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29. Mai 2007, 00:08:19
Subiectul: Re: Papa John Creach
Jim Dandy: OH Thank you! I hadn't heard her in years! I love her..this was always my favorite of her songs

29. Mai 2007, 00:02:14
Subiectul: Re: Papa John Creach
Jim Dandy: oh thanks...I dunno about the royalties..I wondered about that too, but knowing her as I do, she got permission to put it in her song..whatever channels that takes.
Thanks- I think she's great too : )
She tells me that that song is based on my life with my kids and her other friends with kids..
I AM the Queen of the Highways!
Going to check out your link : )

28. Mai 2007, 23:29:07
Subiectul: Re: Papa John Creach
Jim Dandy: Hear! Hear! Well said!

22. Aprilie 2007, 03:51:20
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: my parents did!!!

6. Aprilie 2007, 16:50:24
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: oh, man! I'm sorry to hear that. I bet you'll get another chance, and if you do, I really hope you do it. I think you might be surprised that you might like it as much as everyone will like hearing you sing : )
There will be another time..this wasn't the right one is all..and look at all the cool new Patsy music you've learned so it's not a complete loss, right?

25. Martie 2007, 05:04:10
Subiectul: Re: great tribute video
"Snoopy": haven't heard him in ages! Thanks!

Nirvana...the Corrs are awesome...I love their "Live in Dublin" CD

24. Martie 2007, 07:07:50
Subiectul: Re: I've been away...
Modificat de baddessi (24. Martie 2007, 07:08:28)
Nirvana: thanks- nice to be here for a short while anyways : )
Been listening to some newer stuff(???new to me anyways) lately I like alot
The Shins:

and Corrine Bailey Rae

24. Martie 2007, 06:42:53
Subiectul: I've been away...
but want to thank Snoopy for introducing me to some good Irish music I didn't know about
and the Eagles! LOVE THEM : ))

and awesome and JimDandy...thanks for always bringing great links. I could youtube all day!

And a very special Thank you to Nirvana.
I always love your posts and links. You contribute so much to this board. Thanks for all you do..this board wouldn't be the same without your posts!

24. Martie 2007, 06:38:18
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: Very cool to sing for the benefit! You'll do fine..or you'll pay! LOL
Seriouosly, I think you'll do fine. How about Crazy? I love that one and the one Rose said. Please PM me if you want me to email you some songs. I have a good Patsy collection : )

Let me know how it goes.
Will we see you on youtube??? : )))

4. Martie 2007, 20:58:26
Subiectul: Re: Sawdoctors
"Snoopy": wow- I didn't know about them. You are right! They are great! Thanks

4. Martie 2007, 10:31:27
Subiectul: EC rules
I saw Clapton play last night in Houston!!!! He rules! He just gets better and better...Slowhand doesn't seem to slow down any. So great to hear so many of the old Derek and the Dominoes songs played again.
It was the best EC concert I've ever seen! He finally found someone who can play slide guitar close to what Duane Allman had going fact, the kid he got plays sometimes with Allman Bros ...he's the nephew of one of the founding members..drummer Butch Trucks....if you don't know this guy, check him out...he is AWESOME!!!!!

18. Februarie 2007, 20:04:12
Subiectul: Re: Small group
TexasToest: I think he just started it TT. I joinmed, just haven't had much of a chance to expore the site just yet, but what a cool idea, huh?

5. Februarie 2007, 03:15:08
Subiectul: Re: Anyone like this one lol!
Mousetrap: oh thank you for sharing with us. I will look for music from her daughter : )

4. Februarie 2007, 19:00:03
Subiectul: Re: Anyone like this one lol!
Mousetrap: I can see why you like her so much. What a beautiful voice. I hadn't heard of her...thanks very much!

4. Februarie 2007, 18:57:00
Subiectul: Re:
Nirvana: can't remember the last time I heard Alice cooper- thanks

4. Februarie 2007, 18:56:13
Subiectul: Re:
awesome: awesome! Love Canned Heat...I love 'Goin Up the Country'..or whatever the name of that one is..ya know goin where the water tastes like wine... too...good stuff, eh? : )

4. Februarie 2007, 05:51:49
Subiectul: Re: Anyone like this one lol!
Mousetrap: I loved that...never heard it played quite like that before..they are very talented : )

4. Februarie 2007, 05:37:40
Subiectul: Re: Joni
TexasToest: oh me too..and by no means did I mean to imply that her folk albums weren't as good..they are among my most treasured : )

4. Februarie 2007, 04:33:03
Subiectul: Joni
Mingus..that's the one I was thinking of

4. Februarie 2007, 04:32:36
Subiectul: Re:
TexasToest: doncha love it when ladies venture into jazz? I loved when Joni Mitchell did her jazzy albums Heirja? and another one, escapes me now...but quite a departure from her other folksy stuff or so I thought

4. Februarie 2007, 02:48:59
Subiectul: Re: Thanks, y'all
TexasToest: my pleasure..I was santana-ing out and felt the need to share
I think fiona is lovely...really like her style!

