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asdf (Benjamin Good) - Pion Brain, 50 Brainuri, 340 Puncte prestaţii
Scorul total: 1270 victorii, 16 remize, 581 jocuri pierdute, 16 competiţii câştigate

Date personale

Calitate de membru:Pion Brain
Ţara:Statele unite
Prima înscriere:18. Martie 2003, 11:06:58
Ultima acțiune:26. August 2024, 10:26:24 - examineazã profilul (summaroon)
Totalul chipsurilor:
Zile de sfârşit de sãptãmânã:Sâmbãtã şi Duminicã
Zile de vacanțã rãmase:10 zile

Adãuga asdf la prieteni | Adaugã asdf la jucãtorii blocați

Invitã pe asdf la un joc de
Descriere:Hi, my name is Ben, I live in Pittsburgh, PA.

I like chess variants, especially Ice Age, Extinction, Capablanca Random, and Knight Relay.

I like Backgammon, including variants like Race and Cloning. I **ONLY** play backgammon with the doubling. I play a minimum of 5 points and prefer 9 or higher. If you send me cubeless Backgammon invite it will not be accepted - if I have open game slots (which is rare) I may send a counter-invite, otherwise I will decline it or ignore it.

I also like some other games on the server, especially Froglet and Connect 6.

I move almost every day, and usually multiple times per day. I still prefer, however, time limits of at least 3 days, in case something comes up. (Yes, I know I can use vacation time, but if I lose my connection, I have no way of accessing that.) I will decline any invite that is less than 3 days.
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