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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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20. Ноября 2008, 14:11:13
Субъект: Number of time outs
Currently, when you go to someones profile, you see the number of wins, draws, losses and tournament wins. It would be nice to show the number of times a person has timed out.

20. Ноября 2008, 15:00:32
Субъект: Re: Number of time outs
AbigailII: That was basically what i was asking in my original post on the subject

Also Fencer, could we have a page (same as in our profiles for finished games) for Fellowship results. I used to keep track of all the Madhouse ones, but now we have nearly reached 500 games would be nice to see a win / lose / draw breakdown for the Teams

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