Would reset to zero when player leaves and joins back.

8. January 2006, 21:52:31
Subject: Re: To see the user ratings in % too
Thad:Thanks. I think it would be best if you can choose on the page whether to sort by percentile or absolute, like you can choose the key column in the games table. So you wouldn't have a confusing third column, and could choose by yourself how you like it best.

8. January 2006, 21:26:51
Subject: Re: To see the user ratings in % too
mr. shumway: What you are requesting is called percentile. I have asked for that in the past too and would still like to see it.

8. January 2006, 20:53:23
Subject: Re: MY requests
瀬人様: On the shogi variants side - Chu-shogi, please!

7. January 2006, 13:56:52
Subject: Re: To see the user ratings in % too
Modified by toedder (8. January 2006, 00:09:40)
TC: i was thinking about the ranking column on the main page too. i can think of two solutions:

a) leave it like now, just change the notation from position(established) to pos(est)/total - and maybe have an option in the settings to sort them by the quotient instead of an absolute position number.

b) add a third column that lists position(est)/total and orders by the quotient.

it really would be nice to have a 5/500 position ranked better than a 3/3 position, but on the other hand a 1/10 better than a 30/800. -- ok, that depends on your own preferences. but with two columns you could always know your best absolute and your best relative positions.

but it's not very important i think :)

6. January 2006, 04:04:11
Subject: Tournament E-mails
Fencer could you have your server only send one message saying the tournament has been started and some games were canceled? If your tournament has all games it is a couple pages of messages to have to delete.

6. January 2006, 03:16:00
Subject: Link
Mctrivia: Thanks...I didn't see the link but I'll try it next time.

6. January 2006, 02:19:53
Subject: Re: Language
skipinnz: He (grenv) lived there for so long that he almost talks like that instead of like a cultured Kiwi! No wonder he can't understand the BBC.

6. January 2006, 02:14:52
Subject: Re: Language
grenv:Fair dinkum mate havn't yah bean to OZ crickey they speak the only true english. LOL

6. January 2006, 01:42:55
Subject: Re: End of game
surferone: There is a link saying show game.

6. January 2006, 01:26:37
Subject: End of game
I wish there was a feature that would show the last move of a game. When my opponent check-mates me, it doesn't show that last move to me. It just says 'your opponent has check-mated you'. But it doesn't show it.

5. January 2006, 21:11:04
I want a feature that allows my friends to get friends with the friends of my friends friends without learning Farsi.

5. January 2006, 21:08:37
Subject: Re: Language
playBunny: Nobody speaks like BBC english except BBC reporters. It sounds terrible to my ears.

5. January 2006, 19:54:08
So I must wait for Fencer to see what'll happen both to my interview and feature request! *Shuts up and sits aside*

5. January 2006, 19:51:10
Subject: Re: Waaaaaaaayyyyy off topic, but LOLOL
reza: If my "friend" is the friend that I think it is then I want to get friends with your friend who wants to gets friends with my "friend".

5. January 2006, 19:48:38
Subject: Re:
alanback: It means: Do you want to get friends with my friend who wants to get friends with your friend?

5. January 2006, 19:32:59
Subject: Re: Language
alanback: There's only one "proper" English - the BBC's rendition of The Queen's English.

5. January 2006, 19:31:12
Subject: Re: Language
playBunny: Who will decide which British pronunciation is "proper"?

5. January 2006, 19:27:49
Subject: Re: Language
reza: دوست داری با دوست من که دوست داره با دوست تو دوست بشه دوست بشی؟

LOL. If that's a tongue twister then what hope have I of reading it even if I wanted?! It looks very pretty, though.

I think it would be better if Fencer created a huge set of sound files so that we can hear how to pronounce things.

I'll only back the idea of phonetic s and sound files for English if proper - British - English pronunciation is used.

5. January 2006, 19:27:46
Subject: Re:
reza: Actually, no. However, I would be interested in a translation.

There must be other websites where you can indulge your whimsical desire to hear speech that you can't understand!

Here's one to get you started:

5. January 2006, 19:13:37
Modified by Expired (5. January 2006, 19:14:14)
wouldn't you wish to know how I say this?

دوست داری با دوست من که دوست داره با دوست تو دوست بشه دوست بشی؟

It's a tounguee twister in Farsi and how would you read it if you have no idea how to?

Besides, when people use those strange Chinese or hebrew signs, I'd like to see how they actually read it. How big a written word really is!

That's just what I wish I could have here and use.

5. January 2006, 19:09:03
Subject: Re:
reza: Why is the ability to read enhanced by phonetic symbols? Students of languages learn to read them at the same time as, or before, they learn to speak them; similarly, the written word is often easier to understand than the spoken word. If you know the language well enough to read it, I don't think the ability to pronounce it adds anything to your understanding. Similarly, if you don't understand the written word, I don't know what additional understanding would be gained by the ability to pronounce it.

