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9. August 2010, 05:18:15
Papa Zoom 
Subject: The real issue
The Republicans just wanted to use cash reserves to pay for it. Democrats wanted more deficit spending.

9. August 2010, 05:15:39
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: The Democrats hard at work for you
Tuesday: The Republicans did want to extend the benefits. You just don't have the facts.

9. August 2010, 00:06:43
Papa Zoom 
Subject: The Democrats hard at work for you
In a matter of hours Thursday, the Senate approved state fiscal aid and child nutrition bills which help pay for themselves by cutting more than $14 billion from food stamps. didn't they just make a big deal out of the Republican's refusal to renew jobless benefits? (Even that wasn't true. The Republicans just wanted to use cash reserves to pay for it. Democrats wanted more deficit spending.

and NOW after all that fuss, the Dems cut 14 Billion dollars taken out of the mouths of children, and the most needy among us (can't you just see the liberal media headlines had this been a Republican cut?

But there's not been a word from the liberal media.

8. August 2010, 23:56:48
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Democrats ignore most facts
"Jobless Claims in U.S. Unexpectedly Climb to Three-Month High." Bloomberg headline, August 5, 2010.

"Food stamp use hit record 40.8m in May." Bloomberg News headline, August 5, 2010.

And yet:

"The Recovery Summer of 2010." Headline of the Democratic Party of Georgia.

heads in the sand (or somewhere else)

8. August 2010, 22:34:14
Papa Zoom 
Subject: These guys (and ladies) are true heroes. They make one proud to be a Conservative!

8. August 2010, 22:18:52
Papa Zoom 
Subject: you have to love the hypocrisy of the left
Given the six-digit salaries these folks are pulling down for their never-ending battle against “hate” (however they choose to define it), it’s pretty obvious that Santa is very good to them every year.
It’s also curious that the world’s leading civil rights organization can’t seem to find a single minority whom they consider to be worthy of a top management position.
Funny that an organization that spends tens of thousands of donor dollars promoting “Mix It Up” Day in America’s school cafeterias seems to believe that “diversity” ends at the Boardroom door.
Some things just never seem to change much in Montgomery.
Happy New Year, SPLC, no doubt all your Christmases will continue to be white.

8. August 2010, 22:03:27
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Obama booed by Boy Scouts -

8. August 2010, 21:49:22
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Bwild: The stimulus has failed to deliver. And you won't find any Democrats that want to meet their constituents and defend the spending. They are all in hiding. Obama is clueless as a President. He keeps slipping in the polls. More and more liberals are talking about buyers remorse. He's lost almost all independent support. And the dems here have their heads in the sand (or somewhere else).

8. August 2010, 21:29:46
unemployment is higher now with yomama, than with bush.....guess the stimulus bill was only meant to help the banks who are foreclosing on loans at record rates.

8. August 2010, 20:52:28
The Col 
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: I never let political affiliation get in the way of a good joke,.........and have you ever wondered why there are so few good Republican comics?

8. August 2010, 20:44:33
The Col 

8. August 2010, 19:00:36
Subject: Re:excuses, excuses, excuses
Tuesday: Pringles here advertise they have 90 in the stack... they don't say there use to be 99!!

8. August 2010, 18:30:22
Subject: Re:excuses, excuses, excuses
Artful Dodger: So.. in this imaginary world of tea party politics you can suddenly pay off trillions of debt in 1 year??

.. It took the UK about 60 years to pay off the loan to the USA that we incurred through WWII.. It'll take years for our CONSERVATIVE led government to get the money back we've put into the banking system to hold it up... and to reverse years of bad management. And it is something their coalition partners the Liberals fully agree with.

Anyone with even a tiny amount of economic sense knows that. It's not hard to understand.. the debt to the Chinese has to paid back, also the fact that defence spending went through the roof under Bush, is now a debt that has to be paid off.

It seems looking back through records, in the Raygun & Bush I years public debt quintupled.. and under Bush II doubled.

Under Raygun the banking regs were changed..
Medical charges in the USA are out stripping inflation like a bat out of hell.

N' this is all ok???

8. August 2010, 07:52:25
Papa Zoom 
Obama still sucks farts.

8. August 2010, 07:52:10
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: It's called PMT. Past My Time. Bed Time that is!

