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 Run around the Pond

Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game)

Game link..... Ponds
Ratings link..... Regular Pond Ratings -and- Dark Pond Ratings -and- Run in the Rain Ratings
Winners link..... All Winners - (Regular Ponds Only) - (Dark Ponds Only) - (Run in the Rain Only)

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20. August 2006, 03:15:32
Subiectul: ic! But.....?
What should I write on my move?  a name of the player or the number I want to bid ( 20000 )?  Thank you!

20. August 2006, 03:42:19
Subiectul: Re: ic! But.....?
McduellMUG: You bid a number. You are trying to pick one high enough so that you are not the lowest number, but not so high you don't have enough points left at the end of the game.

20. August 2006, 05:17:46
Subiectul: Re: ic! But.....?
McduellMUG: something that may help you in your first games would be to look at the history of some other recently finished games here . I would pick some games that have about the same amount of players to look at and give you an idea of how the bidding usually goes.

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