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Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future.

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15. 二月 2003, 00:18:20
题目: Valentine's Day
Hope your day has been as good as day as mine. Do not eat too many sweets or your sweetheart is likely to be a sweet tart,she/he should be the sweet on your lips...Happy Valentine's Day.

15. 二月 2003, 13:14:27
Birds of Prey 
题目: Fencer, question with most active.
I'm curious as heck in just how many game these fine folks are playing in to achieve this feat each time it comes about. Now me being one of the most non-active players, may not be a good player to ask this but I will. I don't know how much trouble it would be but this is just a suggestion of I'd like to see. Example:

(11)name(640 moves)(100)

(11)For the # of times they've achieved this.

abcdefg - Players name.

(640) most moves achieved.

(100) # of games they participated in to achieve todays most active.

Now I just talking about the days winner not everyone on the list. Thanks, just a suggestion.

15. 二月 2003, 14:52:15
题目: Re: Fencer, question with most active.
or better yet .. make it easier on fencer cuz we all know he has enough to do on his list why not just click the persons name that was most active that day an take a look your self to see how many games they play.

15. 二月 2003, 17:40:58
Birds of Prey 
题目: Re: Fencer, question with most active.
I'll refrain not to answer this not to drag dirt to this site from another. No reason for it to be said.

Fencer, hope you understand my message(thread).

15. 二月 2003, 19:17:31
题目: Re: Fencer, question with most active.
I understand. Maybe later. I think I have to solve more important requests at the moments. Please take it as an add-on, not one of the main site features.

15. 二月 2003, 20:09:02
Birds of Prey 
题目: Re: Fencer, question with most active.
Thanks, just a mear suggestion that I'd thought would be neat to see.

15. 二月 2003, 20:34:19
题目: emails to our service men
if anyone is interested in sending email and receiving them from the men/women who left San Diego in the past weeks, please go to www.nbcsandiego.com or the whole address is http:/www.nbcsandiego.com/5298/page.html they are lonely and really appreciate your prayers etc sent to them. they are not ALL looking for single sexy ladies :) however I am sure they would REALLY like those emails lol

16. 二月 2003, 02:06:13
题目: Checkers format
I am brand new to BrainKing.
My game is Straight checkers, also known as English draughts, & two things bother me here.
One, the pieces are represented as Chess pieces.
And two, the White pieces move first, as in Chess.
It should be the Red pieces that go first.
Both these things are annoying to a serious Checker player.
I would like to urge the folks who run this site to correct them sometime in order to make BrainKing more attractive to Checker players.

16. 二月 2003, 02:13:19
eddie spaghetti 
题目: Re: Checkers format
hang in there papa i think he said before(fencer) that its on the to do list....hes done more as far as improvements on this site in the last few months than iyt and gt have in a few years...give him some time...ok....im used to it even thou im not a serious checker player like you ..his new varitions are all cool...

16. 二月 2003, 02:19:44
题目: Re: Checkers format
Thanks for the update, Eddie.
I shall wait for these improvements & when they come, I shall become a happy participant here.
I'm always glad to find a new place to play my favorite game.
The rating system here should put BrainKing a step ahead of IYT.

16. 二月 2003, 02:24:53
eddie spaghetti 
题目: Re: Checkers format
any positive input ya have here fencer listens too...hey he even listens to my dum ideas sometimes haha but if its for the good for everyone and he didnt think of it yet...guess he cant think of everything...just mention it and wait it out...i know one job i dont want is being a programmer...too much typin for me haha..

18. 二月 2003, 00:31:12
题目: fencer..fantabulous
this is too kool.I had this crazy original idea. come to mind about a "crowded backgammon"variation...posted it to the bulletin board here feb.11..never expected fencer would consider it..let alone create the game.biggest surprise was he did it so quick.thank you fencer

18. 二月 2003, 00:44:36
Back Soon 
题目: Re: fencer..fantabulous
Yes thank you :o) Just started a game of this, and so far so good, seems like good fun! :o)

18. 二月 2003, 00:58:21
题目: tourny journey
I am unable to sign up to a 2nd tourny.
are we allowed to only be in one at a time?

18. 二月 2003, 01:12:41
题目: Re: tourny journey
Thats correct.:)

18. 二月 2003, 01:40:30
eddie spaghetti 
题目: hhmmnnn....
fencer had a headache and we got a new game and new boards...not that i wanna wish pain on anyone but....what if?...ya know ...fencer sorta got a migrane headache?..or a bump on his noggin?..maybe a minor brain surgery? hhmmnn...how many games would they be worth? hhmmnnn....rose? molly?..got the tools?..the ones in the noodleland cabinet?..yea those...now where did we leave the novicane at?..hhmmnnn....ok sorry....hope ya get better soon fencer headaches ya know ...stink...or hurt...:-)

18. 二月 2003, 02:14:56
题目: Re: hhmmnnn....
Ok eddie who let you outta noodle land? back you go like a good lil boy.. stop bothering the nice man who makes our games.. come on this way eddie back you go...

18. 二月 2003, 02:20:24
eddie spaghetti 
题目: Re: hhmmnnn....
too much snow in noodleland i need to go where its warm...

18. 二月 2003, 08:12:51
题目: Re: hhmmnnn....
you wanna go where it is warm....come to ME....34degC every day with humidity at 98% ...aussie needs a good noodle LOL

18. 二月 2003, 22:04:07
题目: Re: hhmmnnn....
There ya go Eddie...a win win situation...you get warmth, she gets Eddie the noodle king. LOL

19. 二月 2003, 15:27:51
题目: Is it just me...
When I bookmarked the brainking site a while ago I noticed a neat icon in front of the bookmark that was the brainking logo.. today I notice its gone and back to a regular IE icon.. I wonder if its just me or an IE update removed it or anyone else had it an now its missing?.... Just a minor lil question no need for a prompt reply as its just a curiosity..

