用户名: 密码:
此页被重新修改版本代替中(万一您找到空题目,不算是问题)。从前的项目已移动至常见问答 部分.
1) 脑王

本章亦以几个内部规格为列 - 创造人,服务器的所在地等.

1.1) 脑王是什么?

脑王是提供大量的选项跟全世界的棋盘游戏者较量的网站. 大部分基於经典HTML接口,以便保证样样浏览器的兼容性,尽可能保持即简单又可理解的界面.
我们的目的为尽可能使本站又热闹又出色的,容易辩别于类似的网站。为此,最明显的方法则是持续不断地发展脑王,因为无变动的网站则为死掉的网站 - 我们几乎每周加上新功能。

1.2) 脑王职员

脑王并不是有几百专任职员的大公司,而由一小组精彩的专家维持的。目前的列表在於BrainKing Staff页,能访问在整个脑王页的下面。
重要: 虽然脑王是国际网站,已翻译到好多语言,英语仍是与脑王职员的主要交流语言(管理员两者也通捷克语).要是您有问题但不说英语或捷克语,请查找用自己语言的讨论板并在那边发布您的问题,会有人来帮助您,或最少向我们传送加以翻译问题。

1.3) 科技背景

脑王位於布拉格,捷克共和国并连接于高速链路在服务器收藏企业,有持续性24/7保持服务 (详情). 即有无限的数据交通又有强大的硬件,脑王在随地为任何人访问,当前每月生成多于二千万综合浏览量以及几乎500 GB 传输的数据.

1.4) 支持的浏览器

  • Firefox 1.5.x (本站推荐)
  • Mozilla 1.x
  • MS Internet Explorer 6.x
  • Opera 8.x
  • WebTV

WebTV 虽然包括了在列表中,但是我们却无确实经验使用(因我们无WebTV机器),则知道脑王对许许多多WebTV用者顺利运行。不过,我们也许无法解决此机器与脑王可能会发生的所有的问题。

2) 注册并登录/注销


2.1) 进入点

推荐只以http://BrainKing.com (或 http://BrainKing.cz 的默认捷克文) 为本站的进入点. 缘故是其他页的URL会变动,而以上的根URL永远不会变。况且,若您连到本站的链接(例如:从自己的网页)而只用这些URL,或许在搜索引擎能得到更良的网页级别,以便吸引更多新用户使本站更吃得开。
进入点页包含一些小国旗(在右上角),代表脑王全部所支持的语言. 如果想更改语言,点击对应的国旗。新语言设定以cookie为储存,成为电脑的默认脑王语言。
亦可直接添加语言代码后缀为设定默认语言。比如,若想连接到脑王的法文版本,使用此URL - http://BrainKing.com/fr - 并且人家单击链接无需点击法国国旗而访问法语的版本,有用于添加脑王到地方性搜索引擎或门户网站。

2.2) 客人状态

客人状态以将脑王公共页面提供给搜索引擎做索引,以便扩大化关键字使更多人连接到本站为主。不言而喻,有更多的用途 - 若您想给未在脑王注册过的朋友看游戏,干脆将棋局URL给他让不登录而有法观看游戏。换句话说,客人状态令来宾先前了解到本站能力及功能再做决定是否要注册。

2.3) 新用户注册

为了使注册进程简单,表格分为两组 - “必需”及“无需”。需要填满必需的字段:
  • 用户名 - 在脑王想使用的名子或别名. 它只能包含特别的ASCII字符(A-Z, a-z, 0-9, 空格), 不许长于15个字而必须选择独特未用的。
  • 密码 - 登录密码. 本表格以星号掩饰它为保密.密码也只能包含ASCII字.
  • 再输入密码 - 重新输入前一格的密码,保证无错字。
  • 电子邮址 - 是为了接收注册成功的确认消息。我们推荐只要输入真实存在的邮址,否则帐户要求可能被拒绝。需要独特的电子邮址,无法以同一电子邮址多次创建帐户。
  • 性别 - 选择您的性别(男或女).
  • 若使用WebTV, 选择此复选框 - 若您选中此选项,脑王将要指定排布局以便适合于WebTV浏览器(由于它的较小分辨率),可无经典栏布局好看. 以后在设置页亦可更改布局.


2.4) 登录

为了访问游戏和其它的有关脑王帐户的功能,先须登录。登录表有两个必需域-用户名密码 - 位於进入主页的“已注册用户”的小组.
填写用户名与密码,再单击登录按键,则以已注册用户为进入脑王,首页(包括了已开始游戏和其它的私人事物)将要显示. 若登录进程失败(您输入错误用户名或密码), 您将返回登录页以及显示错误通知.
还有另外一参数在此电脑记住我 可能会令此进程更容易使用. 可以定为以下的选项:
  • -默认选择,完全不储存用户讯息在电脑中.
  • 用户名 - 若选中此选项以便成功地登录,您的用户ID将被储存在电脑的cookie. 下次访问脑王进入页,用户名要自动填写在用户名域.
  • 用户名及密码 - 登录后,您的用户ID将储存在您电脑的cookie, 附有旗帜. 下次打开脑王进入页时,您的用户ID与加密密码将自动填写在表中,让您不填写任何域而索性点击登录按钮进入。

万一忘记用户名或密码,亦有小电子邮件表. 在那情形下, 输入帐户注册的电子邮址并点击提交按键, 将要收电子邮件有如何设定新密码的说明.

