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20. september 2011, 03:44:08
Teema: Re: he just inherited a mess
rod03801: Milton Berle for prez

11. september 2011, 00:02:54
Teema: Isn't it amazing
how liberals will come up with an argument about people shooting someone because of toys, but disput the facts on just who is a terrorist

10. september 2011, 23:58:58
it's amazing how after 40 plus years of the memory of playing with cap guns, nerf guns, rubber band guns, b-b guns and just plain pointing my finger as a gun, playing cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, americans and germans,

How is it possable that my self or no one that I grew up with has ever shot anyone

oh I forgot about Big game hunder Duck hunter, atari and nintendo shooting games

10. september 2011, 22:52:31
Teema: Re:Would be comfortable living next door to a man who has a dozen shotguns in his basement?
(V): "It's a rampage waiting to happen and statistically one will"

unless you can show a statistic that says that half of gun owners will go on a rampage, then it is just another false liberal spin that you are making up

6. september 2011, 02:43:32
Teema: Dave Ramsey
Vikings toimetatud (6. september 2011, 02:46:20)
Best $100.00 investment I ever made, made an $8,000.00 difference in my net worth last year

and I didn't have to rely on the government or business owners to do it, how can that be?

6. september 2011, 02:40:16
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: yes but he is a just a christian right wing self made multimillionaire, so I am sure that those numbers are just spin

there now no else can try that approach

3. september 2011, 18:32:20
Teema: Re: Some vegetables that are actually fruits
Übergeek 바둑이: yes, it's all about context

3. september 2011, 02:10:00
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: the solar power plant that he gave millions of dollars to and made at least 3 speeches from stating that "...it's green plants like this that will be the catalyst to our economic recovery..." filed for bankruptcy this week

3. september 2011, 02:00:32
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: Yeah but, it distracts from the fact that Obama visited 57 states and couldn't make it to the other 3 or that he has family that has immigration problems

30. august 2011, 03:40:40
Teema: and you wonder why they are called invironmental wackow's

28. august 2011, 06:59:04
Teema: consertive comedians
Dennis Leary
Adam Sandler
Leslie Neilson
drew Carey
Vince Vaughn
Kelsey Grammer
Larry the Cable Guy
Craig T Nelson
Jackie Mason
Jamie Farr
Jeff Foxworthy
Sonny Bono
Joe Pesci
Jim Belushi
Mel Gibson
Mickey Rooney
Rip Torn
Joan Rivers

22. august 2011, 05:01:15
Teema: Re: so much for free enterprise in the USA........
Artful Dodger: I see lemon-aid stands all the time,three in the last day. One radio station here has a contest every year and advertises a lemon-aid stand for the winner, comps the lemon-aid and cups, and matches the take for the kids for a college fund.
most of the time I hear the harassed ones are in liberal towns with high taxes or neighborhood associations with by laws

22. august 2011, 02:07:11
Teema: Re: so much for free enterprise in the USA........
Artful Dodger: I agree about shutting down kids lemonade stands in front of their own home,that is clearly wrong, but this was a public place, what if they were selling legal porno

22. august 2011, 01:12:13
Teema: Re: so much for free enterprise in the USA........
Bernice: Actually that had nothing to do with free enterprise, that was a blatant attempt to get arrested and make a point, they had every right to set up a stand LEGALLY and make as much as they could, unfortunately their point was apples and oranges, citing Martin Luther King as an example, If they wanted to make public speeches like King that would have been alright, the only thing that the police did wrong may have been the lady cops pushing the camera, but that is questionable as it is hard to tell from the camera angle how close the camera was to being in her face (interfering with police business).
You will notice that the police did first ask them to stop or to give it away, so they tried

21. august 2011, 21:54:11
Teema: Re:You tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat and came up with a skunk.
(V): apparently you forgot that you lost the debate about anybody being able to make more money if they want you,

13. august 2011, 14:06:22
Teema: Re: Thanks, you proved my point, I am talking about thinking like a rich person by figuring out how to make money, and you are talking about thinking like a poor person does by describing how a labor job is so noble that someone should give them more
(V): choosing your career is and therefore your financial situation is

