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Backgammonpro30 - Pion Brain, 0 Brainuri, 35 Puncte prestaţii
Scorul total: 40 victorii, 0 remize, 20 jocuri pierdute, 0 competiţii câştigate

Date personale

Calitate de membru:Pion Brain
Ţara:Statele unite
Prima înscriere:3. Decembrie 2005, 13:49:29
Ultima acțiune:22. Octombrie 2006, 20:08:23 - iese de pe site
Totalul chipsurilor:
Zile de sfârşit de sãptãmânã:Sâmbãtã şi Duminicã
Zile de vacanțã rãmase:10 zile - Foloseşte vacanța automatã

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Invitã pe Backgammonpro30 la un joc de
Descriere:I am a 30 year old male that likes to play backgammon and backgammon race.

People from other countries that think it is cool to burn my country's flag are frigged up in their head!!

NOTICE: If you are stupid enough to run your mouth to me then expect me to say something back to you. I am open to some constructive criticism, but I don't like hearing from Fencer that you are complaining to him about something I said to you. I don't say something back to someone unless it is said to me first. If you shut up to me, then I will shut up to you, it is that simple!!
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