2.5) 注销

要是您想完成脑王会话以及保证离开电脑以后,其他人无法访问您的帐户,则单击菜单退出链接. 您应将回到本站的主要进入点,已完全注销.

3) 页面布局

我们用户的方便对我们十分重要,知道每次要多次点击肯定麻烦死了。为了避免白点鼠标, 脑王企图页面简单而富有信息的好好排列方式。
每脑王页 (除了进入点登录表) 由四个主节组成: 菜单, 页面, 状态页脚. 唯一的例外是游戏页设置页,两者不包括状态节。

3.1) 布局选项

脑王页面可用两种基本布局显示 - . 此选项区别为菜单状态 部分的位置:
  • 栏 - 菜单位于页面的左侧栏,状态位于右侧栏. 因脑王页面为它优化,则是最基本而被推荐的布局.
  • 排 - 菜单位于页面顶端行,状态在最低行.,WEBTV以及类似有较低屏幕分辨的装置由于缺乏视觉空间而引导棋盘的变形,此项为这些用户设计的.

3.2) 菜单

3.3) 页面

3.4) 状态

3.5) 页脚

4) 玩家

4.1) 玩家列表

4.2) 在线玩家

4.3) 朋友

4.4) 被阻止的用户

4.5) 档案

5) 交流

5.1) 留言箱

5.2) 游戏局内消息

5.3) 请柬

5.4) 联系我们

6) 棋局

6.1) 新游戏

6.2) 未决的游戏邀请

6.3) 游戏列表

6.4) 如何玩

6.5) 游戏编辑器

6.6) 时间控制

7) 等级分

7.1) BKR公式

7.2) BKR图表

7.3) BKR历史

8) 竞赛与池塘

8.1) 竞赛类型

脑王竞赛是良好机会比试于脑王社区玩同一类游戏. 基本范畴为竞赛 (为个人)以及 团体赛 (为团队). 以下包括目前所有被支持的游戏类型.

8.1.1) 循环赛


8.1.2) 淘汰赛

  • 只能以常规游戏,多次获胜比赛或附有双数骰子为定义竞赛. 因会过於导致最后结果为无胜负,而多次棋局与多数比赛被禁用.
  • 万一由于游戏规则或玩家达成和棋而无胜负, 持有更低BKR的玩家出线参加下一回合(若BKR相等,黑方则出线).

8.1.3) 三倍十五子游戏

此为特殊竞技类型,只为十五子游戏与其变体。小组制度等于单循环赛制 - 各人与同组的玩家对弈一局。十五子游戏得分规则用于算出游戏结果:
  • 败局得零分
  • 正常胜局得一分
  • gammon胜局(十五子全走出了而对手连一子未走出)得三分
  • backgammon胜局(十五子全走出了而对手起码一子仍在赢方的主区)得五分

8.2) 池塘类型

8.3) 如何报名

8.4) 如何创建

8.5) 竞赛追踪

8.6) 特殊赛

8.6.1) 无报名费的锦标赛

8.6.2) 有报名费的锦标赛


注释: 为了避免可能发生的问题,施行几条特殊规格:
  • 若起码一位玩家报了名(亦付报名费),无法删除竞赛.
  • 一等奖未达到最少报名费的双倍时,无法开赛。在竞赛页面玩家可以了解竞赛状态.
  • 要玩家(开赛之前)退出,报名费即回到其脑奖帐户上. 开赛后,无法退回报名非.
例如:150 脑奖报名费竞赛,则是说参赛的用户必须在其脑奖帐户上有起码150脑奖,开赛以后便被扣除. 若当前状态为20已报名的玩家,已收集脑奖总计为 20 x 150 = 3000 脑奖. 竞赛以下面的锦标为定: 冠军收获25%,亚军收获10%以及季军收获 5%. 在以上的情形中, 锦标为750, 300 以及150脑奖. 报名的人数越多,锦标越大 - 如38位报名, 赢家将会收获 1425 脑奖等.

9) 讨论板

10) 朋友群

10.1) 如何创立

10.2) 如何邀请成员

10.3) 如何被接纳

10.4) 名列

10.5) 团队

10.6) 讨论板

11) 脑奖

12) 设置

13) 资料页

13.1) 赢家

13.2) 规则

13.3) 统计

14) 问题与反馈

15) 付费会员

16) 商店

17) 语言地方化

18) 广告

19) Card games

Card games at BrainKing make a significant difference, compared to classic board games, because they are usually played by more than 2 players and work as real online games - time per move of each player is usually measured by seconds and it is not necessary to reload the whole page to see the game progress. In most cases, our card games require that your web browser supports JavaScript and AJAX technologies - which is, luckily, the basic feature of all modern web browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome etc.)