13. august 2011, 14:00:29
Teema: Re: Thanks, you proved my point, I am talking about thinking like a rich person by figuring out how to make money, and you are talking about thinking like a poor person does by describing how a labor job is so noble that someone should give them more
Vikings toimetatud (13. august 2011, 14:00:52)
(V): you prove my point again, people choose their plight in life, and these are the the people that are whining about the rich, their choice

13. august 2011, 01:23:12
Teema: By the way
Either brick layers or dry wallers (which ever you are talking about) can easily make $100,000 a year, I know examples of both that do

13. august 2011, 00:58:00
Teema: Re: but if you study rich or well off people today, you would find out that getting there is very obtainable, and coming up with a plan to do so is easy
(V): Thanks, you proved my point, I am talking about thinking like a rich person by figuring out how to make money, and you are talking about thinking like a poor person does by describing how a labor job is so noble that someone should give them more, and by making excuses like I cant do school, I'm not talking about the mentally challenged

12. august 2011, 00:06:21
Teema: Re: What if the UK had free access to guns?
Übergeek 바둑이:
You are right that nothing good can come out of it, but you also prove my point, it is all about morrals. These people have all the time in the world to be destructive and blame others just like your examples, but if you study rich or well off people today, you would find out that getting there is very obtainable, and coming up with a plan to do so is easy, the only hard part is the fact that they would have to SPEND THEIR TIME WORKING ON IT JUST LIKE THE WELL OFF PEOPLE DO.
If a person choosed to get a simple blue collar job, they have no one else but themselves to blame for their plight in life, and before you pull the "what about the dissadvantaged" card, I am not talking about them, You don't see one dissavantaged person in those protest, just people who think they should be "GIVEN" more.

11. august 2011, 12:16:40
Teema: Re: What if the UK had free access to guns?
Übergeek 바둑이: The violent actions of the have-not's against the have's, go back to Cain and Abel, rioting in the UK started long before Margret Thatcher, It's a moral fault, not a political fault

9. august 2011, 02:12:31
Holiday season, football season, soccer season, b-ball season, summer traveling season, fishing season, shopping season, snow bird season, and now are you ready...........


Oh I want to live there

30. juuli 2011, 04:18:11
Stop it

21. juuni 2011, 04:44:07
move on!!!

18. detsember 2010, 20:58:41
Teema: Re:Go to an airport and yell Bomb! and see what happens
(V): well there you go, "I've always said that freedom of speech involves some responsibility, ..."
Publishing military secrets of another country = espionage

18. detsember 2010, 17:02:31
Teema: Re:Go to an airport and yell Bomb! and see what happens
(V): so you are saying that you would have to pay repercussion for something you would say!!!! what about freedom speech!!!!

18. detsember 2010, 02:45:01
Teema: Re:
(V): Go to an airport and yell Bomb! and see what happens

14. detsember 2010, 12:28:32
Teema: Re:
Übergeek 바둑이: I think it is hysterical how liberals like to make comparisons like someone blatantly admitting releasing military secrets with someone trying to give away bibles, or hike in the mountains
it must just burn like crazy in the pit of the stomach

14. detsember 2010, 01:31:47
Teema: Re:
Vikings toimetatud (14. detsember 2010, 01:32:53)
Übergeek 바둑이: nothing hypocritical about it at all. If a U.S. citizen leaks secret U.S. information, it is by law, treason. If a not U.S. citizen does it is by law, espionage, period. If it happens to lets say Russia, it is not any of our business but Russia's.
So Art's opinion is accurate

9. detsember 2010, 01:53:58
Teema: Re: Can the Democrats ask for a mulligan, and remove Obama,and replace him with Hillary?
The Col: And just what part of hillary's agenda is any different?

28. november 2010, 20:02:39
Teema: Re:
Vikings toimetatud (28. november 2010, 20:04:07)
(V): apples- Terrorist (muslim) are attempting to blow up American aircraft, TODAY

Oranges-D.B. Cooper hijacked a plane for money 39 YEARS AGO.

