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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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2. Decembrie 2008, 05:56:13
Subiectul: hex games
what about hex games like Abalone or hexagon could it work on this site?

15. Iunie 2008, 22:06:58
Subiectul: Re: having fun
Modificat de ScorpionOct64 (15. Iunie 2008, 22:27:27)
BrainBeast: what i dont understand is you say people have no money...but they can spend a few hundred or thousand on a computer but cant afford a membership...if there so hard up for money then sell the compuer and buy more food or clothes...why dont they?because they like taking advantage...quit making excuses for people taking advantage of this site...just admit to the truth...people are getting free games and are aloud to have unlimited say over paid members on the site....and us paid members are the second class...Fencer has a great site but needs to get his priorities straight

10. Iunie 2008, 07:01:52
Subiectul: Re: blocked list
rod03801: ty beef is not with you...i understand...and ty for clarifing your calm now ty for your respect on your last post...

10. Iunie 2008, 05:48:13
Subiectul: Re: blocked list ty so the last 2 treated me as a equal n with respect unlike just resigning all my pawn games and start to finish my games then just playing friends list only...its sad ive found this site to be the best but might have to leave...Fencer is great n fair im sure this site will be better but dont think i can wait...wish u all good luck...God bless n take care of you n yours

10. Iunie 2008, 05:17:55
Subiectul: Re: blocked list
Modificat de ScorpionOct64 (10. Iunie 2008, 05:18:56)
rod03801: as a PAID member you offended me!!!!! im trying to play my games but have to spend most of my time deleting msgs...what you dont understand is they think they run the site...but after your comment ill never be a member again...ty for your aragants..,.bye n good reedance

10. Iunie 2008, 04:15:27
Subiectul: blocked list
is it possible we can get a block list for all of same membership level?i get alot of msg from pawns saying what they want about me and saying there putting me on there blocked list...i find them a coward in doing this and it only makes them a bigger loser then they allready are...ty for any help

10. Iunie 2008, 04:10:28
Subiectul: waiting games
could it be possible when going to waiting games to show creators membership level? ive had many probs with pawns and no longer want to pick up games from them..i know when you click on it to accept you see there membership level but it would be quicker to see ahead of time and dont click..ty for any help

30. Aprilie 2008, 07:17:34
Subiectul: "Give or Take"
Modificat de ScorpionOct64 (30. Aprilie 2008, 07:18:01)
a checker type game take a look and see if youd like to see it on BK

24. Aprilie 2008, 04:24:35
Subiectul: photo album protection
Modificat de ScorpionOct64 (24. Aprilie 2008, 04:26:25)
I like the new feature but wonder if a left click protector could be used so for those who have family pics can stop people from for exsample copy and save your childs photo to use in a ill say bad manner....would like to hear your ideas ty

3. Martie 2008, 22:23:10
Subiectul: Re: speaking about card games ?
dicepro: I agree...this is allready the best site for board based can be the best card based game site as well...there is so much that can be done to corner both markets


2. August 2007, 23:48:47
Subiectul: just a idea
how about dominoes or scrabble on the site? what do you think?

26. Aprilie 2007, 00:34:33
Subiectul: Re: flags
Vikings: ty that makes things easier

26. Aprilie 2007, 00:11:28
Subiectul: Re: flags
Eriisa: ok ty so much

25. Aprilie 2007, 23:48:01
Subiectul: flags
Hi this site and I love meeting people from around the world...would it be possible to have a page where you can see all the flags and the name of the country beside it would limit asking each person in game chat each time you dont recognize their flag ...I only ask because some get offended if I dont know their maybe we can avoid this ty ..looking forward to your response


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