5. January 2006, 19:05:50
Subject: Re:
Fencer: I think anyone who know how to work with a dictionary know how to read them, even if not, I think it's easy to put a brief explanation there. I can do that for you if you wish. During my interview (BTW, what happend to it?) I needed to use the symbols but didn't have the chance but they would have helped a lot.

5. January 2006, 19:02:09
Subject: Re:
reza: And how would you explain people how to read the phonetic symbols?

5. January 2006, 19:00:37
Fencer, I'd appreciate it if you could put phonetic symbols somewhere on the site too. When a thing is said in another language, I think it's most appreciated if it can be written using phonetic symbols so that people can understand how to read it. I think you can make 'icons' for them and put them in the smily's part or in another section.

5. January 2006, 13:42:00
Subject: To see the user ratings in % too
Modified by TC (5. January 2006, 13:42:37)
It should be better and more understandable, to see the user ratings not only in row (like 1.,2.3.,..n.,) also to see the place percents of total users (1%, 2%, 3%, .. n%) of any game!

2. January 2006, 14:31:54
Subject: Re: start date on games
Fencer: Thanks for answering both of my queries, Fencer. You are doing a very good job.

2. January 2006, 08:49:15
Subject: Re: About International checkers
jolat: The rules are more complicated, e.g. you must capture as many pieces as possible, etc. The current checkers model is not prepared for this rule, it must be reworked first.

2. January 2006, 08:24:08
Subject: About International checkers
I suggest that is added to this site "International checkers".
It is one of the variants who is most played and particularly in Europe.
It is played on a board 10x10. The rules are close to the "Czech checkers" except that the pawns can take behind.

2. January 2006, 07:52:43
Subject: Re: start date on games
emmett: The start date can be found at the game notation column.

2. January 2006, 04:20:45
That's a good idea. Thanks :)

2. January 2006, 04:14:46
Subject: Re: start date on games
emmett: Simply say "Hi" or something when you make your first move. The date and time is recorded with the message.

2. January 2006, 04:10:28
Subject: start date on games
This might be information that already exists, but I would like to see a game start-date listed in the game info of games that are in progress. Some games take months, and as a personal reference I would like to be able to see the date that each game started. Information exists listing when the last move was made; above that listing would be a good place for the start-date line.

31. December 2005, 18:19:01
An Cat Dubh 
Subject: MY requests
Shogi variants, more national chess variants, nationalty control ability, and I'll add more if I'll remember them.

30. December 2005, 02:55:09
Subject: drop down box
perhaps this has been asked for, could we have a drop down box to choose which pond to go to next?

29. December 2005, 17:28:13
Subject: Battle Boat Plus Equalized Variant
Modified by mctrivia (29. December 2005, 17:29:39)
In Battle Boat Plus White has a 20% better chance then winning then Black. I beleive this to be do to White getting an extra turn(I.E. white could destroy 2 whole ships on first turn[not likely]). To equalize this difference between white and black I propose that the number of shots is recalculated after each of blacks turns(If white destroys 2 ships off the bat black still gets his 5 shots and can destroy 2 of whites ships they drop to 3 shots each after this). This change will result in more ties since black could make a shot with no ships left and sink whites remaining ships.

28. December 2005, 22:14:37
Subject: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Ahhhh. thanks!

28. December 2005, 19:16:16 
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: That may be difficult. I believe the rankings are only updated once a day (Maybe every hour?) - But unlike the BKR's which are calculated right away, the system does not know your new ranking until it runs it's script.

(And I would guess running a new script every time a game ends would overload the server)

28. December 2005, 18:24:51
In the pm that tells us that a game is finished and what our new bkr is, I would like it to tell me what my new ranking is as well.

28. December 2005, 16:18:08
Subject: Re: App
grenv: did I say online. No I ment loged in. That would be a cool trick if it could do it when not online.

28. December 2005, 15:46:55
Subject: Re: App
mctrivia: Even so, it can't log in if you're not online!!!

Myabe you meant "logged in" rather than online?

28. December 2005, 13:49:54
Subject: Move and close window
Some time ago I already suggested this option, I still think it could be useful to close window/tab after making a move without additional network traffic.

28. December 2005, 09:01:12
Subject: Re: Move and go to the next game of this tournament
frolind: I have asked for this one a few times in the past, - Fencer does know that it doesn't work and, if I remember correctly, did say he would look at it some time ago. I assume it's still on his "to-do" list.

28. December 2005, 06:30:22
Subject: Re: App
headius: Well I know I could write a program to log on and read the page title which would tell me how many people are online but this would also unfortunetly make people think I am online when I am not. My x86 programing isn't good enough to do much more then that.

28. December 2005, 06:11:44
Subject: Re: App
mctrivia: I'd think a generic web services interface to BK would be perfect for this. Anybody could write their own little apps...heck, someone could write a phone app so I could finally play while I'm on the bus :)

28. December 2005, 05:15:50
Subject: Re: App
grenv: Also the app could have a seperate way to log in.

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