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11. februára 2010, 22:17:39
Subjekt: Re: Doubling cube in chess
Herlock Sholmes: Sorry, but I don't think funny money would work for me. What happens if I win funny $1600 rather than funny $100... would I have to pretend I was sixteen times more happy? I just chipped in here because I thought the theoretical discussion was fun, but I think I'll leave it at that.

11. februára 2010, 22:25:54
Herlock Sholmes 
Subjekt: Re: Doubling cube in chess
pedestrian: no problem, you don't want me leaving the game after you make fantastic move and double ? that's fine with me ...

12. februára 2010, 01:57:02
Subjekt: Re: Doubling cube in chess
Herlock Sholmes:  Unfortunately, I can't think of a chess equivalent for the kind of cube handling decision one often must make in backgammon:  is my position too good to double?  (i.e., should I simply play on without doubling, because I have sufficient gammon chances?)

This is not to say that I don't like the idea of using the doubling cube in other contests...I DO like it, even if I can't always clearly state optimal rules or scoring implications.

Once, while at the curling club, I was a spectator watching games through the glass as a friend began playing.  His team suddenly found itself in a difficult, dangerous position.  I knocked on the glass, smiled, and held up a doubling cube with the "2" facing him.  (I ordinarily keep my backgammon set at the club; my friend and I both play backgammon as well as curl.)

He completely understood my mocking cube gesture.  He smiled back, and "gave me the finger" a friendly sort of way.

12. februára 2010, 14:57:41
Herlock Sholmes 
Subjekt: Re: Doubling cube in chess
wetware: thanks , I know it's uncharted territory ... but I believe, there is s a way to implement it ...

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