19.1) Poker

Online poker is the first real-time multiplayer game at BrainKing. The list of poker tables can be found at the left menu column of all pages, Poker tables link. This page contains all available poker tables and is refreshed every second, so it always reflects the current status of tables. This function should make easier to decide which poker table to join, regarding its parameters and number of free seats.

The online poker client is written in JavaScript, which means that your web browser must support this technology, in order to join a poker table and play. BrainKing's online poker was successfully tested with the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Google Chrome, but it is very likely that it would work with many other web browsers which do not have problems to process JavaScript applications.

It is important to say that all poker games at BrainKing are played with chips which are given to every player for free, so there is no risk of gambling and everyone can enjoy this great and popular card game without losing any real money. The current amount of chips of each player can be found at their profile pages.

19.1.1) How to play

The poker table page consists of several sections:
  • Table and seats - this is where the game is actually played. It displays seated players, their amounts of chips, current bets and cards if the game status allows you to see them. New players can join the game clicking on a free seat and posting the required buy-in number of chips
  • List of observers - is located below the table and shows all BrainKing users who observe this table but do not play at any seat.
  • Chat box - players can communicate during the game play and write messages to other players using the chat box which is located next to the table (right side). This section also lists all system messages which can help to follow the game progress.
  • Control panel - this section contains control buttons and its structure depends of the game situation. For instance, if it is your turn to make an action, you should see buttons to place a bet, call the current bet, raise the bet, fold the cards etc.
If, for some reason, the poker table sections seem not to show the correct status of the game, the easiest help is to reload the web page (ctrl-f5 key combination on the most browsers). Then the page would load the current game data from the server and fix all possible visual problems.

19.1.2) Texas Hold'em

Texas Hold'em is undoubtedly the most popular form of poker. It is widely considered to have the most strategy of all poker games, although the rules are quite simple (which is exactly what makes it so attractive).

How to play
  1. One player acts as the Dealer. This position is called the Button and it rotates clockwise after every hand. In read casinos and card rooms, the dealer does not play, but it is a usual practice in home games that the dealer participates in games as well.
  2. The two players to the left of the dealer are called the Small Blind and the Big Blind. They are obliged to make "blind" bets before any cards are dealt.
  3. Every player receives two cards from the Dealer, face down. These are called Hole Cards.
  4. The first round of bets starts from the player sitting immediately to the left of the Big Blind, and continues clockwise to the Dealer.
  5. When the first betting round is completed, three Community Cards are flipped face up on the table. This is called the Flop.
  6. The second round of best begins with the first remaining player seated to the left of the button. The betting continues, clockwise again.
  7. After the second round of best is completed, the Dealer flips the fourth community card face up on the table. This is called the Turn.
  8. The third round of betting starts with the first remaining player sitting to the left of the button. The betting moves clockwise, with double bets in this turn.
  9. When the third round of betting is over, the fifth community card is flipped face up on the table by the Dealer. This is called the River.
  10. The fourth round of betting starts with the first remaining player seated to the left of the button (dealer). The betting continues to move clockwise.
How to determine the winner

Each player tries to make the best possible combination of five cards, out of 7 available ones (2 hole cards and 5 community cards). It is allowed to use both hole cards, one hole card or no hole card at all. The combination ranks are listed below (from the best to the worst one):
  1. Royal flush (A-K-Q-J-10 of the same suit)
  2. Straight flush (e.g. 9-8-7-6-5 of the same suit)
  3. Four of a kind (e.g. K-K-K-K-9)
  4. Full house (e.g. A-A-A-7-7)
  5. Flush (e.g. K-J-8-7-5 of the same suit)
  6. Straight (e.g. K-Q-J-10-9)
  7. Three of a kind (e.g. A-A-A-9-2)
  8. Two pairs (e.g. K-K-9-9-8)
  9. One pair (e.g. Q-Q-9-4-2)
  10. High card (e.g. K-J-7-3-2)

20) Achievements

This is a reward system that allows all BrainKing users to earn points when they achieve certain goals - for instance, to win 100 games with different opponents, to purchase a paid membership, to win a pond game with 100 or more participants etc. It belongs to the statistical category of functions but also could be a beginning of new way of competition among players.

Each achievement is rated by 5-50 points, depending on how difficult it is to achieve. Every BrainKing user can find own achievements at Profile / Achievements page and it is also possible to browse achievements of other users at their respective profile pages.

The Achievements page contains a chart of users who earned the most achievement points, it provides a simple form to check how many users received the selected achievement, etc.

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