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3. apríla 2009, 07:34:23
Papa Zoom 
Now that beep! has more vacation days, I can expect more of these:

Backgammon     Fast Stairs     personsname     black     8.      0 mins

and now there is:  23 hours 57 mins

34 vacation days left

so much for "1 day, standard vacation"

And I can't avoid this player because they invited me via the ladder games. 

4. apríla 2009, 06:20:37
Subjekt: Re:
Artful Dodger: A GREAT solution would be to be able to specify the maximum number of vacation days useable in any game//tournament. That way, players who want to buy 35 extra vacation days so that can make no moves can do so and those of us who think that's ridiculous can keep them out of our games and tournaments.

Fencer is not going to change the current set-up that allows players to buy additional vacation days. Why should he. He's getting extra money from inactive members of his site!

PS: I had a player re-up his vacation count TWICE in a game against me. That's 105 vacation days!! I feel your pain.

PSS: I think listing the names of players who play super slow, buy extra vacation days, etc. should be allowed on this board. After all, we're not stating anything that isn't fact.

4. apríla 2009, 07:43:32
Papa Zoom 
Subjekt: Re:
Thad:Time controls are a major part of games.  As an over the  board chess player, I can tell you that the time factor weighs heavily on the game's outcome.  One must use his time wisely or find himself making hasty moves.

There is a reason for the time controls.  And when people sign up for tourneys, many do so with the time controls in mind.  I always do this.  I expect reasonable time off periods for weekends and vacations.  But when vacations days become a method to avoid any timeouts, that is abuse IMO. 

I believe that a majority of people agree that some restrictions on vacation days is in order.  I think that fact matters more than any $ that can be made by allowing people to purchase more vacation days.

The person in question here abuses the system.  He holds up tournaments, plays games down to the last seconds even if losing, and he does so just to annoy his opponents.

He was out of vacation days a week ago.  I was playing a game with him (1 day move) and he was moving in a timely way.  Now he's timed out once so has 34 days of vac left.  Plus, just now, he let the clock run down to about 1 min before making his move. 

I'm a black rook so don't have to consider buying future memberships.  But if I weren't a lifetime member, I'd think very seriously about renewing.  I suspect others feel the same way.  How is it beneficial if 10 people get fed up with the current system and won't renew as a result just so a couple of people can purchase multiple blocks of vacation days? 

BTW, they aren't vacation days when misused.  They are nothing more than insurance against timing out in a game.  I am totally opposed to such a thing. 

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