3. Februarie 2007, 22:57:36
Subiectul: Re: Fiona Apple
nivabef: oh awesome! Thanks so much! I love her and that's one of my all time favorite songs

3. Februarie 2007, 22:47:55
Subiectul: ..and if you can take JUST ONE MORE...

3. Februarie 2007, 22:24:49
Subiectul: another favorite of mine
I love when Carlos has guest singers
this one for those of you who don't know is Alex Ligertwood

a much younger Carlos

3. Februarie 2007, 22:22:26
Subiectul: I just can't listen to this song.....
...without getting up to dance!!!!!

30. Noiembrie 2006, 04:33:39
Subiectul: Re: Birthdays in music on 11-29
TexasToest: thanks for that Sister Texas....I didn't realize I was in such good company.
And yes, I think of George every birthday..I think I probably always will..thanks for thinking of me and posting!

14. Octombrie 2006, 23:01:38
Subiectul: Freddy Fender dies at age 69

11. Octombrie 2006, 03:36:23
Subiectul: Re:
awesome: thanks for that...probably my all time favorite song...and a beautiful video!

5. Octombrie 2006, 02:06:19
Subiectul: Re: 4th October...
Nirvana: *A*W*E*S*O*M*E*!!!!

Ironic that he's playing Voodoo Chile, a song of another lost magic man, Jimi Hendrix

and the next song on the list there was one of my favorites ..Stevie playing a cover of Jimi's Little Wing

I could listen to it all day

thanks Nirvana...those made my day!

5. Octombrie 2006, 01:49:54
Subiectul: Re: 4th October...
Nirvana: thanks for that post. She was so misunderstood.

I'd also like us to remember Stevie Ray Vaughn who was taken from us before his time.
Yesterday was his birthday.

Great talents, great Texans, great people ....

30. Septembrie 2006, 15:47:18
Subiectul: Re: Oh and...
TexasToest: how sad that I'm wracking my brain and can't come up with one good name to add to your list

30. Septembrie 2006, 15:45:59
Subiectul: Re: Three Cheers!!!
Pioneer54: what a list, but I don't see Eric Clapton on there or Carlos Santana- 2 of my all time favorites!

awesome: great clip of Eddie...that was a name that was high on my list as well!

Mad Monkey: I'm with ya on Brian May as well!

and some youngsters to note:
Jonny Lang
Kenny Wayne Shepherd
John Mayer

30. Septembrie 2006, 06:02:44
Subiectul: Re: Yeah! Really good stuff
TexasToest: I love Dogs
I always thought 'Animals' was a really underrated album....I loved it!

8. Septembrie 2006, 00:21:46
Subiectul: Re:
Nirvana: thanks for that Nirvana...always did love George the best....I think it's his song

7. Septembrie 2006, 23:03:11
Subiectul: Re: Yes, I have the Traveling Wilburys' collection, but on tape....
Modificat de baddessi (7. Septembrie 2006, 23:03:43)
TexasToest: actually, what I have is Travelin Wilbury's Volume #1 & Volume #3.
I don't think there is a volume 2
I'd love to have it if I've missed it tho. <i>Handle With Care</i> is my favorite : )

22. August 2006, 03:05:49
Subiectul: Re: Remember this guy?
Jim Dandy: what fun!!! Yeah, I remember him

Thanks for the post about BTO also : )

21. August 2006, 03:01:45
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: neither did I! Thanks!
Randy Backman was also in The Guess Who before BTO..did you know that? I just found that out recently too!

30. Iulie 2006, 03:16:50
Wu Hu is right...
I never heard of that- thanks guys : )
I don't know if U Tune is tied to WMP...just recently discovered them..

and yeah, Jim Dandy- any Dead song will do....can go on forever...and ever...and ever...

29. Iulie 2006, 03:39:55
Subiectul: Re:involuntary muscle twinge
Jim Dandy: nothing invlountary there!!! BIG BIG Smiles
Only a fellow deadhead would get this, but my buddy Matt and I could often jam on that song for well over an hour with just a couple of acoustic guitars...he'd take off on a solo and I'd strum along ,then we'd circle back around...and do it again..and again...and again....
loved the anime in that clip- thanks so much!!! : ))))

28. Iulie 2006, 04:19:04
Subiectul: Re:
Jim Dandy: involuntary muscle twinge??? is it kinda like a ripple in still water, when there is no pebble tossed, nor wind to blow?

