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11. marca 2010, 15:29:24
Herlock Sholmes 
Subjekt: Backgammon for points

I was always curious why nobody plays backgammon for points ... we have 15 checkers and eventualy we get them all home, leaving opponent with some of his/her checkers in the field. Score can be anything from 15:0 to 15:14 ... game can be played to 30, 45, 60 or more points ... or if we take only net points, the goal should be lower ... 15:0 can be counted as double points giving 30 points for the winner ... doubling cube can be easily incorporated into this system of scoring ... I think it can be more exciting to play for points rather than for won game only, since every checker would count toward the final score ...

Just an idea, what do you think ?




11. marca 2010, 19:16:01
Subjekt: Re: Backgammon for points
Herlock Sholmes: Uhm, never heard of gammons and backgammons?

12. marca 2010, 13:32:18
Herlock Sholmes 
Subjekt: Re: Backgammon for points
AbigailII: gammons and backgammons ? what are they ? never heard of ... just kidding !!!! Backgammon for points is simply a different game ...

12. marca 2010, 04:00:50
Subjekt: Re: Backgammon for points
Herlock Sholmes: I like the idea a lot.  We play a version of this on another site.  The number of checkers remaining on the board in the final position count toward computing the "value" of a victory/loss, but there are some other multipliers counted as well: (1) the distance of the farthest checker back, ranging from 1 for being in their inner board up to 5 for still being on the bar, (2) 2x or 3x for gammons or backgammons, plus some additional multipliers that kick in in later rounds of tournaments, further raising the stakes.

So the games can range in value from just 1 in early rounds, on up through several hundred.  Tournament participants begin with 100 units/points/chips.  Players who suffer losses that cost all of their remaining units are eliminated from the event.  To me, at least, the event has a poker-like feel, as the field is reduced in size, and relatively enormous sums change hands.

12. marca 2010, 13:30:15
Herlock Sholmes 
Subjekt: Re: Backgammon for points
wetware: this is really a great idea ... I was thinking about something much simpler, but I like the direction ...maybe one day , hm, who knows ...

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