28. november 2010, 13:20:16
Teema: Re:
(V): well that's interesting information, but it is however, 100% , 37 year old out dated, completely out of context trivia

24. november 2010, 02:19:48

23. november 2010, 02:45:27
Anybody want to guess how many terrorist HAVE EVER been caught by the TSA due to pat downs
thats right ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21. november 2010, 21:10:17
Teema: Re:
Mélusine: it might be shocking but in over 70 airports, that is what is going on, and as far as the technical methods, it didn't work 3 weeks ago, it took a tip to stop at least 2 bombs,
just a silly thought, why not emulate the safest airline in the world, and why are they the safest, because they profile, you know they actually concentrate on the people who are trying to do damage

21. november 2010, 00:22:16
so you accept that a 3 year old should have to cry "please make him stop touching me" as she has a stranger groping her crotch.

21. november 2010, 00:04:19
Teema: Re: Who else on the planet has been hijacking planes and committing untold numbers of terrorist acts around the globe for the past 40 years?
(V): Still waiting for an American 3 year old example, you are however making a good case for profiling

20. november 2010, 23:30:33
Teema: Re: Who else on the planet has been hijacking planes and committing untold numbers of terrorist acts around the globe for the past 40 years?
(V): way to change the subject, they are searching for bombs, not drugs. name one

20. november 2010, 21:41:41
Teema: Re: Who else on the planet has been hijacking planes and committing untold numbers of terrorist acts around the globe for the past 40 years?
(V): name the last 3 year old girl in america

24. oktoober 2010, 05:17:50
Teema: just incase some one needs a laugh

13. oktoober 2010, 01:17:55
Teema: Re: And lest we get confused
lizrising: no it's still ALL Bush's fault

2. oktoober 2010, 23:10:16
Teema: Re: I am posting a sign that warns of trespassing,
Vikings toimetatud (2. oktoober 2010, 23:10:49)
(V): it's obvious that you don't understand the meaning of the UNITED STATES, Each state has the right to make up their own own laws, you see the constitution was designed to protect us, the citizens, from the federal government over reaching it's authority, that is why we are truly a free country

2. oktoober 2010, 23:02:04
Teema: Re: I am posting a sign that warns of trespassing,
Vikings toimetatud (2. oktoober 2010, 23:03:11)
(V): and since you have brought this example up, look at New York, they are loosing many of their highest tax base because they do not like what the local government is doing and the town will suffer untill the will of the people have worked their magic

2. oktoober 2010, 22:59:09
Teema: Re: I am posting a sign that warns of trespassing,
Vikings toimetatud (2. oktoober 2010, 22:59:25)
(V): bussiness have the right to do whatever is within the law,you are twisting it all around, local business here have been run out of town by not being citizen friendly.

and I wouldn't want to live in such a corrupt town , they wouldn't be getting my tax money for long, as it is my right to live where I want to live

2. oktoober 2010, 22:45:37
Teema: Re: I am posting a sign that warns of trespassing,
(V): That won;t liklely happen as even city councilmen like to be re-elected, and that wouldn't be very likely the case once you brought it up to the attention of the local media, but if that wasn't to be the case, you'd have the right to put up with it or move or lobby against it

2. oktoober 2010, 22:40:18
Teema: Re: I am posting a sign that warns of trespassing,
(V): yes you can, it is called local jurisdiction, a city ordinance which is different
but you were talking about the federal government not local government, try again

2. oktoober 2010, 22:35:10
Teema: Re: I am posting a sign that warns of trespassing,
(V): it is a criminal offense here, the severity depends on the situation, ie. inside or outside

2. oktoober 2010, 22:19:17
Teema: Re: It's not opinion it's fact, and it is covered in the constitution
Tuesday: I agree it's tasteless, just like flag burning and mosques 2 blocks from ground zero.
Our constitution never guaranteed that anything would be easy

2. oktoober 2010, 22:16:57
Teema: Re: It's not opinion it's fact, and it is covered in the constitution
Tuesday: I am posting a sign that warns of trespassing, just like you can do by turning the chanel or complaining and boycotting that particular channel

2. oktoober 2010, 22:14:33
Teema: Re: It's not opinion it's fact, and it is covered in the constitution
Vikings: Unfortunately, it also means that some whako church group can stand outside a funeral of a fallen soldier and spew tasteless messages

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