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20. Октября 2008, 18:15:13
Субъект: Re: Vacation Suggestion
I forget to add two more points.

  • When playing a multi-game match (being it a cubed match, and N-wins match, or an N-game match), the time control is for the entire match - no resetting between games. So if you saved up a lot of bonus time, you carry it over to the next game. And if you time out on a game, you lose the entire match. No more waiting for many months if someone stops playing in a 21 game gammon match.
  • You don't get a whole lump of vacation days at the beginning of the year. A new account gets a few days to start with, and one gets a new vacation day every N days you make moves. (So non-active people don't accumulate vacation days, and you don't have time-out free months early in the year. No strategical buying of membership either). N would vary on the membership levels. In BK's terms, I'd set N = 35 for pawns, N = 15 for bishops/knights and N = 10 for rooks. Of course, there would also be maximum of saved up vacation days.

20. Октября 2008, 19:35:15
Субъект: Re: Vacation Suggestion
Сделано для trohat (20. Октября 2008, 19:35:48)
AbigailII: Again, this would be too hard. Imagine you play e.g. 5-win match and because of bad time management (reason can be some family business or easily some unexpected party with friends) you lose one of those games on  timeout. Would you like to lose the entire match ?? To make my argument stronger, imagine that this game is with a very weak opponent and the loss would ruin your BKR :)   

And if someone stops playing many-game gammon match ??
Since you have rook membership, you dont have to care about game positions. So you just make the first move many times and just let the game "sleep" in the "opponents turn" games, where you dont even look too often, so it doesnt bother you.

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