8. August 2010, 07:40:52
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: excuses, excuses, excuses. His policies have failed and continue to fail. He's a bad President and more and more Democrats feel that way. Few want his endorsement in upcoming elections. His stamp of approval is political death.

8. August 2010, 07:36:33
Papa Zoom 
Comedian Jay Leno on Wednesday wished President Obama a Happy Birthday by making fun of him in the opening monologue of NBC's "Tonight Show."

"We want to start off by saying Happy Birthday to President Barack Obama," Leno teased.

"He is 49, which is eight points higher than his approval rating."

As "Tonight Show" viewers know, these jokes always come in threes (video follows with transcript):

JAY LENO: Welcome to the "Tonight Show," and we want to start off by saying Happy Birthday to President Barack Obama. He is...

[Cheers and applause]

LENO: He is 49, which is eight points higher than his approval rating. Wow.


LENO: If you would like to get him a a gift, he's registered at Bed, Bath and Blame it on Bush. That's the store.

[Laughter and applause]

LENO: What, did you see the cake they had for him? They had a huge cake. A little different than most birthday parties. What he did was he didn't blow out the candles, he just taxed them until they finally gave up and went out on their own.

Delicious! Absolutely delicious.

8. August 2010, 07:34:25
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Obama can't stand on his own two feet. That's why the liberals keep bringing up Bush's name. Obama can't stand on his record so he just brings up Bush over and over. It's laughable. The Democrats won't meet the people and defend their decisions and Obama won't stand before the American People and support his own programs. But he will continue to criticize Bush. Newsflash: Obama owns his own Presidency and the results, good or bad, land at OBAMA'S feet.

8. August 2010, 07:28:16
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: who cares? He's no longer President.

8. August 2010, 07:21:55
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Because he's an idiot!
Chris Matthews on Friday actually asked a GOP Congressman if Republicans oppose President Obama because of his race.

8. August 2010, 07:16:39
Papa Zoom 
Subject: This is where Obama Care is headed
Socialist Paradise News: Man In Sweden Sews Up Own Leg, Gets Reported to Police

A 32-year-old took the needle into his hands when he tired of the wait at Sundsvall hospital in northern Sweden and sewed up the cut in his leg himself. The man was later reported to the police for his impromptu handiwork.

"It took such a long time," the man told the local Sundsvall Tidning daily.

The man incurred the deep cut when he sliced his leg on the sharp edge of a kitchen stove while he was renovating at home.

"I first went to the health clinic, but it was closed. So I rang the medical help line and they told me that it shouldn't be closed, so I went to emergency and sat there," the man named only as Jonas told the newspaper.

After an hour-long wait in a treatment room, he lost patience and proceeded to sew up his own wound.

"They had set out a needle and thread and so I decided to take the matter into my hands," he said.

But hospital staff were not as impressed by his initiative and have reported the man on suspicion of criminal dispossession (egenmäktigt förfarande) for having used hospital equipment without authorization.

While Jonas admitted to the newspaper that he has no prior experience of sewing up himself he sought to play down the fuss that his handiwork has caused, arguing that "through the ages people have always sewn themselves up".

8. August 2010, 07:14:59
The Col 
Subject: Re: let em eat cake!
Artful Dodger: She should have booked a strip joint, those Republicans sure know how to party

8. August 2010, 07:12:47
Papa Zoom 
Subject: let em eat cake!
Open Thread: Michelle O's Lavish Taxpayer Funded Vacation During Recession
by NB Staff
For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: the First Lady is spending beaucoup bucks on lavish vacations while the country is mired in what her husband calls the worst economic slowdown since the Great Depression!

Michelle Obama today faced a fresh wave of attacks over her lavish break in Spain with 40 friends, which could easily cost U.S. taxpayers a staggering £50,000 a day. The First Lady has been lambasted for her extravagance at a time when the economy is still struggling. One blogger went so far as to brand her a modern-day Marie Antoinette. And her critics will be further annoyed when they learn that the president's wife had a Spanish beach closed off today so that she, her daughter and their entourage could go for a swim

8. August 2010, 07:08:42
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Rachel a liar.
Rachel Maddow Edits 'Factor' Video to Make Bill O'Reilly Look Racist
by Noel Sheppard
Rachel Maddow on Friday highly-edited a video from the previous evening's "O'Reilly Factor" in order to make the Fox News host look racist.

