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15. Апреля 2005, 17:02:25
Grim Reaper 
For all of you who think you can lob such general comments as "this was a computer game", let me point out a few things.

1. Since so many people were making snide comments about the Double Muzio game posted on here, where there is a sacrifice of first a knight and then a bishop, I decided I would go after Alex and try to win a game using the same theme: offering the sacrifice of a knight and bishop, just to emphasize the point. I mentioned this to ChessCarpenter long ago.

2. Look at the position here:


We can go back all the way to a Reshevsky game where the pawn push c4 is played (although much earlier in the game) to give white the slight edge in the opening. I studied the game, and elected not to do so, since a well timed ...d5 by black will equalize in the early stages and actually convey a slight advantage by the onset of the middlegame. So, the hunt was on not just for a "substitute move" but a new plan.

At this point in the game, move 11, I decided to play a non-traditional, strategic move, for the sole purpose of securing the queenside pawn structure (making it virtually bullet proof) and then tasking the knight to go on a long trip from the queenside to the kingside via d2 instead of c3.

3. The actual attack begins with a maneuver here:


Inspiration came from the King's Indian Attack, another opening I like when playing as white. Three consecutive Knight moves get the Knight into position, and I thought at this point "clearly black sees what I am doing here", so I thought I would "give away" my plan.

4. white gives up a piece that is never recovered again, something computers usually do not do.


5. I complete my earlier objective, now offering a Bishop as sacrifice after having already parted with a Knight.


6. And now here, 33 plies after 10. Nbd2 is played, we are still in a position where white is down a Rook for 2 pawns.


I would like all of you "computer experts" to tell me, how long would it take a program to search 33 plies from move 10 of the game? 1 day? 3 days? 10 days? How about 2 to the 12th days if there is a branching factor of 2 and you can complete a 21 ply search in 1 day.

4097 days of search would be required to play this line with a program starting from move 10.

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