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Music Discussion Board

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21. Iulie 2004, 07:22:35
I'm on webtv...but it says access denied

21. Iulie 2004, 07:25:34
I'm definetly a classic ;)

21. Iulie 2004, 07:26:39
Subiectul: Who sang...
The boys are back in town?

21. Iulie 2004, 07:27:21
'66 huh,SF? when did Zappa add the crazy guy with the 8 foot gongs?

21. Iulie 2004, 07:35:43
somebody answer LJ...its drivin me crazy,cause I used to have that album!!

21. Iulie 2004, 07:36:24
I got the song in my head but cant think of the band who sang it?

21. Iulie 2004, 07:38:11
Thin Lizzy

21. Iulie 2004, 07:39:19
cool, I assume thats the original?
I searched and also came up with Everclear

21. Iulie 2004, 07:43:32
thats it!!!! Thin Lizzy!!

21. Iulie 2004, 07:44:35
Subiectul: Lyrics by Phil Lynott
Album Title : Jailbreak

I used to have the album too, way back.

21. Iulie 2004, 07:48:37
lost all my rock n roll...but still have alot of old country albums and 45's
even still got a few 8tracks!!

21. Iulie 2004, 07:50:13
Artful Dodger 
How far back do you go? ;)

21. Iulie 2004, 07:51:00
I remember skipping school & listening to Highway to Hell on 8track while cruising around LOL

21. Iulie 2004, 07:52:39
well Gramps,LMAO...
I could drag out some 78's and see....:)

21. Iulie 2004, 07:53:58
Modificat de bwildman (21. Iulie 2004, 07:55:27)
my favorite AC/DC was "The Jack"
I think it was on their 1st album.

21. Iulie 2004, 07:56:31
whos Captain Beefheart?

21. Iulie 2004, 08:12:51
Subiectul: Re: Captain Beefheart

21. Iulie 2004, 08:13:02
red dragon 
Subiectul: Of course there is a way around this....
This a public discussion board.

There's nothing to stop lyrics being reproduced in a private, members only, fellowship.

21. Iulie 2004, 08:17:43
Artful Dodger 
There's always a way around everything. But the question is: Is it legal? And if it's not, or if it's questionable, then it wouldn't matter if it were private or public. :/

21. Iulie 2004, 08:18:56
I think the debate on whether complete song lyrics should be posted or not is irrelevent to a certain degree because the bottom line is Fencer requested no complete lyrics and that should be case closed. Its a shame though.

I second Bwild's assessment!! Its Bumble's fault. LOL

21. Iulie 2004, 08:19:50
members that like a cover charge?

21. Iulie 2004, 08:22:24
Is there any lawyers in the house?????? LOL

21. Iulie 2004, 08:22:38
red dragon 
Copyright and the Public Domain
Authors own the exclusive rights to their compositions. This is called a copyright, and the composition is protected for many years--even if the copyright is never registered with the copyright office. A composition is considered to be "intellectual property" The copyright may be sold, transferred, or inherited--but the copyright still endures. If any music or lyrics are still under copyright protection

you CANNOT reproduce the music or lyrics
you CANNOT distribute the music or lyrics either for free, for no profit, or for profit
you CANNOT perform the music or lyrics in public
you CANNOT play a recording of the music or lyrics in public--even if you own the CD
you CANNOT make a derivative work or arrangement for public use in any form

21. Iulie 2004, 08:23:59
red dragon 
gooner, yes there is a lawyer in the house!

21. Iulie 2004, 08:28:25
red dragon 
SF, copyrigght law exists. Deal with it. It's up to you to prove that you can legally post lyrics.
That should keep you busy!

21. Iulie 2004, 08:29:06
Artful Dodger 
Well said gooner. hmmmmmm red dragon, are you a lawyer??

If so, I would like to point out that my age alone qualifies me in matters where wisdom and experience are essential ingredients to a well-thought and reasoned assessment of matters pertaining to law and ethics. uh hm...

21. Iulie 2004, 08:29:10
right hand column

21. Iulie 2004, 08:32:11
Artful Dodger 
does shadowy figure even exist?

21. Iulie 2004, 08:32:16
red dragon 
Sorry, SF, I'm far too busy reading and posting lyrics on a fellowship board.

21. Iulie 2004, 08:32:55
red dragon 
Shadowy Figure has Universal Eyes.

21. Iulie 2004, 08:34:47
Artful Dodger 
ahhhhh that explains the coherent deprivation

21. Iulie 2004, 08:34:52
no insults please.

21. Iulie 2004, 08:38:22
Artful Dodger 
crap, I thought I'd conceal it well enough!


21. Iulie 2004, 08:39:17
Artful Dodger 
Subiectul: Since it relates to music, anyone care to guess what's up with my
rapid aging? :) Checking my profile might be of some help.

21. Iulie 2004, 08:41:26
its probably sitting next to your ascap membership.If you did not believe in copyright laws,why wold you be registered with ascap?

21. Iulie 2004, 08:44:02
Artful Dodger 
la la la la

Why is it when I post a legitimate comment, I am ignore. But when I post something stupid, I'm noticed????????

Age discrimination I tell you!!! Young man with the hat. Yes you!!! Pay attention!

Oh what the heII was I talking about anyway. Durn memory!

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