For some background, Bill O'Reilly wrote a syndicated column Friday in which he chastized Maddow and David Letterman for "without a shred of evidence" claiming on CBS's "Late Show" Tuesday that FNC intentionally runs stories about "scary black people" in order to frighten white folks into voting for conservatives.

Maddow responded by calling this "bullpucky," and presented video "evidence" from "Factor" programs to prove that this indeed is what Fox does.

8. August 2010, 05:41:26
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: Courtesy of another fellowship....

or Green Tea Party

8. August 2010, 05:09:20
Subject: Re: Courtesy of another fellowship....
Artful Dodger: the green party just keeps looking better and better.

8. August 2010, 04:45:32
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: Courtesy of another fellowship....
Bwild: Particularly the progressive left. Obama was elected on style and performance and not on substance. Bush didn't help. A vote for Obama was a vote against another Bush (McCain).

8. August 2010, 04:40:08
Subject: Re: Courtesy of another fellowship....
Artful Dodger: "It describes Obama perfectly."
it also describes the American liberal.

8. August 2010, 01:19:35
Papa Zoom 
Nancy Pelosi claimed on ABC's This Week,

"We [Democrats] are very proud of the agenda that we have put forth to the American people..."

Yet, her Democrat puppets in Congress are refusing to face the American people when they return to their districts. Instead, they are running for cover. To date, few vulnerable Democrat Members of Congress have committed to engage their constituents face to face this August.

6 are holding townhall meetings. 69 are NOT. So how proud are they?

8. August 2010, 00:48:29
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Made far far worse from policies of FDR.

8. August 2010, 00:43:59
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Yes the pics were pretty cool.

8. August 2010, 00:37:23
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Bernice: The video was funny. The guy is an American with a very bad Aussie accent. He's just poking fun at people who criticize the US. I thought it was quite funny. lol I particularly liked his number one reason: Because they do a bad job pretending to have an Australian accent. That's exactly what he was doing in the video. He had me rolling!

7. August 2010, 17:17:29
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: Courtesy of another fellowship....
Bernice: The best I could find on it was that it's a quote from a Czech newspaper - author unknown. Every source I found said it was from the Czech Republic but I suspect they found a posted copy with the same claim and it spread from there. It is right on however. It describes Obama perfectly.

7. August 2010, 16:04:25
This is the header to the copy I got of this email:
"The Prager Zeitung is a German newspaper in the Czech Republic issued weekly in Prague. It is the largest non-Czech newspaper published in the Czech Republic ."

And in addition was this:
" This quote was translated into English an article appearing in the Czech Republic as published in the Prager Zeitung of 28 April 2010 . "

If you search using the Prager Zeitung, all the links you get to Sean Hannity say the article was published on 4/28, but if you search just the quote, the quote shows up on the respectable periodical,, in January. Did the "anonymous" author send it telepathically to some dude on or something??? It then appears on in February in a slightly modified form.

You can't even find a link in translated German anywhere, or anything remotely close to it on pragerzeitung which you should be able to easily detect even with German language skills as retarded as mine.

Sorry. Someone pulled this article out of their ***. This article doesn't exist and isn't even information. There should be no more responses to this thread except to ridicule the author.

It really doesn't matter if a Czech paper, Hannity, Rush, Maher, or Fox News wrote the quote in MY OPINION it hits the nail on the head.

Only leftist fools educated in government schools think otherwise.
Yes, it does. It matters very much. Falsifying information sources is a big deal.

You can't pass something like this off, praise the specific source, then backpedal and say the source doesn't matter when it's shown to be false. It shows whatever sources you are relying on are, at best, it's really, really bad journalism. At worst, they're willing to put their ideology above the truth and intentionally falsify facts to further their agenda.

7. August 2010, 03:09:12
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: Courtesy of another fellowship....
Bernice: I love it… and I'd love to know who said that. It doesn't sound like any Czech politician I know, lol. I'll try to google it.

7. August 2010, 02:59:51
Subject: Re: Courtesy of another fellowship....
Pedro Martínez: no Im sorry I don't I CCP'd it from another f/ship....but isnt it clever ROFL.....

7. August 2010, 02:54:04
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: Courtesy of another fellowship....
Modified by Pedro Martínez (7. August 2010, 03:10:03)
Bernice: Do you know whose quote it is?

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