Sorry- couldn't resist....I loved Jerry too...still do : )
Glad you enjoyed it. I know that little twinge well.........

28. Iulie 2006, 02:25:17
Modificat de baddessi (28. Iulie 2006, 02:26:07)
wow- you've all been busy here.

awesome & nivabeef- about the singing dogs, I believe you- my dogs sing too! Cool, huh?

And Toesty, it's not in 2 part harmony. It's in 3 part harmony. 3 of them part shepherd, one part black lab, and one 110 toto mix of some kind!!! LOL

Nirvana- thanks for the listings. I love our Los Lonely Boys. I'll give them a listen on TV tonight for sure.

Jim Dandy...yeah, they are cool- check them out if you can get the chance..Part Santana, Part Stevie Ray, and part their complete own style..great riffs, great harmonies, alot of young energy and talent- I think we'll see some great things from these kids in the future...these 3 brothers Rock!!!

This video must have been recorded at our 4th of July celebration in Houston earlier this month, when they played here- I saw this show : )))
Oh ok, on TV, ok, but it was just a few minutes drive to park where they played..couldn't get there for the crowds. Awesome fireworks display after the show...the lighted up buildings in the background are downtown Houston-my home.
Anyways, the old guy in the cowboy hat and white shirt is their proud Dad, Jesse, who's played in bands in Texas all his life. The band is his 3 sons who he taught to play. They asked him onstage to play Houston with them
The clip shows alot of crowd, and not enough of the boys, and gets cut off at the end, but gives you a taste of these Texas boys I love so much..had to share.
The drummer's name, btw, is Ringo....and yeah, he's named after who ya think

25. Iulie 2006, 12:47:23
Subiectul: Re:
WatfordFC: I don't know as much as some...I just love it.
I've learned alot tho from this, read, read and listen and enjoy- that's what it's all about!
Like Toesty said a few posts back, it really does heal the soul.
It soothes the savages beasts as well. Calms down my monster dogs anyways

24. Iulie 2006, 12:59:07
Nirvana- it is very nice to see you posting again : )

24. Iulie 2006, 12:58:39
Subiectul: Thanks...
for the support guys!
Groucho- a PHD is a stretch, but I appreciate the thought. I just try to do my best, can't ask for any more than that.

And nivabef, my sentiments exactly. I do love and appreciate music. I'd go as far as to say I live and breathe it! Can't imagine a life without it! Makes the world go around and brings people together

24. Iulie 2006, 04:28:02
Subiectul: Re:
Modificat de baddessi (24. Iulie 2006, 05:01:08)
MASTERMIND: that was uncalled for Al, you have no need to put me down on here. I don't have the record, so I don't know.
Since you do, why don't you tell us...

As a moderator of the board, I'm sure you understand I have to ask you to please refrain from any flaming. Enough now, ok?

24. Iulie 2006, 04:07:12
Subiectul: Re: Wow! Thanks!!!
MASTERMIND: that's good to hear. I've never doubted that you and UE know your music. I'll be the first to admit you probably know alot more about it than me.

23. Iulie 2006, 04:28:33
Subiectul: Re: Wow! Thanks!!!
TexasToest & NOT a Floosie:
Thanks for clearing that up. I appreciate it, and the support.

Toesty, I agree with what you said about Mike (UE) and his knowledge of Music.
Mike, I hope you have a better understanding of what happened and I sincerely hope you continue to share your knowledge of Music on this board for the rest of the site. You have alot to give. I hope you continue to share it with everyone.

23. Iulie 2006, 02:58:17
Subiectul: Re: Last one (for now)
Groucho: thanks- couldn't agree more. Glad to have you here Toesty! : )

23. Iulie 2006, 01:41:35
Subiectul: Re: Last one (for now)
Universal Eyes: One last point that I want to make perfectly clear is that I did NOT take over the board from you & Nirvana.
Members do not have the power to "take over boards"
I also never did anything to have you & Nirvana "eliminated from the site".
I don't want you & Nirvana eliminated from the site.
I was put on as a moderator by the globals, so please quit suggesting that I "took over the board".
That can not be done.

23. Iulie 2006, 01:38:28
Subiectul: Re: Last one (for now)
Universal Eyes: I will agree with you that Texas Toest knows her Music tho

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