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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!

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19. Martie 2011, 00:38:28
so sorry for your loss of your aunt,Sarah. may God give you peace and comfort :)

30. Ianuarie 2011, 20:25:07
Subiectul: Re:
alilsassy: thank you Sassy 

26. Ianuarie 2011, 14:39:39
Subiectul: thought i share this on this board

23. Ianuarie 2011, 03:44:28
  I'm so sorry for your loss. Please know our loving thoughts embrace you. 
 May those beautiful yesterdays always remain in your heart,
                                                    and your sorrows gently fade away

20. Ianuarie 2011, 05:17:51
Subiectul: Re: Doctor appointment
Amandakmg365:  Ulcers are irritated by stress.. So stress reliefs are something to check into.. deep breathing exercises ... this is something you should set some time everyday for..

19. Ianuarie 2011, 15:39:35
Subiectul: Doctor appointment
Hello everyone. Seeing the doctor today because I may have recently gotten an ulcer. If it is does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

19. Decembrie 2010, 04:20:32
Blessings to you from the Lord Jesus Christ

12. Octombrie 2010, 15:51:19
So sad to hear the news on TT, please tell her that I will be praying for a miracle for her. I see her posts now and then on Facebook.

29. Septembrie 2010, 14:52:57
Subiectul: TigerCat
Hello everyone. Has anyone here seen or heard from TigerCat ( Brian )? The game website that we played at closed down but even before that I had not heard from him. I hope he is okay.

24. Septembrie 2010, 08:56:54
Subiectul: Re: get well soon melusine
BadBoy7: i told her to take more water with

get well soon witchy
missing our chats already

24. Septembrie 2010, 06:49:23
Subiectul: Re: TexasToest
Tuesday: Please let TT know for me also.. been hard enough getting online when I am on the road..

24. Septembrie 2010, 04:02:48
Subiectul: Re: get well soon melusine
Mélusine:    So sorry to hear about your accident sweetie

Our heart felt wishes for a speedy recovery are with you


24. Septembrie 2010, 03:35:10
Subiectul: Re: TexasToest
Tuesday: That is extremely sad news about TT. Please let her know I will be praying for her.

24. Septembrie 2010, 02:38:57
Subiectul: get well soon melusine
Modificat de BadBoy7 (24. Septembrie 2010, 02:39:52)
From: Mélusine
Date and time: 23. September 2010, 18:10:53
Subject: <no subject>

Hello !
Just want to tell you I've had an accident (I falled from my broom ). I was at hospital yesterday.
My right shoulder is broken and makes me suffer very much, and I'm very tired. I try to come here as most as possible but it's very difficult for me to write, so I won't speak very much on the boards. You can tell this to the friends : Sarah, Sassy, Stingette, etc.... so they will understand why I don't speak more now.

21. Septembrie 2010, 08:14:00
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: Oh No!!!.. TT.. I will definitely be keeping her in my prayers..

2. Septembrie 2010, 06:46:36
Subiectul: Re: Storm
Amandakmg365:  I will keep you all in my prayers .. keep safe and warm and heed the warnings

2. Septembrie 2010, 06:44:56
Subiectul: Storm
Hello: If any of you are on the East Coast of the states I hope you all stay safe and dry this weekend. We are on the east coast and watching the storm updates.

16. August 2010, 15:12:22
Subiectul: TigerCat
TigerCat are you okay? I have not heard from you for several days and I have not seen you online for that long. Hugs.

10. August 2010, 22:03:49
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: His initial reaction to his situation is completely understandable. Yet this need not be his final reaction. Miracles happen. A miracle may take the form of a physical recovery, or it may be that he learns to live happily with his circumstances. His friends and family can only offer love and support.

8. August 2010, 00:34:45
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: I'm so sorry to hear what has happened. I will definitely have him & his family in our thoughts & prayers each & everyday

2. August 2010, 19:03:07
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday:  Tuesday I am so sorry to hear this.. I will put him in my prayers ..

26. Iulie 2010, 21:54:10
Subiectul: Re:
TigerCat: hi Brian
really great to see you back in here with you friends

26. Iulie 2010, 03:50:44
Subiectul: Re: Hello it is me Brian. I finally made it back.
TigerCat: Welcome back Brian

26. Iulie 2010, 03:30:22
Hello it is me Brian. I finally made it back. Was going to be back earlier but the weather was acting up LOL Thank Goodness for me having my sister's laptop. I'm doing good under the circumstances but still a little bit nervous. Things I found out from my family especially my brother, shocked the heck out of me. Have to go back on Thursday to see if everything is going well. I sure hope that I can actually start walking w/o using something & get back to normal. By the sounds of it, I'll be taking it easy for the next 2 to 4 wks. I'll post when I know what has happened & what my family hasn't told me. Not quite sure if I want to know tho. Again I just wanted to say Hi & ty for all the prayers & thoughts for me & my family at this time. Very much apprieciated. Also I would like to say a huge ty for the welcome everyone has given to Tom & to a special friend of mine for taking the time to do my turns & watching my fellowship for me. Well I better get going & take some meds before I fall asleep. Good Night & God Bless each & everyone