19. 二月 2003, 15:37:01
I still have the brainking logo there.

19. 二月 2003, 15:39:56
题目: Re:
Thank you Czechgirl! It must have been an Xp update or something I did.. Thanks for the info!!

19. 二月 2003, 15:51:06
题目: Re: Is it just me...
I thing, its done by WindowsUpdate. Try delete BK from Favorites and bookmark it again. Before bookmark BK again, end all of instance IE.

19. 二月 2003, 17:56:24
题目: Re: Is it just me...
Thanks Liquid!! that did the trick! I deleted the old bookmark, shut down IE, came back in to Brainking.com and bookmarked it again!
Now its back! Thankyou! You are so smart!

19. 二月 2003, 19:43:03
题目: BKR ratings
How are the BKR determined from game to game?

19. 二月 2003, 21:44:52
题目: Re: Is it just me...
Your welcome.

20. 二月 2003, 07:18:07
Imacarrot: Try to search uschess.org for approximated rating formula.

20. 二月 2003, 07:19:32

21. 二月 2003, 08:06:26
题目: small query..not important
im currently playing in a tournament...LOSING lol...but the prize is 6mths membership...if there are more than one ending on equal footing....what haappens?

21. 二月 2003, 08:29:33
题目: halma 10x10 game 29862
because i dont really understand this game and my partner hasnt played in 30 years, it got too confusing....i offered a draw and told her...she couldnt see it and offered me a draw...I couldnt see it...I have since offered her another draw...
Q is...there isnt an accept button for a draw...can you help???

21. 二月 2003, 12:31:36
题目: Just got this LOL
Please readit carefully when u go there - its not as it seems ;-)


21. 二月 2003, 13:05:26
题目: Re: Just got this LOL
very good!

21. 二月 2003, 22:19:07
题目: Re: Just got this LOL
Love it lOL...gotta pass that one along

21. 二月 2003, 22:41:29
题目: reverse backgammon-another concept
hi fencer..ty again for creating my idea for crowded backgammon..frankly,I'm blown away.had another idea for an original variation.undecided as to whether it was playable,we tried it on a real board.it was fun,really interesting strategy.ok,so here's the idea.reverse backgammon(or maybe othello backgammon).board is set up like original backgammon.when you hit a blot,its color is converted to the color of the opposing player.we tried playing it 2 ways from this point :
1-the blot changes color then remains were it is.
2-the blot changes color and is sent to the bar to start.
both work,could be 2 variations.
we found that this is a quick win if one player is much better than his opponent.or it can be a struggle for 2 good players.what do you think?

21. 二月 2003, 22:44:38
题目: Ratings
Fencer, I don't get these ratings. I know how they work, but can't understand how they're calculated. For example, I won a game against an opponent with a rating of 2545, whilst mine was 2094. When the ratings adjusted, they lost around 100 points, yet I only gained 20. Please can you explain, thanx.

22. 二月 2003, 02:34:10
题目: Game 37181
Fencer, could you have a look at our Crowded Backgammon game against alley oop. Between moves 20 & 21 nearly all the pieces have just vanished LOL... :-)

22. 二月 2003, 07:14:32
here's a birthday wish for ellie. hope you have a wonderful day!

22. 二月 2003, 11:11:51
MadMonkey, I think that could be the bug. When did you start the game? I had a game going we had to call a draw because loads of pieces disappeared, but only on line 19!
It might be worth starting again, we did after the bug was fixed and its working fine (up to now!).

22. 二月 2003, 11:24:43
题目: Re:
Only started it Friday evening - i thought the bug was sorted ??

22. 二月 2003, 14:48:53
Radiant2008 :-) 
题目: Re: Just got this LOL
Hi MadMonkey! :-)

Love it!!! LOL

22. 二月 2003, 15:51:19
MadMonkey, it did seem to be sorted, but its definitely the same problem I had in a game that was down to a bug. Maybe its not completely right yet?

23. 二月 2003, 23:14:51
Magic X 
题目: Re:
Gřřð évéñiñg..ߣřřð £i†é åñ¥řñé?..héhé!

24. 二月 2003, 01:12:29
题目: Birthday :-)
BIGGGGGG Happy Birthday to ravioli ruby - have a good one honey :-Þ

24. 二月 2003, 10:53:39
题目: Re: Game 37181
Fencer: have u had a chance to look at this crowded backgammon game yet (note 22nd Feb 1.34). It keeps showing as my next game to move in, but until the problem is fixed i dont know if u want it left so you can see the problem or shall i just delete it. Thanks :-)

24. 二月 2003, 11:15:14
MadMonkey: I've just deleted the problematic move. Please try it again.

24. 二月 2003, 11:22:06
题目: Re:
Fencer: Thanks alot , i have moved & all looks ok now, cheers :-)

24. 二月 2003, 11:36:32
White Wolf 
题目: fellowship tourneys !!
Is there going to be any fellowship tournaments taking place on here ?
If so maybe we should concider creating an award system to show what teams have won !! Or has this been discussed already ???

24. 二月 2003, 11:43:22
题目: time out
My opponent ran out of time in a tournament game. It surprised me that it didn't change my rating. I couldn't find anything the reason for it on FAQ. We performed 12 moves.

24. 二月 2003, 11:55:20
题目: Re: time out
Christine: It is probably because of low opponent's BKR [compared to yours].

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