22. Iulie 2010, 23:19:08
Brian has to go back next wk. The tests came back inconclusive. They did 2 separate tests at different times which showed 2 different results. Brian is feeling down but still fighting w/ plenty of hope. Thank Goodness we got him a wheelchair so he can actually go outside. Still has to do his exercises but we aren't doing them 3 times a day for 1 hr. We are going to do them 2 times a day 1 in the morning & 1 in the afternoon. At least he is getting alot of latch-hooking done LOL. Brian said in the hospital room that he will definitely be back here this weekend

22. Iulie 2010, 00:13:40
I'm so sorry for not being here & doing alot of updating on Brian like I would like to have done. Been going to all the game sites that I know of to let his friends know what was what. Saturday morning we contacted the Dept of Human Resources to get him a wheelchair so he can move around which he is renting. He was getting pretty yancy about wanting to go out & shop for things. LOL The walking exercises are definitely doing good for both him & the rest of us. Our sister gave him a laptop to use ( mostly to watch the Tigers) Today he is in the hospital for follow up testing & hasn't gotten home yet & didn't receive a call that he would be staying in yet. So far, it looks like everything is going good healing wise but as we know, looks can be deceiving. I'll let everyone know what is what when he gets home later on today or Thursday. Again, I'm so sorry about not being here updating his health. Our continued thoughts & prayers go out to each & everyone who needs them. Again, a big ty for all the prayers our way. & we are very apprieciated. Brian might actually start playing & posting here again hopefully this weekend

7. Iulie 2010, 02:14:35
We keep everything closed up during the day but we have a fan built into the ceiling. We turn that on overnight when the temps are cooler. We leave some windows & all doors open to pull in the cooler air that you can actually feel a very nice breeze. We have 2 ac's but they are located at the other end of the house. It would take almost 3 1/2 hrs to actually reach his bedroom. Put some fans in certain places to draw to cooler air to his room but that doesn't seem to work to well tho

7. Iulie 2010, 02:06:10
Subiectul: Tigercat
Well all the tests came back great yesterday morning. Brian couldn't wait to get out of there. Slept the rest of the day Monday. Still he has to take the anti-biotic pills tho. I consider them being horse pills. Has to go back every 2 wks for follow-up checkups This weather however is making him cranky ( extremely hot & humid) so the exercises are definitely going to be hard, even in the house. Again I just want to say a big TY for everyone's continued thoughts & prayers daily for him & the rest of the family. God Bless each & everyone. Sorry that I didn't post anything earlier. Was hectic to say the least for us trying to get everything ready for his welcome home LOL

7. Iulie 2010, 02:01:45
Most of their home has AC but his bedroom doesn't. I know how you feel. I wish I could help too. They live in Michigan and I am in New England.

7. Iulie 2010, 01:27:01
Subiectul: Brian
Hello everyone. Today Tom showed up at the Dorcino game site and said that Brians tests were good so they were able to take him home today. That was awesome news to hear. I just wish that his room had AC. It only has fans.

6. Iulie 2010, 19:31:46
Subiectul: Re: Pbarb
Snoopy: Do think you could fill us in what she is doing then

6. Iulie 2010, 18:34:52
Subiectul: Re: Pbarb
Amandakmg365: i see her on facebook sometimes

6. Iulie 2010, 16:23:59
Subiectul: Pbarb
What happened to Pbarb? Before our old PC died she and I played many games together. I have not heard from her or about her since I have been back online.

6. Iulie 2010, 15:47:02
How is Pharb2 doing does any one Know?

6. Iulie 2010, 15:04:41
Subiectul: Snoopy
Good morning. Tom do you know yet if he will be going home today or tomorrow or later then that? OH you mentioned that his room has no AC. In this heat and humidity you should tell his doctors about that. They may not want him to use it if it has no AC.

4. Iulie 2010, 03:56:14
Subiectul: Re: Address
Amandakmg365: That would be fine. It is the correct address & number.

4. Iulie 2010, 00:52:09
Subiectul: Address
Tom if it has not changed since he has had internet then I still have it. He gave it to me some time ago. I will send an email for you to look at to make sure I wrote it down correctly. I just didn't think it would be right giving it out to anyone without his consent. There may be some people who he doesn't want to have it. If he wants I can get a list of the people who are asking for it and he can let you know if it is okay for them to have it.

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